Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 1, 2016

227 | Hurricane Hermine coverage, early September 2, 2016

227, Pi, cycles, circles, Hurricanes...

I haven't looked at the news for hours now.  The last time I checked, the storm was already supposed to have hit Florida.  We'll see what they say in the morning.  Over and out truth seekers.


  1. More 88 Is that Trump spinning out of control

  2. "Lift Threatening Hurricane Hermine" = 322
    "Military Industrial Complex" = 322

    Interesting that Skull and Bones uses 322...No?
    "Three Hundred Twenty Two" = 106
    "Prophecy" = 106

    "Bears Down" = 47 [ 15th Prime ]
    "Nears Landfall" = 47 = "Bears Down" = Today Date Numerology

    "Nears Landfall" = 56 & 119 <===
    "Mind Control" = 56
    "All Seeing Eye" = 119
    "All Seeying Eye" = 119

    "Florida Panhandle" = 77 = "Terror Strike"
    "Florida Panhandle" = 349 J = "Capstone"

    It is interesting that the Post was sent out at 12:13am:
    13th minute of the day

    6th Prime ==> 13 <== 7th Fibonacci
    "Freemasonry" = 67 = "Blood Sacrifice"

    Todays Date Numerology = 47, 27, & 20
    "Foundation" = 47
    "Death" = 20

  3. I noticed that they said the target was "Charleston":

    One of the headlines 'Flash Flood Emergency, Charleston SC'
    "Flash Flood Emergency" = 193 [ 44th Prime ]

    "Charleston SC" = 56, & 137 [ 33rd Prime ]
    "Mind Control" = 56 & 137

    "Charleston SC" =


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