Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 3, 2016

13 15 16 33 38 | MNF Preview, New York Giants @ Minnesota Vikings, October 3, 2016 +Too close to call?

Home teams are 7-7 this week.  13, is the 7th prime number.  There were 13 games on Sunday.  MNF will be the 15th game of the week, fitting it is in Minnesota, at the new 'U.S. Bank Stadium'.

Week 1 Home Team Record:  7-9
Week 2 Home Team Record:  9-7
Week 3 Home Team Record:  9-7
Week 4 Home Team Record (prior to MNF):  7-7 *Green Bay, Philadelphia on bye week
Total Home Team Record = 32-30

If Minnesota were to win, it would be the 33rd home team win of the season, coming on MNF.

The 33rd win for a home team on MNF is interesting.... but....

If the 13-31 ritual is in effect for MNF, which it should be, because it seems that the ritual is all for the man in his 13th season, Eli Manning, the QB of the Giants, then the Giants should win in Minnesota tomorrow night.  Let's do the homework with that assumption in mind.

Keep in mind the date of the game is October 3, 2016.

10/3/2016 = 1+0+3+2+0+1+6 = 13

Notice right away the spread is -4.5 to Minnesota.  Thirteen = 45; Thirteen = 99

Eli Manning is currently at 99 career wins.  If he loses, perhaps this will be the '13' tribute', but still, I think the overall records of 3-1 are more significant, '31', the reflection of '13'.

New York = 39/48/111; Giants = 25/34/70
New York Giants = 64/73/82/181 (181, the 42nd Prime) (NYC = 42) (Giants won Super Bowl 42)

Minnesota = 38/47/110; Vikings = 37/46/55/91
Minnesota Vikings = 75/84/93/102/201

Notice that Vikings has gematria of '91'.  If you sum 1 through 13, it totals 91.  Thus the Vikings have '13' in their favor as well.

This will be the Giants and Vikings 25th regular season game all-time, and their 28th if you include their playoff match ups.  Giants = 25

The Minnesota Vikings lead the regular season 14-10, and the Giants lead the playoffs 2-1.  The total record is Vikings 15 wins, Giants 12.  In other words, the Giants are going for their 13th total win against the Vikings, in the weekend of '13' tributes.

As for it being their 25th regular season game, 97 is the 25th prime number, and this is the 97th season of the NFL.  The Vikings won Week 1 with 25-points.

It should also be acknowledged, if the Vikings win, they'll get their 15th win against the Giants in the regular season, and their 16th all-time, in the 2016 season.  That would be fitting to come in the new 'U.S. Bank Stadium'.

As for their sixteenth win all-time, that would tie in with 'MNF' as well.

Let us examine the starting QBs records.

This will be Eli Manning's 198th game including playoffs.

Notice Eli comes in with '197', that is the '45th' prime, connecting back to 'thirteen'.

If Eli Wins, he will earn his 56th road win.  '56' is a big number with Sam Bradford and his move to the Minnesota Vikings.  Sam Bradford = 47/56

If he loses, it will be his 91st loss, and when you sum 1 through 13, it totals 91.

This will be Sam Bradford's 66th game.  He is looking for his 28th win in the 28th game all-time between the Giants and Vikings, or his 38th loss.  Minnesota = 38; U.S. Bank Stadium = 38

Notice further that this will be Sam Bradford's 33rd home game as a starting QB.  33rd on MNF?  He has a chance to win his 16th game at home as well.

Let us also examine their regular season records of the two QBs.

Notice Eli has 99-wins in the regular season, again connecting to '13'.

If Eli wins, he will earn his 49th win on the road, if he loses he'll earn his 45th loss on the road.  Again, '45' connects to 'thirteen'.

With regards to '49', the date of the game factors in.

10/3/2016 = 10+3+20+16 = 49 (49 = 4+9 = 13)

Sam Bradford has never been to the playoffs, so his stats are the same as above.

Let us measure from the QBs birthdays to see if that sheds any light.

Eli is born January 3, written 1/3 or 3/1.

This game will be 92-days before Eli's birthday, in the Giants 92nd season.

Giants are in their 92nd season, but are 91 years old.  Again, when you sum 1 through 13, it totals 91.

