Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

66 138 | Donald Trump says about debate, 'I was holding back', September 27, 2016 CNN headlines

In Pythagorean, it is also interesting.

The word 'woman' sums to '66'.  Hillary Clinton is born on the day that leaves 66-days left in the year, October 26, 1947.  Donald Trump was also born on a date with '66' numerology, June 14, 1946.

6/14/46 = 6+14+46 = 66
October 26, leaves 66-days left in the year
Woman = 23+15+13+1+14 = 66


  1. I'm trying to get one of my close friends into your work, but like you said, everyone is so into their "coincidences". She's quite stubborn anyway and is also currently in the military, so there you go. But she's really close with my wife and when she found out I wasn't watching football anymore because it's rigged bullshit I think that piqued her interest. It's hard to get through to someone that is kind of open to the general idea of conspiracies, but also likes tearing down your arguments with no basis. We started out by showing her one of your 9/11 videos. If you can't see how connected that is I guess there's no help for you. More people need to wake up!

    1. Thanks for trying brother! Military, that's tough.

    2. Tell me about it. Some people are walking contradictions.

    3. I have been introducing Zach's work to my friends. None of them want to listen, but I keep trying. Yesterday I had them listen to the radio show where Zach broke down 9-11 as well on Crow777's show. I felt like that portion of the interview is very empowering.
      Anyways, I understand that it's a work in progress. I'll tell you what though. If the SB prediction is correct between Colts vs Vikings/Giants, that will make my friends up in mass.

    4. I'm married to the's practically impossible to break through what's been done to the mind of a person in the service. If anyone figures out how to get through to someone in the service...please tell me! I've tried everything and I get nowhere.

  2. Think of football as a WWE match. Very real 'stunts', true athleticism, kind of staged like the circus. Just sit back and enjoy the show. Just because your team isn't picked like mine to go far, doesn't mean you can't watch. I feel sorry for those in Chicago, Miami, Cleveland. But hey, they will have their turn once Brady and Rodgers retire. My wife is coming around after 15 years of this deep conspiracy shit, way before gematria, back when you didn't have credible proof without people dying for the truth, like many fallen truthers, my protege', William Cooper, look him up.

    Keep at it she will scorn the military if she knows too much, and she may which is the reason for the coincidence front.

    1. It's a great burden to not watch sports anymore, honestly. The only sports I did watch was NFL football anyway, mostly because if I was like the rest of the adult males I know whose entire lives are consumed by what sport is on I don't know how I'd do anything else or interact with my family. But I digress.

      Don't forget about Atlanta, they might hate us the most. 1 sports championship, 1. 21 years ago. 33rd sacrifice parallel amirite?

    2. Interesting side note about that '95 Braves team. I think the only reason they won the Series was because they played the only other team with more 33 showing: Cleveland (33) Indian(33)s

    3. It was also a feel good moment for Atlanta before Zion blew up the Olympics and "cursed" Atlanta sports.

    4. The WWE analogy is spot on. Perhaps even more than you know. Originally the WWWF, the company systemically bought up every region of wrestling in the states, many more regions abroad, and monopolized the industry. Most of this happened early in the 1950s-1970s, when many many many people still felt Wrasslin' was real and placed bets. They essentially set the groundwork for fake American "pro" sports.

      Bread and Circuses.

  3. Former Israeli president dead at 93. LOL

    1. Could be a tribute to the governor of Chicago, it says this man joined Knesset in November 1959.

  4. Former Israeli president dead at 93. LOL

  5. also rodham said Donald had not traveled to 112 countries negotiating etc.

  6. Did you catch the writing behind Trump and Clinton? I saw a clip and noticed the words "Right of the People"=185/1110, which also equals Donald John Trump and World Trade Center. Behind Hillary were the words "Shall most"=119 and when they would pan out a little you would see "Shall most likely"=873 just like Henry Kissinger. I just thought it was interesting. They were invoking 911 in a few ways during the debate. It's the standard government fall back.."Hey, you need us to protect you because...911!" Blah, blah blah. Even the world Shall, the double "ll" at the end subliminally invokes 911. I also took note of how Hillary was in red and Donald in Blue. Just backwards...huh. Subliminal messaging perhaps? The parties have at the very least switched places, but more than that, they have really merged into one. The differences were merely an illusion all along...but now it's become quite clear that this is the case...if anyone is paying any damn attention! It's time to just throw them all out and take our world back. Ugh...

    1. Exactly. Which was actually supposed to be noticed if you watched her odd interview on Zach Granafakasasifakas Between Two Ferns. They made a point to talk about what she and Trump might wear. She said he would probably wear his Red Power Tie.

    2. Red Power Tie=138

      Red Power Suit=1038

    3. Oh interesting! I saw a glimpse of that interview...but not that part. And alas, nothing surprises me anymore...well, almost nothing.


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