Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

83 223 | ESPN's August 10, 2016 college football preview

Here's a nice shot from ESPN.  8 and 3, eh?  Tom Brady, former Michigan QB, was born 8/3.

Strangley enough, my most active post has 83 views according to 'Google stats', and it is about football as well.  Hmmm...

For the record, this wasn't supposed to be part of the post, but then I just saw it right before I hit the post button...

Also, today, August 10, 2016, is the 223rd day of the year.

Masonic = 223
The Synagogue of Satan = 223

I'm sure there's gems in the article, but for now I don't have time.


  1. Boy the Freemasons that owns Google are trolling you!! Haha, assholes!! BTW: Expect me to decode the gematria of "Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location" on my blog "Five Nights At Freddy's" is a popular video game series on YouTube that will have a movie and will soon be available on video game consoles. The reason why I'm interested in this series is not because I was a fan before I was awake, but because I feel that this series is subliminally telling us the truth. For instance, the lore of the series (even though it is still ongoing) wasn't transparent, and was only solved by examining crucial small details, brightening up gameplay sometimes, and doing more investigations which isn't clear, but is in front of you (does it remind you of something? I do.). I also think it could be predictive programming as well. So if you are interested in the gematria breakdown of "Five Nights at Freddy's" and other "news" related to freemasonic character "game developer Scott Cawthon", expect me to post articles online this month if not the end of this week. In the meantime, keep up the good work Zach!

    1. I've played that game, only a sick human being could come up with a concept like that expressed in the game. I've only played the first one but I've heard that the sequels get worse and worse.


    Zach can you check this article. Black swimmer, finished 59th place, his personal best is 59 seconds, and he's 5'9.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Breaking BS NEWS: climber invades the Trump tower and supposedly breach security. I want you to decode the gematria and post it on your blog. I will try to post my findings on my blog ( time permitting.

  4. Zach, do you know any significance of the number 319? Prince Fielder retired and he hit the same number of home runs as his father Cecil Fielder. I think it's worth looking into. We know there are a lot of father son connections for football like Luck and Mannings fathers. Fielder is probably a clue for something

  5. hey zach just curious if you have done any NCAA football championship work yet? I couldn't find any but i wanted to get ur take on michigan and jim harbaugh as there coach with the colts connection


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