Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 1, 2016

33 38 44 64 93 226 | Feds call for investigation of February 26, 2016 killing of Kionte Spencer by police (White officer, black victim)

Roanoke, Virginia = 87/96 (Freemason = 96)

First, notice this involves the ACLU and the story comes on August 31, or 8/31.

138 is the reflection of 8/31 (a lot like 8/31)

If you add 'the', the agency name is also interesting.

153 is often paired with '42'; Fish = 42; Miraculous = 42; February = 42; Nigger = 42

Moving on...

It was March 3, 2016, or 3/3, the cause of death for Kionte Spencer was given.  Of course, he was killed by the police.  March 3, 2016, was the 25-year anniversary of the beating of Rodney King, an also the anniversary date of the burial of Trayvon Martin.

3/3/2016 = 3+3+20+16 = 42 (Freemason) (Zionism) (February) (Nigger)

The cause of death was homicide due to gunshot wound to chest.

On May 25, 2016, it was determined there would be no charges for the officers.

5/25/2016 = 5+25+20+16 = 66 (Thirty-Three)
5/25/16 = 5+25+16 = 46 (Hero) (Chaos) (Hate Crime) (Baton Rouge) (Dallas, Texas)
*This story came the day before 'Blue Lives Matter' passed in Louisiana

Kionte Spencer was shot on Friday, February 26, 2016.  This is a date having numerology, matching his name gematria.

2/26/2016 = 2+26+20+16 = 64 (Kionte Spencer) (Civil Rights)
2/26/2016 = 2+26+(2+0+1+6) = 37
2/26/2016 = 2+2+6+2+0+1+6 = 19
2/26/16 = 2+26+16 = 44 (Kill) (Officer) (Department) (Shooting)

Kionte = 2/11+9+6+5+2+5 = 29/38 (Death = 38)
Spencer = 1/10+7+5+5+3+5+9 = 35/44 (Kill = 44)

The date February 26 also has that connection back to 'Propaganda'.

Perhaps someone who is better at astrology can help connect a missing dot.  Recall that February 26, 1993, was the date of the WTC Bombing, 3,119-days before September 11, 2001.

The coordinates of the city also connects to the date numerology of the shooting.

Murder = 79; Sacrifice = 73

From the date of the shooting, until the date the ACLU became involved, was 187-days, the homicide code for several city police departments.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Next Season of American Horror Story is rumored to have ties to Roanoke

  3. It happened on 03/03/16?
    3 + 3 + 20 + 16 = 42 [3 + 3 + 16 = 22]
    "Thursday" = 44
    "March Third" = 57 & 323 [Lucifer = 323]
    "Thursday March Third" = 101 = "Order of the Skull and Bones"

    The Gematria of the organizations involved, alone makes me know this is BS

    "Loretta Lynch" = 827 J [144th Prime]
    "Attorney General Loretta Lynch" = 333 <==='HELLO'

    "American Civil Liberties Union of Virgina" = 239 [52nd Prime]
    "Prophecy" = 52

    It also equals 401 [79th Prime]

    It is interesting its about a BB Gun:
    "BB Gun" = 19 & 46
    "Satan" = 19
    "Sacrifice" = 46

    The Roanoke County Commonwealth Attorney files no charges?
    "Roanoke County Commonwealth" = 121 = "Revelation"

    The initials are RCC:
    "RCC" = 144 <===

    9 - 3 - 3
    R - C - C

    "Nine Hundred Thirty Three" = 1330 J = "Nuclear War"
    "Nine Hundred Thirty Three" = 272
    "Pyramid Capstone Completed" = 272

    They released the Cause of Death?
    "Cause of Death" = 108 = "Freemasonic"

  4. ACLU Founded: January 19, 1920
    119= Star Of David, All Seeing Eye, Tribe Of Judah
    1+19+19+20=59=Kill, Fabian
    ACLU" in the English Reduction system equals 10 (1+3+3+3)


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