Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

93 | Obama's trade deal faces threats, September 6, 2016 headlines on TPP

Propaganda = 93; Saturn = 93

Notice the subheadline about the Trump influence as well.


  1. Replies
    1. watch live every sport game thats on every day

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Zach... Check out this link I caught on Twitter...

    88 military leaders endorse Trump haha!

  4. Dale drives the "88" car and has red hair like trump and is out with concussion.

    1. Maybe another 1989 World Series Earthquake Tribute. On Top of a Trump Tribute.

      Earnhardt" in the English Ordinal system equals 89

      Earnhardt" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      Earnhardt Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Eighty Eight Quake" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Ralph Dale Earnhardt Junior" in the English Reduction system equals 118

      Said The crash that caused The Injury Happened @ Michigan International.

      Michigan Concussion" in the English Reduction system equals 88 / 106

      Trump Earnhardt Quake" in the English Reduction system equals 88

      Check out the Author's Name of the Dale Jr. Article I'm Reading.

      Jenna Martin" in the English Reduction system equals 47

      Jenna Martin" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

      Jenna" in the English Reduction system equals 17

      Jenna" in the English Ordinal system equals 44

      (Earthquake= 44 & 107)

      Martin" in the English Ordinal system equals 75

      New World Order Earthquake" in the English Reduction system equals 119

  5. It was all in the Script.

    TPP" in the English Reduction system equals 16
    (Sixteen= 33)

    Trans Pacific Partnership" in the English Reduction system equals 119 / 137

    Trans Pacific" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

    TPP always reminded me of what all written Legislation should be Now-A- Days. Toilet Paper.

    Trans Pacific" in the English Reduction system equals 56

    Toilet Paper" in the English Reduction system equals 56

    Toilet Paper" in the English Ordinal system equals 137

    9+6+16= .. 31 ..
    9+6+20+16= .. 51 ..
    9+6+(2+0+1+6)= .. 24 ..

    31+51+24= .. 106 ..

    TPP was Made up of 12 Criminal Nations.

    Twelve Nation" in the English Reduction system equals 52

    TPP" in the English Ordinal system equals 52

    The Article Headline States The TPP was Killed (9-6) Thirty Three Days After Obama's Birthday.

    Kill TPP" in the English Ordinal system equals 96

    Kill TPP" in the English Reduction system equals 33

  6. Jeff Gordan filling in with the 88 car at " Indianapolis" home of the Colts and Pence.
    Gordan was 44 years of course.

    Jeff skipped Michigan... No championship for wolverines.

    Jeff Gordan has 93 sprint cup wins 3rd all time lmao by the numbers!


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