Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, August 20, 2016

37 42 44 49 58 142 163 | Daniel Rowe, accused of stabbing interracial couple, Washington State, August 20, 2016 news

Interracial couple stabbed after kiss = 136/163/343
*Barack Hussein Obama = 163
*Make America Great Again = 163
*163, the 38th prime (Death = 38) (Change = 38)

This story comes straight from the 47th Parallel North, the capital of Washington State, the 42nd state.

Washington = 5+1+1+8+9+5+7+2+6+5 = 49/58 (Kiss = 11+9+19+19 = 58) (Freemasonry = 58)

This is a story of a man and woman being stabbed by a white supremacist, because they were kissing, as an interracial couple, black and white.

The location of the stabbing, Olympia, also connects to today's date numerology.

8/20/2016 = 8+20+(2+0+1+6) = 37

The name of the attacker is 'Daniel Rowe'.  His initials stand out right away.

D=4; R=18=9 (Washington = 49) (Revelation = 49

Notice how his name connects to prophecy, like Revelation, the book of prophecy.

Daniel = 4+1+5+9+5+3 = 27
Rowe = 9+6+5+5 = 25
Daniel Rowe = 52 (Prophecy)

Daniel = 4+1+14+9+5+12 = 45
Rowe = 18+15+23+5 = 61
Daniel Rowe = 106 (Prophecy)

It is Revelation 3:7, that talks about the Church of Philadelphia, the name of the capital of the United States before Washington D.C.  This incident comes from the Capital of Washington State, named after the same person as the capital.

Let us not forget the gematria of 'white supremacist'.

Laura Wohl is an interesting name as well.  Let us not fogey that 'prophecy' sums to '666' in Jewish Gematria, or that 'OFFicer' begins with a '666'.

In Pythagorean Gematria, her name is interesting too.

The detail about 'skinhead' also connects to today's date numerology.

8/20/16 = 8+20+16 = 44
Skinhead = 1+2+9+5+8+5+1+4 = 35/44

White Power also connects to Washington being the 42nd State.


  1. That neck tattoo must have been drawn on fast if the link below is really showing his booking picture after the so called incident occurred.

    Check the booking pic:

    The Zack Effron haircut is hilarious also, because his hair seemingly grew overnight like the tattoo.

  2. Neck tattoo? I thought he was wearing a dickey.


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