It is also a total span of 93-days, and the game is in Minnesota, on the 93rd Meridian.  New Jersey just had the Hoboken train station crash on the day that leaves 93-days left in the year.  The last time that happened, May 8, 2011, the Giants went on to win the Super Bowl 39-weeks later, playing in Indianapolis, on the 39th Parallel.

Let us also examine Sam Bradford's birthday.

His birthday is November 8, election day.  From the game to his birthday is 36-days, or a total span of 37-days.  That isn't as interesting as Eli's 92 and 93.

Ben McAdoo = 36

The 5-weeks and 1-day is interesting however, in light of this being the year of Super Bowl 51, and the Giants trying to become 5-1 in Super Bowls.

Let us close out by examining the coaches of the teams.

Ben McAdoo (51), the rookie coach of the Giants, was born July 9, or 9/7, just in time for the 97th season of the NFL.

New York = 39; Empire = 39; NY = 39; 7/26/1788 = 7+2+6+1+7+8+8 = 39

7/9/1977 = 7+9+19+77 = 112 (Houston)
7/9/1977 = 7+9+1+9+7+7 = 40 (Houston)
7/9/77 = 7+9+77 = 93 (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
7/9 = 7+9 = 16 (Sixteen = 33)

This game will follow his 39th birthday by 86-days, or a total span of 87-days.

Eighty-Six = 54/63/126 (Game is a span of 126-days from Super Bowl)
Eighty-Seven = 58/67/139

He is a rookie coach so he will either be 2-2, or 3-1 by game's end.

The opposing coach is Mike Zimmer, who was born on the 156th day of the year.

'Thirty-Three' and 'Twenty-Eight' are the only numbers that sum to '156'.  Again, this is the 28th game between the Vikings and Giants all-time.

Kennedy = 33; Sirhan = 33; RFK shot on June 5
False Flag = 156; False Flag = 33 911, the 156th prime

6/5/1956 = 6+5+19+56 = 86
6/5/1956 = 6+5+1+9+5+6 = 32
6/5/56 = 6+5+56 = 67

This game comes 120-days after his birthday, or a total span of 121-days.

Revelation = 49/121 (Date has 49 numerology)

Mike Zimmer will be coaching for his 22nd win, or 15th loss in the regular season.  This will be his 36th game, fitting that it comes again Ben McAdoo.

If he earns his 15th loss, recall....

Fifteen = 38; Minnesota = 38; U.S. Bank Stadium = 38; Mike = 38

Let us now look at the MNF all-time records for final clues as to who this game is scripted for.

Notice the Giants come in with '57' games played, the 'Super Bowl' number.  They are playing for their 22nd win on MNF, or their 36th loss.

As for this being their '58th' game, again it has been '58' years since the 'Greatest Game Ever Played', which took place in 1958.

58 = 5+8 = 13

As for the Vikings, they come in with 56-games.  Sam Bradford = 56

They are playing for their 27th win, or their 31st loss.

For one last final clue, if this game has anything to do with the upcoming election, again, Sam Bradford is born on November 8, the election date this year.  The election is very New York centered this year with Trump and Hillary, and Sam Bradford is hosting the team from New York on primetime.  If the Vikings win, home teams will be 8-7 this week...

I don't know how much weight I would give that though.  If the Giants win, home teams will be 7-8, the reflection of 87, so possibly the same tribute.


  1. I like that row of 7s from week 2-3, now another 7 for 8-7

    Possible Giants loss and then meet in the playoffs, where the Giants win and are 3-1 vs Vikings in the playoffs? Public perception would be all over the Vikings in that game.

    1. That is what I was thinking too, a Giants loss only to upset the Vikings in the playoffs

    2. wildfire, not possible.... 2 teams had byes. either it will be 7-8 or 8-7 after mnf.

