Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 18, 2016

33 46 47 67 106 | Donald Trump's August 22, 2016, TIME magazine and Akron, Ohio (James A. Rhodes Arena)

Donald Trump is set to be the cover of TIME magazine, August 22, 2016, the 235th day of the year.  Notice the word on the potential cover, 'Meltdown'.  It has the same gematria as his destination for that same date, August 22.

Notice this article was written 11-days before the cover, August 11, a date that can be written 11/8, just like November 8, election day.  Death = 118 (Jewish Gematria)

On this same day, he is scheduled to be in Akron, Ohio for his campaign for President.

Checkout the name of the building he'll be in while at Akron.

The location matches the date of the event, Trump's birth year and the word 'sacrifice'.

8/22/16 = 8+22+16 = 46

That date can be written 22/8.

United States of America = 228; Martin Luther King Jr. = 228; Death = 228

Let us not forget this card from the Illuminati Card Games, 'Hit and Run'.

Notice the 235 on the car.  August 22, 2016 is the 235th day of the year.  '666', the other number on the card, also connects to prophecy, just like '106'.

Rhodes also has that special '33' gematria.  Think about JFK, shot in the middle of Dealey, Plaza, named after a 33rd Degree Master Mason.

If we go for the full name, James. A Rhodes Arena, it comes back to 'blood sacrifice' and 'Freemasonry'.

Freemasonry = 67; George Washington dead at 67...


  1. Almost looks like the same graphic designer did the Card and the Cover. Eerie.

  2. Remember, Road Rage = 228.

  3. Oh wow, is that all it takes? Critical thinking as defined by you. Gee thanks ever do much for that bullshit comment. Thanks for setting us dumb kids straight. What a good deed you did today, sir. Thanks ever so much.

  4. The word Neptune is hidden in TrumpPence. Besides the obvious Trumpets wordplay

    1. I've always looked at words and phrases in this manner but have never discussed it with anyone before. I just attributed it to being so dominantly left handed and right brained.

  5. 811 days since Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes was published until 8-22. Book is about a guy who runs a Mercedes thru a crowd of people. Anyhow, the name of the city where the story takes place is never said, but they drop the name of a County once, Huron County, which is in Ohio. Were Trump to be hit or something then die the next day on 8-23, that would be exactly 116 weeks since the book came out.

    1. Stephen Edwin King
      B: Sept 21, 1947
      StephenEd WinKing
      One eye open, one closed
      Wink wink

      He seems to be this cycles William Shakespeare. Outrageously prolific, cleverly weaving mythological, biblical themes and Jewish folktales and refrences that seem dubious that one guy could have mastered that kind of knowledge at such a young age.
      I was thinking his name was used as nom de plume for a group of writers like Shakespeare, but eh who knows.
      Ever read the TommyKnockers? About aliens using people as batteries from what I recall.

    2. Awesome work brother! And yes, I remember that film Prunella, good memory.

    3. I have read most his junk. Tommyknockers was a pretty creepy tale. The poem was the creepiest part.

      Late last night and the night before
      Tommyknockers, Tommyknockers knocking at my door

      The Tommyknockers-1011

    4. So King will turn 69 the day before on 8-21. Curious.

    5. And yes, I think there is a team of Kings making one Stephen. Stephen means King, btw, crowned one.

    6. The winking crowned king seems like an Odin refrence.
      Coast to coast
      Portland, ME
      Portland, OR

      ME as in Magnetic Electric
      Maine 23rd state
      Oregon 3rd

      Steven spelled with a V is Events.

      My favorite Stephen King movie is Maximum Overdrive I think it's called, the one wth Emilio Estevez where a passing comet makes all the machines come to life. It also stars the chick who voices Lisa Simpson.

    7. Oops Portland, Oregon 33rd state

    8. That is the only King movie actually directed by Stephen King. He also does the Hitchcock thing and shows up in all his movies. In that one an ATM machine tells him to fuck off.

    9. Maximum Overdrive-2233=World War Three

      Makes sense to me.

