Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 11, 2016

33 42 49 52 54 93 106 112 319 | The retirement of Prince Fielder August 10, 2016, a tribute to Cecil Fielder +Death of Prince

Right away I'm saying, "Prince and prophecy, eh"?

Prophecy = 106
Prince said all we could go by was 'prophecy' (he also died by the numbers of prophet)

This news also comes 10-weeks and 6-days before the start of the World Series.

Prince = 7+9+9+5+3+5 = 38
Semien = 1+5+4+9+5+5 = 29/38
Fielder = 6+9+5+3+4+5+9 = 41
Prince Semien Fielder = 108/117 (Prince Fielder = 79)

*108 is part of the reason I picked Cubs to go to World Series this year

Prince = 16+18+9+14+3+5 = 65
Semien = 19+5+13+9+5+14 = 65
Fielder = 6+9+5+12+4+5+18 = 59 (Negro) (Slave) (Blues) (Tiger) (Born May 9)
Prince Semien Fielder = 189 (Prince Fielder = 124)

5/9/1984 = 5+9+19+84 = 117
5/9/1984 = 5+9+1+9+8+4 = 36
5/9/84 = 5+9+84 = 98 (Prophet) (Prophecy dollars... $106m....)

His August 10, 2016 retirement came exactly 93-days after his 32nd birthday.

Saturn = 93 (MLB Season began April 3, typically 93rd day of the year)

The day he retired, was also the 223rd day of the year.

Masonic = 223
The Synagogue of Satan = 223

It was also a date right for finishing a 'baseball' career.

8/10/2016 = 8+10+20+16 = 54 (Baseball)

I am quite certain his 'neck' injury is a hoax, made for this purposeful retirement by the numbers.

Neck = 5+5+3+2 = 15
Injury = 9+5+1+3+9+7 = 34
Neck Injury = 49 (Revelation = 49) (Revelation, book of 'prophecy)

Neck = 14+5+3+11 = 33
Injury = 9+14+10+21+18+25 = 97
Neck Injury = 130

He is currently playing for the right team to go out with this 'prophecy' sum of money, $106m.

Cecil Fielder is currently 52-years old, and was born on a date with '93' birth numerology, September 21, 1963.

9/21/63 = 9+21+63 = 93 (Saturn) (Saturn is keeper of time)

Cecil = 3+5+3+9+3 = 23
Grant = 7+9+1+5+2 = 24
Fielder = 6+9+5+3+4+5+9 = 41
Cecil Grant Fielder = 88 (Cecil Fielder = 64)

Cecil = 3+5+3+9+12 = 32
Grant = 7+18+1+14+20 = 6
Fielder = 6+9+5+12+4+5+18 = 59
Cecil Grant Fielder = 97 (Cecil Fielder = 91)

9/21/1963 = 9+21+19+63 = 112 (Houston) (112th World Series)
9/21/1963 = 9+21+(1+9+6+3) = 49 (Revelation) (Neck Injury)
9/21/1963 = 9+2+1+1+9+6+3 = 31
9/21/63 = 9+21+63 = 93 (Saturn)

His son's retirement comes 42-days before his 53rd birthday.  Think about Jackie Robinson and '42'.  Again, '42' and '59' are the numbers stamped on black people.

Also, speaking of '112', Prince died on the 112th day of the year, and now Prince Fielder retired in a span of 112-days later.  Prince was 5'2" and said all we could live by was prophecy.

The 'Tigers' really sent over a pain the 'neck', didn't they?

Tigers = 2+9+7+5+9+1 = 33

Tiger = 20+9+7+5+18 = 59 (Fielder)

You have to love that CC was owed $33.6m.

With regards to him retiring at '32', that is a tribute to his father and 'America'.  His father's name is 'Cecil'.

Below are Pince's stats, notice he finished with 319-home runs, just like his father.

Notice the '98' RBIs, connecting to his birth numerology and 'prophet'.

'RBI', for 'run batted in', connects to his father's name.


  1. Nice! Think this is a prophecy for Rangers to fall to Houston in the playoffs? Rangers are the current favorites in the American League

  2. Or is it a clue for the Rangers to go to the world series?

  3. Or is it a clue for the Rangers to go to the world series?

  4. Three Hundred Nineteen = 1143, 216, 1296, 108.
    I see the 108 connection to Chicago again and 216 for 2016.

  5. Also, Fielder was traded to Texas in exchange for Ian Kinsler.
    Ian Kinsler = 112, 49/58/67.
    112 for Houston and 112th World series again. 49 for the Revelation and Neck injury.

  6. You blind sheep, its so obvious Texas is making WS. They have the best team lol

  7. we shouldn't also forget how espn "predicted" the ian kinsler - prince fielder trade in a commercial they did. they were sitting watching baseball on tv talking about trading each other.


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