Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

41 | Obama to veto 9/11 victim bill (giving right to sue Saudi Arabia), September 13, 2016 headlines

9/11/2001 = 9+11+20+01 = 41

Obama sounds more like the name of a leader of Saudi Arabia than the United States, you know?


  1. I like how the whole country gives flack to Athlete Actors for taking a Knee during The Banner. Than on the other hand no one gives two shits about this. Just goes to show how the media dictates the importance of issues to all the morons.

    1. I just love the retarded idiots crying about how their grandpas/fathers/husbands etc died for these athletes right to protest, and yet they have a fit when someone does protest. Wtf?

      If they don't respect the players right to protest then they r basically dissing their own soldier boys who supposedly died so that people could have that freedom. And you can explain that to them all day and they still can't understand it.

      My goddess, it's so tedious living amongst these meatheads.

  2. They can't sue because no one died during the fake, made-for-television "attacks".

    The only victims of 911 are the American public who believed/still believed this nonsense and have been forced to put up with bullshit mob hysteria rule ever since. Do u think they will let us sue?
    Of course not


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