Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, August 21, 2016

47 61 62 75 | Fat Lou the Jew Pearlman, manager of N'Sync and Backstreet Boys dies (Ritual sacrifice for 2016 NBA Finals)

There is a connection in the names Backstreet Boys and N'Sync that goes beyond the awful music this names encapsulate.  And in light of what the Jewish owners of the record industry like to do with their musicians, what is the name 'backstreet' really about anyway?

Backstreet = 2+1+3+2+1+2+9+5+5+2 = 32/41/50
Boys = 2+6+7+1 = 16/25
Backstreet Boys = 48/57/66/75

Backstreet = 2+1+3+11+19+20+18+5+5+20 = 104
Boys = 2+15+25+19 = 61
Backstreet Boys = 165

N'Sync = 5+1+7+5+3 = 21/30
N'Sync = 14+19+25+14+3 = 75

Notice how both groups have gematria of 75.  New World Order = 75 (Jewish world order)

Fat Lou was a Jew.  Notice he died at age 62.  A nice 'rhyme'.

Torah = 62
Mason = 62

Louis = 3+6+3+9+1 = 22/31 (Lou = 3+6+3 = 12)
Jay = 1+1+7 = 9
Pearlman = 7+5+1+9+3+4+1+5 = 35
Louis Jay Pearlman = 66/75 (N'Sync) (Backstreet Boys)
Lou Pearlman = 47 (Agent) (Authority)

Louis = 12+15+21+9+19 = 76 (Lou = 12+15+21 = 48)
Jay = 10+1+25 = 36
Pearlman = 16+5+1+18+12+13+1+14 = 80
Louis Jay Pearlman = 192
Lou Pearlman = 128

Lou was born to a Jewish family in New York, just like almost everyone else in the entertainment industry.  Is it any surprise he has a '47' nickname?  In case you're new here, that is the year the Zionist State of Israel was established.

Notice his birthday was the same day the Cavs won the NBA Finals, June 19, 2016.  That is the same birthday as the real 'King James'.

6/19/1954 = 6+19+19+54 = 98
6/19/1954 = 6+19+(1+9+5+4) = 44 (Kill) (King James)
6/19/1954 = 6+1+9+1+9+5+4 = 35 (King James) (Pearlman)
6/19/54 = 6+19+54 = 79 (Murder) (Champion)

8/19/2016 = 8+19+20+16 = 63 (63 and 2016 relationship)
8/19/2016 = 8+19+(2+0+1+6) = 36 (Cavaliers)
8/19/2016 = 8+1+9+2+0+1+6 = 27 (# of points LeBron scored, June 19)
8/19/16 = 8+19+16 = 43 (Champion)

His death comes 61-days after the close of the NBA Finals, where both teams met in Game 7 with 610-points scored through the first 6-games, and on a date with '61' numerology.

6/19/2016 = 6+19+20+16 = 61

If you count the total span of days, it is '62', just like his age of death.

The 8-weeks and 5-days is also noticeable.


  1. Backstreet used to be a gay hangout in Atlanta, so I always thought that.

    1. remember that ICONIC Pimp C interview when he was talking about all the gay rappers in Atalanta in what seemed like seconds before his untimely death?

    2. Oh yes. You gotta get down if you wanna get up.

    3. end of the first song on Nas' album, God's Son.

      "how we ever gonna get up if that's how we get down?"

  2. Producer Sandy Pearlman passed away July 26, 2016, aged 72:

  3. "Bye, Bye, Bye"
    Bye Bye Bye in Jewish 1221 (Tower of Babel, Baal Worship)
    Bye Bye Bye in English Gematria: 576
    Bye Bye Bye in English ordinal Gematria: 96

  4. "Bye, Bye, Bye"
    Bye Bye Bye in Jewish 1221 (Tower of Babel, Baal Worship)
    Bye Bye Bye in English Gematria: 576
    Bye Bye Bye in English ordinal Gematria: 96


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