Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, August 11, 2016

33 49 77 | August 11 & 12, 2016 bombings in Thailand, seemingly connected to Thailand turning 77-years old June 23, 2016

This news comes 49-days, or 7-weeks, after the 77th birthday of the name 'Thailand'.

777... (Order Out of Chaos = 777)

Thailand = 2+8+1+9+3+1+5+4 = 33
6/23/1939 = 6+2+3+1+9+3+9 = 33

Notice the 1-month and 19-days.  All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119

The 'eight' blasts ties in with this coming 49-days after turning 77-years old with the name 'Thailand'.

7x7 = 49

I was thinking about the Erawan Shrine bombing.  It took place August 17, 2015, 361-days earlier.  Erawan Shrine has gematria of '63', connecting to 2016.  It is interesting how they say its not connected, while saying they have no idea who is responsible for this attack.

If you just read the words in mainstream media reporting, they never add up.

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