Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Reader Contribution | The "33" in recent 'Zika' news reporting

All I can say is, imagine if we were all documenting.  The evidence would be overwhelming.

And thank you to this person who wishes to remain anonymous.


  1. Carlos j canoSeptember 3, 2016 at 9:20 PM
    Hey zachary can you look up or do more work on the Vikings joe Thomas was the second coach for the Vikings was born on 2/18/1921 =61 he was 61 when he died the Vikings first game was on 19 61 and on the stadium they played donated 6.1 million and he coach for the Cowboys colts and more stuff the I really don't have the knowledge but I see something there the date they played first game vs Cowboys on 8/5/1961 =93 plz get back to me

    1. looks like you did a good job on it

    2. You did great Carlos.
      God = 61
      Prime = 61
      I will look more into it. February 18 is the 49th day of the year

  2. my buddies in the sports group chat are all buzzing about Justin Forsett being released and are speculating him signing with the Colts - same guys who haughtily laugh when I share your work with them.

    anyways, apparently he had a 3 year 9 million dollar contract with Baltimore before getting cut?

  3. Mike, you are a mosquito that should be sprayed.

  4. kevin durant just got a rick james tattoo on his leg, Headline read "LOOK: Kevin Durant gets a massive Rick James tattoo on his leg" sums to 601 looks like 106, also to 3535 in English gematria, kevin wears 35, rick James is also 35, died in La on

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hello, Zach, you mentioned a few YT videos ago that on your website you have a list of decoded words...I can't see it anywhere?

    1. This site has a list of words if you type in the number such as 83 it has a list in Jewish Gematria and Simple Gematria. I think Zach posts a link to this site as well.

  7. Digging for money in my purse I came up with 3 dollar bills and 3 quarters which is $3.75 but also 33.

    And interestingly George Washington is on both the dollar bill and the Quarter.

    1. Nice. I would buy a bag of rice with that if I was strapped for cash.

      Your post got me thinking..

      "Four quarters"=62 reduction
      "Dollar"=62 simple english

      It takes Four of them to equal $1.00.
      "sixty"=25. A Quarter is 25 cents.

    2. "Coins" also equals 60. Maybe that's why there are Four main coins. Four=60

    3. Quarter is an interesting word. A quarter is .25 cents, but in time units a quarter of an hour is 15 minutes. That's a difference of 10.

      A dollars base is 100 while an hour's is 60. That's a difference of 40.

      Seems like at the heart of everything is the 10 vs 12.
      Or the Metric system vs the US

    4. Yes. Something to think about.

      "divided by four"=144

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Money is based on 100 = $1
    Time is based on 60 minutes = 1 hour

    1 and 6

    Ever seen that old TV show, The Prisoner? Highly recommended

    Who is number one?
    You are number six.

    1. No I haven't, but I'll check it out.


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