Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 7, 2016

11 33 48 235 | 'Trump in the gutter', the October 7, 2016 "sex" surprise, a span of 33-days from November 8 election

Another '235' for Trump.  Recall, this number connects to the death of Bill Clinton's biological father, May 17, 1946, the 137th day of the year:

5/17/1946 = 5+1+7+1+9+4+6 = 33 (Clinton = 33)
5/17/1946 = 5+17+19+46 = 87 (Clinton = 87)

Notice the post time of 11:08, something like the 11/8, November 8, 2016 election.  That is a span of 33-days from today.

This story also comes in 'October', the lone '33' month, on a date with '33' numerology.

10/7/16 = 10+7+16 = 33

Again, '33' is the number in Washington D.C., where the Freemason lodge has 33 pillars.

It's never good when an article about a Presidential contender because with a WARNING.

Here is why they're using 'sex' to sabotage Donald Trump, when 'sex' was used to sabotage, in part, the legacy of Bill Clinton.


  1. he's just playing his part..he'll be rewarded with young and or younger women anyway

  2. On the 108th pitch cueto gives up a bomb to the Cubs scripted

  3. Replies
    1. Uuum it's been 108 years since Cubs have won the ship.108 stitches on the ball and it will be 10/8 by the time this game ends perhaps..

    2. People here with my are flipping out cause they wanted to flip on to the laker game and I said wait at least for the 108th pitch then that happen unbelievable/believable

    3. Just when people start doubting the numbers, we have Trump and the Cubs give us faith once again lol.

  4. Drop out announcement immenent. Possibly the start of all the fireworks. This blog is so dope. Thanks.

  5. Pence sure did look pretty good earlier this week at VP debate. Wink wink. Either way... The anger fear bomb explosions soon

  6. Rev. 8:7 The first trumpet (trump pence) {where 1/3 (33%) are destroyed. More than likely a reach but just think possibilities. Btw the 7 trump pence in rev are local in chapters 8-11 of rev. All day I'm hearing about "possible storm surges 8-11 feet (some even said 9-11 feet lol smh.

    1. 8-11 is also the inversion of 11-8, Election Day.

  7. Grabbing pussy is breaking news in our country and now has a place in our great nation's history.

    1. Our nation's history is all fiction anyway, just like this story.

      JFK is portrayed as a womanizer as well but the 50s and 60s are idealized so his presidency is referred to as Camelot, while Trump is the knock off, tabloid version.

    2. JFK was also doped up 24/7 with massive amounts of painkillers.

  8. Seeing alot of 235,523. 52,25 daily


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