Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, September 19, 2016

19 39 42 46 91 | Lamar Jackson, 19-year old Louisville QB, & the death of Muhammad Ali, June 3, 2016

VT = 22+20 = 42 (Virginia Tech, where Vick played)

What I notice about Lamar Jackson right away, is that he has the same birthday as Muhammad Ali, January 17.

Of course Muhammad Ali is from Louisville and died in Phoenix from Parkinson's.

The first game of Louisville's season was played September 1, 2016.

9/1/2016 = 9+1+20+16 = 46

The name 'Lamar Jackson' also has gematria of '46'.

Lamar = 3+1+4+1+9 = 18
Jackson = 1+1+3+2+1/10+6+5 = 19/28
Lamar Jackson = 37/46

Notice he was born in Pompano Beach, just north of where Muhammad Ali became boxing champion of the world '64.

From his 19th birthday (remember, Muhammad Ali had a 19-mile funeral procession), to the date of his first game with Louisville, September 1, 2016, was 228-days.  From the date Muhammad Ali died, June 3, 2016, to September 1, was 91-days.  The date can be written 9/1 or 1/9.

When you sum every number 1-13, it totals 91.

Their next game was September 9, a date written 9/9.  Thirteen = 99

The number 13 divides into the number 39.

Their first four opponents all have '39' name gematria.

Charlotte = 3+8+1+9+3+6+2+2+5 = 39
Syracuse = 1+7+9+1+3+3+1/10+5 = 30/39
Seminoles = 1/10+5+4+9+5+6+3+5+1/10 = 39/57
Marshall = 4+1+9+1/10+8+1+3+3 = 30/39

Muhammad Ali died in Arizona, one of two states with a gematria of '39'.

Arizona = 1+9+9+8+6+5+1 = 39
New York = 5+5+5+7+6+9+2 = 39

The Week 3 game against Florida St. really pops out, with the final score 63-20.  The sum of the score is '83', the football number.

As for the 63-points that Louisville won with. the Prophet Muhammad died at age 63.  This year, Muhammad Ali died at age 74, on 6/3, 63-days before the start of the Summer Olympics in Rio.  Also, if you sum 1 through 63, it totals 2016.

Keep in Mind Muhammad Ali was born in '42, and contracted Parkinson's at age 42.

As for dying at age 74, I predicted that would happen in 2014.

Remember, Muhammad Ali opened up the '96 Olympics in Atlanta, on the 33rd Parallel, the same parallel he died on in Phoenix.

This is all part of the New World Order agenda by the numbers.  Check the birth place of Lamar Jackson.

It's always the same numbers.

Of course 93 is the reflection of 39.  Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. both dead at 39.

As for the Heisman talk, remember, Ali just passed on the 33rd parallel.


  1. How do the ones in power control these players such as Lamar Jackson (On the field/off the field) to the point of perfect correlation?

    1. Do they handpick these players (based on birthday and birthplace)? And influence their entire lives to the point of NFL?

    2. these birth certificates HAVE to be forged/altered. more and more you see young men reported as 19-22 yet they are just GROWN MEN. I mean, the whole conjecture around Pujols wanting 10 years $300M and the Cardinals refusing was no DH in the NL and there's been speculation for a long time that his birth certificate is not on the up and up, saying he's younger than he actually is.

      how many 19 year olds you know do what this man at Louisville does???

    3. My guess is that they make up 3 groups:

      1.) Orphans raised by the church or the government, recruited into the military and trained and scripted to a specific career path.

      2.) Blood Line relationship of the appropriate Jewish and Freemasonic Family's

      3.) Extra Ordinary Human Athletes who are filled in on the secret and paid off.

    4. 4. Sims - virtual actors

      Check out the movie S1m0ne (2002) to see how it's done

    5. IMO, Digital fuckery and fictious scripting seems a lot easier to pull off than actual humans being involved. No fuss, no muss, no actual blood and guts and nobody, I mean NOBODY wants to hear this, they all ignore/dismiss it because it means admitting you've been fooled and most just can't face that. They prefer to believe in the most complicated, Men-in-black, illuminati kill squad bullshit before they will admit to being fooled by a chroma key.

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. ve never seen the movie. I'll check it out. I suppose I might as well become even more disillusioned/enlightened as the case may be. I do know that Amos Alonzo Staggs was one of the founders of football. I did some digging. He was Skull and Bones. His protege, Hugo Bezdek, coach at Arkansas was later inducted into Skull and Bones at Penn State. Yes they have one, too. They claim no affiliation but come on, you can see the linkage pretty clearly with Staggs and Bezdek. Staggs even officiated one Razorback game while Bezdek was coach. So I think Lebowski is right, there's a network that was in place from the beginning. The University of Chicago/Rockefeller is where Bezdek learned the game under Staggs. Not a very big football name today, but in the early 1900's they were huge.

    8. The Overlords know human psychology. They understand the best way to fuck with us is to use the media/school training/peer pressure to cause as much cognitive dissonance as possible - that's the mental stress/discomfort caused whenever people are confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs.
      It's a brain washing technique they talked about in 1984. It can be pretty excruciating, especially disagreeing and disappointing peers, and most don't want to go there. It takes ALOT of guts to break from the herd, so high fives to all who have had the courage to question their world.
      The only war going on is the one we fight in our own heads, IMO.

