Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 10, 2016

129 | NFL Race War Participation- Why Antonio Brown was allowed to wear Arnold Palmer cleats, but not Muhammad Ali cleats

As stated in the article, the Muhammad Ali cleats even matched the Steelers colors, so why would Brown be made to take those off of all pairs?  Of course, this is a subtle jab to add to the media's ongoing race war, and as we know, the NFL is definitely being used to fuel the flames of the race war propaganda.

From the date Ali died, to the date Brown was made to take off his cleats, was a span of 129-days.


  1. Zach, I made a futures bet on Colts winning the AFC Championship. If it plays out like we think I'm going to give you some of my winnings for your truth media endeavors! I'm also going to use it to further wake up those around me. It'll be quite a good chunk so it should get people's attention.

    1. Thanks brother, but if you win, you don't need to give me anything!

    2. Im a long way from Zach's number one fan, but gotta admire the guy for not being in it for the money. That's unheard of in this day and age, everybody wants money for every little thing, and here you have someone doing it all for free. Its hard to doubt someones commitment and authenticity to something when they are showing their face and not seeking anything in return.

    3. Matt, that's crazy, I was just out hanging with my homies and was planning to come home to post the same exact thing. I want to give the dude some money when I win 10k+ this February. I placed my bet this week when the odds are at 60 to 1. After this Sunday when they win to become 3-3, the odds will go down and I guarantee it will never peak at 60/1 ever again. Shut up and take my money Zach!

  2. Its my belief that once they taught us to hate each other we cant come together for jack shit..ALL THE countless killings u would think by now we would've made a move to STOP THEM ...BUT AS U SEE NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE..I THINK THE MEXICAN, ARAB PPL ARE GONNA GET IT STARTED. .BECAUSE THEY STAND AS ONE...

  3. An its really fucd up that majority of ppl I grew up with are geographical because this is all they allowed themselves to no..but when SHTF THEY WILL BE SUPRISED IF A WHITE PERSON PUTS THEIR LIFE ON THE LINE TO HELP THEM OUT OF A JAM BUT A HOPEFULLY THEY REALIZE WHO THE ENEMY IS B4 TOO LATE

    1. No people can ever "stand as one" in the Masonic melting pot that is the USA. Agents always tell us to "unite" or "come together", usually meaning that they should come around to their particular point of view, but it is a logical impossibility, as no man can ever speak for another man and judgments on morality and ethics must necessarily be based on the individual circumstances of the dilemma under consideration. We are programmed to join groups, especially political parties, to "unite" under the leadership of some Authority or another. Such groups are always subject to Entryist infiltration, no exceptions. Mr. Hubbard constantly advocates this sissy "coming together", when what we need to do is act as Sovereign Individuals in a society based on ad hoc "laws" and summary "justice", not obscurantist written laws.


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