Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 16, 2016

13 33 41 46 59 106 153 | The killing of Tyre King by Columbus Ohio police, Bryan Mason

Boy with BB gun shot = 75/84/210 (New World Order = 75) (United States of America = 84)

The boy's name yesterday was Tyree King, now it is just Tyre King.  The last name "King" is no coincidence.

Tyre = 2+7+9+5 = 23
King = 2+9+5+7 = 23/32
Tyre King = 46/55 (Sacrifice = 46/55) (Chicago = 46) (Chaos = 46) (BB Gun)

Tyre = 20+25+18+5 = 68 (MLK assassinated in '68)
King = 11+9+14+7 = 41 (USA)
Tyre King = 109 (29th prime) (Ohio = 29)

Further, notice that 'King' was 13-years old.  Again, 41 is the 13th prime.

As for MLK, he was killed on April 4, 1968.  4/4/1968 = 4+4+19+68 = 95 (59, mirror of 95)

Walter Scott, 47-year anniversary of MLK assassination

Remember, Saturn is the keeper of time.  Thus the 'waistband' detail.

Black and white, here we go again.

Columbus, Ohio is also the land of 'prophecy'.

Columbus = 3+6+3+3+4+2+3+1 = 25/34
Ohio = 6+8+9+6 = 29
Columbus, Ohio = 54/63

Columbus = 3+15+12+21+13+2+21+19 = 106 (Prophecy) (Destroy)
Ohio = 15+8+9+15 = 47 (Foundation) (Framework) (Authority)
Columbus, Ohio = 153 (The Illuminati) (Prime Numbers) (153, often paired with 42)

The date of the killing confirms the hoax, Wednesday, September 14, 2016.

9/14/2016 = 9+14+20+16 = 59

Recall, AIDS was discovered in '59, in the 'Bavarian Congo', at least so they say.

'59' is also the number related to killing.

Recall how the LAPD beat Rodney King on March 3, 1991.  March 3, 3/3...

The man who shot him was Bryan MASON.

Bryan = 2+9+7+1+5 = 24
Mason = 4+1+1+6+5 = 17/26
Bryan Mason = 41/50

Bryan = 2+18+25+1+14 = 60 (Police = 33/60)
Mason = 13+1+19+15+14 = 62
Bryan Mason = 122 (Freemason = 122, Francis Bacon Method)

The police are always used in the 'race war' headlines, because they are owned by the Freemasons, who use the tactics of divide and conquer.

This nation has always been obsessed with guns.  The Mayor should come out and say he and his fellow Freemasons are obsessed with divide and conquer.

There is also this story from last year on a 'Tyree King'.


  1. Replica gun = 106, 52 (Prophecy)
    Waistband = 93

  2. The police chief was a woman named Kim, which is a 33 name.

    Police Chief Kim Jacobs = 174/93
    Columbus Police = 58

  3. And many times it's an eighth-grader for a reason...

    "Eighth-Grader" = 74

  4. Suicide kill 25 in Pakistan
    9+1+6+2+1+6=25(number of people killed)
    6 children, two under 10 were killed, 4 children over 10 injured, You se the 42 at play
    Bomb went off in the hall of mosque, capacity 100-150, 15 yr anniversary of 9-11, difference of 50 america
    Prime minister Nawaz Sharif= 126(suicide attack) 54, suicide attack also have 45
    Prime minister currently 66 years old, 12th prime minister, born 12/25/1949
    From this story to bday is 100 days or 3 months and 9 days, 14 weeks and 2 days,
    you got 100,39,and 142
    he was born on the 12th month his the 12th minister, 25th day, 25 kill,
    1+2+2+5+1+9+4+9=33(alot of false flags with this one)

    reporter Naveed Akbar=39 and 84, numbers important to france and NY
    seems to be some tribute to paris bombing and 9-11
    Naveed=24, 51(conspiracy) Akbar=33(false flag), 15 conspiracy reflection/ 9-11 anniversary
    Jamaat-ul-Ahra=107, 35 last attack was on 8/8 targeted lawyers and journalist, kill 72
    Jamaat= 46 and 10 Ul Ahra=25, 61(18th prime)

    1. Naveed Akbar is the assistant administrator for the agency

  5. Ezekiel 28
    A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

  6. "Boy with BB Gun Shot" = 210 = "Superbowl Champion"
    "Two Hundred Ten" = 171
    "October Seventh" = 171

    From October 7th to Superbowl 51 is 121 Days:
    "Revelation = 121"

    121 is a re-scramble of 112:
    "One Hundred Eighty Seven" = 112
    "Andrew Luck" = 112
    "Houston" = 112
    "Zionist" = 112

    "Boy with BB Gun Shot" = 75
    "Seventy Five" = 152 = "Superbowl LI"

  7. Hi Zachary,
    Thank you for all your hard work! I'm still very new to Gematria but I wonder if this story is potentially linked to the death of the Queen and the start of 'King' Charles? Maybe I am barking up the wrong tree though!!

    In the UK we spell car 'tyre' the same way as the name in this story. On 6th July the Queen had an official engagement at the Michelin Tyre factory in Dundee, Scotland, which has been making tyres for '44' Years.

    '73' days from the date of the 'Tyre King' story of 14th September = 26th November. (I'm not sure but I think I remember the 26th November as a potential date, amongst others, re the Queen being mentioned in one of your videos.)

    Michelin = 73
    Dundee = 26 (English Reduction)

    'King Charles' = 53
    Dundee = 53 (English Ordinal)

    From the Queen's visit on 6th July to the Tyre King story is 71 days (from & including). The driver, Charles, in the Tyre King story was 71.

    From the Queen's visit on 6th July to the 26th November is '144' days (from & including).

    The Queen also opened Slessor Gardens on the same trip.
    Slessor = 26 (Reduction)
    Slessor = 107 (Ordinal)
    King Charles = 107

    Tyre = 68
    Charles will be 68 in November.

    On the same day, 14th September, as the Tyre King story, Prince Charles allegedly hit a deer on the Balmoral Estate.

    'Hit Deer' = 88
    Elizabeth = 88
    Balmoral Estate = 144
    Balmoral Castle = 44
    Balmoral = 74

    From 14th September to 26th November = 74 days.

    Also on 14th September it was reported that a replica of Buckingham Palace had been built at 'Poundbury' (Prince Charles' model town in Dorset). The replica building is called Strathmore House, although the locals have allegedly been referring to it as 'Buck House'.

    Buck House = 33
    Buckingham Palace = 64
    Poundbury = 46 (reflection)
    Strathmore = 47 (reflection of 74, Balmoral and 74 days)

    As I say, I may be finding connections that aren't really relevant but maybe some others can also look into it and see if it is connected? Thanks!


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