Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

40 | Global central banks dump U.S. debt at record pace, August 16, 2016 reporting

8/16/16 = 8+16+16 = 40 (United States)

If you don't understand this article, the way to think about is like this:  If the world financial markets were a human body, and they were starving, this article would be about how the body is now eating its own fat to survive.  It can only do that for so long.

I'm also reminded of the song BBHMM, and the 23/9 symbolism.  Recall, the French Republican Calendar year ends September 22, and the new year begins September 23.

Yom Kippur takes places this year October 11 and October 12, the Jewish holy day having to do with debt forgiveness.

10/11/2016 = 10+11+20+16 = 57 (Jews)


  1. So ... despite the "End Is Near" hype throughout the article, the most relevant statement is actually in the final paragraph ... right? What a crock of confabulated bull shit.
    Anyway, these figures pale in comparison to the Trillions handed over in the Bail-Out. But it's all semantic games anyway -- since there's never been enough gold mined in history to "back" such ridiculous amounts of False Currency.

    192 billion = "More than double 83 billion" ...
    83 X 2 = 166 ... 192 - 166 = 26
    26 = GOD ...
    Why does this not surprise me?? ;D :D

  2. Pour Money Down the Drain--277

    Flush Money Down the Toilet--308

    Stranded on the Toilet--811(Currency), 228(United States of America)

    Green Toilet Paper--186, 627(Coming truth)

  3. Check out what your jokes led to: "FRAUDULENT FINANCING" = 811 (Jewish) ...
    199 (Pyth/Simple) ... 1194 (Eng)

    Other 811 (Jewish): ** Commingling Of Illicit Funds **
    Deep Horizon (the Gulf oil spill ...)
    The One Percenter Club
    Mental Torture
    Hurts Others
    State Troopers
    Pink Shirt Day

    811 is NOT used for ANY Area Code ... It is Reserved For SPECIAL APPLICATIONS.

    Also -- "800" is NOT represented in Jewish Gematria ...
    It skips from 700 = V ... to 900 = W. Because "800" is Holy -- ie. "SPECIAL".

    8 X 11 = 88 ... In Jewish that is 80 (= R) + 8 (= H) ... "RH"
    "RH" -- as in Blood Typing ... & Royal House of ...
    Hebraically (right to left) it is "HR" -- as in HOUSE OF ROTHSCHILD ... & Her/His Royal (Majesty, Highness, Eminence, etc.) ... & Human Resources

    As the Jews say about words with the same Gematria -- This Means They're ALL CONNECTED ... !!

    BTW -- Green Toilet Paper ... HILARIOUS!! ;D :D


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