Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 30, 2016

47 130 | Trump did have audio issues, September 26, 2016 Hofstra debate related

Trump did have audio issues = 103/130 (Washington = 130)

Issues = 20/47/92 (President = 47)

*Today is also the day that leaves 92-days left in the year.

If anyone watched the debate, they know Donald Trump should be grateful that his mic wasn't working, because all that came out of his mouth the entire night was bullshit and empty praise for himself.  He is the "me, me, me" fucking loser candidate for the "me, me, me" losers that live in this nation.  I wish we could have seen who dressed him in his blue tie, and Hillary in her red sweater.  Where's the Weezer?


  1. Self Centered Man" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

    Self Centered Man" in the English Reduction system equals 63 / 72

    Hillary Rodham = 72 & 144

    Divide The Dumb" in the English Reduction system equals 63

    The Dumb" in the English Ordinal system equals 73

    Hillary Clinton" in the English Reduction system equals 73

    Seven Two" in the English Ordinal system equals 123

    Seven Two" in the English Reduction system equals 33

    Mason Time Conspiracy" in the English Reduction system equals 88

  2. If you want to destroy my sweater.... *whoa whoa whoa*

  3. If only Lester Holt would have brought the list of people that have been Arkancided by the Clintons.

  4. "I wonder why it was bad" =88/223.

  5. Zach, I was at the movie tonight and during the previews they showed that the movie Taxi Driver will be shown from Oct 16-19, 2016

    From Oct. 19, 2016 to 11/26/2016 = 38 days

    Reminded me of you mentioning the parallels between that movie and Donald Trump...also remember "Trump will go 26th", and Matthew Nicholsons predictions.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. @Matt Corey

    Muted mic=88
    No mic=132 like 123 conspiracy


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