Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 1, 2016

13 58 63 117 | CNN and the CIA, September 1, 2016 reporting on ZIKA virus in Miami Beack, FL

As the "Truth Virus" loves to say, "CIA CNN".

CIA = 3+9+1 = 13 (Simple English)
CNN = 3+5+5 = 13 (Pythagorean)

Today's date, September 1, has a connection to '13' as well.  September 1 is a lot like '91'.  If you sum 1-13, it totals 91.

1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91

Here's another CIA link.

The headline also has the 2016 connection.  Recall, CNN's Zika propaganda began on New Year's Day, 2016.  It was truly the front page New Year's story.

If you sum 1-63, it totals 2016 (Just like 1-13 sums to 91)

Again, who is 'THEY'?

We, are part of THEY.

United = 3+5+9+2+5+4 = 28; States = 1/10+2+1+2+5+1/10 = 12/30; United States = 40/58


  1. Here's a mass text that was sent out today at 9:33

    "September is National Preparedness Month. Be ready for the next disaster.

    Prepare an emergency kit and an emergency plan. See for info."

    1. Id say 09/07/16 is a day to pay attention to:
      9 + 7 + 20 + 16 = 52
      "Prophecy" = 52

      "Civil War" = 97

      "National Preparedness Month" = 116 & 1776 <====
      "Four Hundred Forty Four" = 116 [Upside down 911]
      "Masonic" = 444

      "Be Ready" = 33 & 60
      "Conspiracy" = 60

      At 9:33 am, it is the 573rd minute of the day:
      "Five Hundred Seventy Three" = 120 & 156 <===
      "False Flag" = 156

      "Five Seven Three" = 82 & 163
      "Ritual Sacrifice" = 82
      "Barack Hussein Obama" = 163 [38th Prime]
      "Death" = 38

  2. Off the current topic but this CNBC article ties into your Janet Yellen gematria post from Jackson Hole

    "Why the Fed probably won't like the jobs report Friday" in the English Reduction system equals 223

    The author of the article "Jeff Cox" in the English Reduction system equals 33

  3. More to this..
    Differnt article same day headline
    If Friday's jobs number disappoints, this factor will be blamed. = 234. (432)= 666
    The time is ripe for a rate hike=138

    1. Everybody should be expecting an "October Surprise" in an election year.

      "October Surprise" = 77 <==

      It is pretty interesting that from now till the election the first day to have 77 Date Numerology is 10/31/16.

      10/31 kind of like 131
      "Championship" = 131
      "Mass Murder" = 131
      "Assassinated" = 131

      That day also has a Date Numerology of 57:
      "Fifty Seven" = 131

      That day also has Date Numerology of 14:
      "USA" = 14

      October 31st is Halloween:
      "Halloween" = 41, 95, 1049
      "Mass Murder" = 41 [ 13th Prime ] and Reflection of USA = 14

      "October Surprise" = 95 = "Halloween" = "One World Government" = 95

      It is interesting that "Halloween" = 1049 J, kind of like 149:
      "Shull and Bones" = 149

      "Skull and Bones" = 41 = "Mass Murder"

      October 31st is "Eight Days" = 44 before the Election

      If you include Halloween then the election is:
      "Nine Days Later" = 57 [Matches Date Numerology]

  4. Wow, good call!

    I'm thinking we may see the jobs report beat expectations, two bearish articles with 223 & 666 gematria trying to get the crowd bearish

    Jeff Cox wrote both those articles, his name = 33

    Labor Day = 33

  5. That 1-13 = 91 or 9/1. Helped me lookin for twins snapping their 13 loss streak

  6. ah, the 91 connection to the Pats/Giants game that was 9-10 for oh so very long.


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