Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Reader Contribution | Death of Jose Fernandez and the Browns-Dolphins game '54' tribute (Baseball = 54)


  1. Definitely appears to be a sacrifice for the Cubs. The Cubs winning the series will be a big thing in the world of sports, so it required a big sacrifice.

    1. That makes sense.. the bigger the reward the bigger the sacrifice

    2. the pendulum swings evenly both ways as it states in the Kabylion

  2. Props to the Contributor, and props to Zach for being a great teacher... How do they know it was death on impact and not drowing before the 'autopsy' was complete? I watched the game last night, and either those guys are better than crisis actors, or most of them had no clue what goes on in their world...The Prado comment tho, does he KNOW? I mean, he makes the perfect numbered they give these guys these made up names in the beginning, so they can play their sick ass games? It's a little confusing to what's real, I must admit...And why don't we ever see funerals (like Whitney, for example) and I'm talking about ALL the so called killings...

    1. Whitney is not dead. Neither is Bobbie Kristina...or so some think.

  3. They're pouring it on now; Mets announcers reporting at beginning of the game, that Miami LF Martel Ozuna and his wife and kids, were invited to go out on that 'fatal' trip of Fernandez'...smdh

    Off topic question: Whats the major difference between Gematria and Numerology?

    1. Gematria is the Numerology of the English language, where as Numerology is dealing with just the numbers. At least thats my interpretation. I'm sure Zach has a better answer though.

    2. Gematria is a form of numerology. Numerology is a broader concept, dealing with the meanings and significance of numbers in general, while gematria has more specific rules/methods and is more about tying concepts and related ideas together through numerology.

      "In Jewish mysticism gematria was the study of Hebrew letters in association with numbers. The method was used to discover hidden meanings in Hebrew words. Prominent words could be systematically converted into numbers and linked to other words with the same numerical value, which were then regarded as comments upon the original words. This kind of numerology was also used with the Greek alphabet."

      Now they use it within the English language. There are other forms of numerology, like Notarikon (using first and last letters of words) and Temurah (changing letter around according to rules).

      Something interesting about the word itself:

      "The word "gematria" is generally held to derive from Greek geōmetriā, "geometry", which was used a translation of gēmaṭriyā, though some scholars believe it to derive from Greek grammateia, rather; it's possible that both words had an influence on the formation of the Hebrew word."

      Geometry deals with numbers..
      Grammar deals with letters..
      Gematria deals with both.


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