    9. Another interesting movie along the lines of S1m0ne is Looker (1981) a little movie most haven't heard of, got bad reviews, but it was written and directed by Michael Crichton.
      It's about this company called Digital Matrix that scans models in order to use their images any way they want and the real model is paid lots of $$$ and signs a contract saying she can't work as model again and a murder mystery plot. I thought the model scanning was interesting - basically the computer was taking measurements in order to digitally recreate her - and who is it obsessed with measuring things? Right, Masons

    10. Yeah, I remember hearing about it. I'm going to go back and watch that one too. I agree, it's important to go back and see those kinds of movies. They always show a lot more in hindsight.

  2. yes, great great work... for that game they even had butterfly logos with Ali in them on each helmet and more...

  3. I always knew there was something very fishy about the death of Garrett Uekman, freshman tight end for the Razorbacks who died 11-20-2011. Petrino had his motorcycle "accident" on 4-1-2012. That's a span of 133 days.

    Neckbrace = EO62
    Bobby Petrino = ER62

    He fell from his bike on 4/1, Razorback = 41

    4 +1 + 20 + 12 = 37
    The Hogs = 37

    Red Face 42/33

    The score in the Razorback game this week was 42-3.

    Razorbacks = 42

    The Razorbacks were called the Cardinals before Coach Hugo Bezdek came back to Fayetteville after winning a game against LSU. That was in 1909. They were undefeated that year. It would not happen again until 1964 the year they won a national championship, under Frank Broyles.

    That was a span of 55 years.
    Garrett Uekman = 55

    Here's the whopper.

    Hugo Bezdek's quote from 1909...

    "a wild band of razorback hogs.” in English Gematria system = 1909

    I knew the Razorbacks would win their game with TCU. When everyone I was with groaning and getting emotional, I sat back and said to just wait, and sure enough Kenny Hill's "throat slash" gave the Hogs their window.

    Throat slash = 42

    The Razorbacks played on September 10, New Year's Eve on the Coptic calendar.

    New Years Eve = 52/142
    Fayetteville = 52/142

    That's how I knew they'd win. I think a Razorback/Louisville bowl game is in the works at some point soon, probably this year.

    What do you guys think? I'm not a sports expert so all I'm basing it on is what I showed here.

    There's other suspicious deaths in Razorback history but Uekman is the latest.

    The one team I loved that I grew up with... it was hard to swallow when I put it all together.

  4. I was just commenting the other day on EJ Manuel and Tyrod Taylor repping the 1999 season championship participants. Vick lost as a redshirt freshman to FSU and Peter Warrick.

    with Louisville ranked #3 getting (6) votes for the top spot, perhaps we are being primed for L'Ville to bring it back home. FSU that year was the first to go wire - wire #1 and win it all. funny how they won in '93 as well as '99 and '13.

    thirteen = 99
    Bowden = 27 a bit like 9x3

    also, the man who made FSU into what it is has some interesting ordinal gematria

    Bobby =46
    Bowden =63

    sacrifice and the number connected to this year? how about some Charlie award and Warrick Dunn decoding with Peter Warrick as well:

    "Charlie" in the English Reduction system equals 38 (death)
    "Warrick" in the English Reduction system equals 38
    "Warrick" in the English Ordinal system equals 83 (football)
    "Dunn" in the English Reduction system equals 17 (kill)
    "Ward" in the English Ordinal system equals 46 (sacrifice)
    "Warrick" in the English Gematria system equals 713 (23x31 or 2+3= 5x11th prime, Peter Warrick 5'11" #9 who scored 3 td's in '99 title game, 9 scores 3 times, 93)
    "Dunn" in the English Gematria system equals 404 (44 = kill)

    "garnet and gold" in the English Gematria system equals 509 (59 = kill)
    "garnet and gold" in the English Reduction system equals 59 (negro, slave, blues, 17th prime etc.)

    boy that sure is a ton of negative coding above. maybe, just maybe we'll get a Bobby Bowden sacrifice in the near future with FSU getting smoked 63-20 and seemingly on the decline with Francois as their QB.

    1. Louisville men basketball won it all in '13 and Rick Pitino has been publicly dragged through the mud ever since.

  5. Tal,

    Another professional football founder was Walter Camp, Yale grad and Skull & Bones member. The Walter Camp dinner honors all the NCAA football All-Americans. It is a big deal in the New Haven CT area.

  6. Thanks Brad I was not sure about Camp. I'm going to have to look deeper for sure now. There's got to be more to find out. Last night when I realized that "a wild band of razorbacks" = 1909 EG the first time Arkansas went undefeated was in the same year. I got an intuition about it and searched "Skull and Bones 1909" and that was the year Geronimo was probably sacrificed at Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1909. Nine years later Prescott Bush and other Bonesmen dug up Geronimo's remains and stole his skull, femur bones, bridle and stirrups. They have been in the crypt of the fraternity ever since. Geronimo's family has tried to sue for their return, without success. As I mentioned before, the coach of the Razorbacks, Bezdek, was inducted "honorary" into Bones after he left Arkansas to coach at Penn State. It's all very strange.


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