  6. Akron, Ohio
    A and O
    Both blood types

    I think Ohio has some connection with Hawaii
    50th state
    17th state

    1. Ohio, 17th state. Kill = 17. Interesting.

  7. Brady had death in the family last week and today he "Slices" his thumb during warm ups.

  8. And what is up with those

    Four Black Lines--148, 888

    Coming down the toupee?

    1. Bloody Toupee-155, 930

      Blood in the Toupee-186, 1116, 708

      Cranial Fracture-150, 900

      Cracking Skulls-160, 960

    2. Interesting speculative gematria.

    3. I dabble in Gematria Fiction. Helps to tell the future. Zion casts a constant foreshadow over all of us.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Perfect magazine for this story
    Time -- 47/20/144 (Ohio)

    And the two words on the cover:
    Time Meltdown -- 153/54/1293

    This combination of words matches 44 the kill number
    Forty Four - 6+6+9+2+7+6+6+3+9 = 54 ER 144 SE

    Will we have meltdown of time in Akron

    1. Edel Rodriguez -- 149/77/969

      Good old Saturn number in JE

    2. Can't have an El without a little luci love.

  10. What kind of man calls a woman a bitch on the internet who he doesn't know and who hasn't insulted him? These accounts come across as 'Mike Manning'. As they say, don't feed the trolls.

  11. It's more fishing than feeding and insults are subjective.

    But duly noted.

  12. I see the devil horns above his head

  13. Shit, Akron my hometown.. The university of Akron (a horribly Masonic school) just fired their president and put in a new stooge. The school is completely bankrupt. They're the Akron Zips= 48. Isn't there some big 48 connection to trump?

    1. The schools address in 302 buchtel ave. 32 a huge number for the United States. Buchtel = 26 like god. The schools motto, Fiat Lux= 93 which means, let there be light = 75 the schools current president has name gematria of 57.

    2. If trump bites the bucket in Akron it'll most certainly be partially a sacrifice for Lebron James Stephen curry and Nate Thurmond all 3 born in Akron.

    3. James A Rhodes is directly responsible for the Kent state killings. At the time he was governor of Ohio. Kent state is Akron University's rival. Four dead in Ohio = 666, 144. The shooting happened 46 years ago!!!!

    4. Awesome work friend. Donald Trump = 48

  14. Melt Donald John Trump" in the English Ordinal system equals 235

    Donald J. Trump Melting" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    Donald J. Trump Melting" in the English Ordinal system equals 228

    The Cover Reminded me of Oz When The Witch Gets The Bucket and Melts.

    Wicked Witch of the West Hillary" in the English Reduction system equals 135 / 144

    Scarecrow Donald" in the English Reduction system equals 65 / 74

    144-74= .. 70 .. (Donald is 70)

    Wicked Witch of the West Scarecrow" in the English Reduction system equals 137

    Wicked Witch Kills Scarecrow" in the English Reduction system equals 115

    The Wizard of Oz Election" in the English Ordinal system equals 259

    The Wizard of Oz Election" in the English Reduction system equals 115

    259- 115= .. 144 ..
    (259 as in two kills before the Election?)

    I'm Melting I'm Melting" in the English Reduction system equals 96

    What A World What A World" in the English Reduction system equals 88

    I'm Melting" in the English Reduction system equals 48

    What A World " in the English Reduction system equals 44

    Bucket of water" in the English Reduction system equals 51

    1. Middle " in the English Ordinal system equals 47

      Middle " in the English Reduction system equals 29

      Middle Name" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      John Rodham" in the English Reduction system equals 52

      John Rodham" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

      Akron Ohio" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

      Akron Ohio" in the English Reduction system equals 52

      Emerald City" in the English Reduction system equals 52

      Emerald City" in the English Ordinal system equals 115

      Emerald" in the English Ordinal system equals 58

      Akron " in the English Ordinal system equals 59

  15. On Monday 22 August 2016, he will be 70 years & 70 days (or 70 years & 69 days), as he was born Friday 14 June 1946

  16. From Prince's death to 8/22 is 123 days. 123 = conspiracy. 123 rearranged is also 213.

  17. Melted Wax Dummy--183=Order out of Chaos


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