    3. Yes, the 4th week will be 7-8 or 8-7, like how I have it in the 3rd row under 9-7?

    4. nevermind. just read it incorrectly, you didnt post week1. also every game today concluded with a team being either 3-1,1-3 except redskins v browns

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. however tomorrow...
      10 = 10
      3 = 3
      2016 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9
      10 + 3 + 9 = 22
      2 + 2 = 4
      ny could go 2-2 and vikings 4-0.
      10/3/2016 = 1+0+3+2+0+1+6 = 13
      10/3/2016 = 10+3+20+16 = 49 (49 = 4+9 = 13)

    7. I was thinking.. If you add week one.. call me crazy but check this out


      Four is a Foundation number from what I understand and it started with a 7 Home Win and it could end with a 7 Home win. Creating the foundation for the season. Week 5 is 14 games and the only scenario a 7 will come into play is if it's 7HW and 7HL.. out side of that it could go

      78 -Week 6, with a TNF game on 10/13/16 (113/13)
      67 -Week 8, MNF on 10/31/16 (131, 31)
      78 - Week 11

      And I suppose we can track this and maybe a weird pattern will show up like how you were showings up top

    8. wow, you can even conclude that league is pretty much 50-50booking in terms of home/away so do the location of current/upcoming games even matter? they do not. obviously, teams do go on win/losing streaks. i will look into that.

    9. there has to be a correlation, or not.

  2. Holy Shit ZACH!! GOOD CONNECT by Adding the total of ALL Home Wins vs Home Loss... the 33 or 33-30 (333)!! Nice man! I am glad I have been able to contribute, awesome!

    If it goes 32-31 (3-1 like the Vikings after a loss plus the 13 theme we've seen all week 4) that would make sense too

    Such a tough one all together

    1. I've been wrong all most of the week because I ignored the 13 (what really gets me is there were 13 games on saturday and it didn't even sink in) and before reading this I was thinking of Vikings for the HW vs HL pattern (8-7) as well as them making the story line to have Giants then upset them in playoffs however I am thinking of changing to Giants. I am not ignoring the 13 any longer

    2. Correction: I meant 13 games on Sunday :)

      32 = NFL,(prime to 131 = Super Bowl, Championship)(32 Teams in the NFL).. a possible sneak peak of the upcoming NFL Championship.
      31 = will be the final 13 Tribute in week 4 *add in all 13 connections Zachs lined out above*

      I like it!

    3. of all the 12 games played, every outcome left a team with a record of 3-1 or 1-3 except the browns redskins game.

    4. I like the 31 31
      31 the 11th prime
      11 vs 11 in NFL football. NFL = 32. A place with 32 teams. 32 Home Wins overall so far this season. Prime of 131. A very real possibility a preview of the up coming NFC Championship. A week attributed to 13/31. 31 Home Losses possible. I like Giants.

    5. i'm still learning so i can't really tell ya..... but ny lost @redskins in week 3 and week 5 @packers on sunday night. maybe ny loses to minn but wins @gb for big win. anyway, looking at the total win loss for the week, you can conclude that it is almost 50-50booking so do upcoming games even matter?

  3. Sounds like a possible NFC Title game right here. I still think Colts make the playoffs but like 9-7 at best after all that might be enough to win the AFC South. Maybe they'll fire their coach and then get back on track. Usually the losing teams fires their coach after the London game. At least Zack doesn't boast like he's always right like that Edomite Gary the numbers fraud.

    1. Colts coach won't get fired, if he didn't have a good winning record then I can see that happening. I'd like to see them have a 10 win season so the coach will have 51 regular season wins with the colts.

    2. Well it was just a thought... maybe because I've seen teams win the championship after firing their former coach during the season or prior. Real Madrid, Penguins and Cavaliers fired their coaches during mid season and all won their respective titles.

    3. Well anything can surely happen. After all shit is scripted.

    4. any baseball managers fired this yr, googling it didnt come up with anything and im too lazy to dig deaper, thats a interesting find with the fired coaches tho

    5. The Honesty is Refreshing.

      Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 184

      Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Reduction system equals 67

      Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Ordinal system equals 148

      Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 67

      Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Sumerian system equals 888

  4. October third = 137 (33rd prime) EO
    October third = 65 ER 6/5 Birthday of Coach Zimmer
    October = 33

    Considering how many times NFL coaches lose on their birthday connections (Chuck Pagano/Colts, Mike McCoy/Chargers, Dan Quin/Saints), maybe it is Giants. Just too afraid to bet Giants. If the Vikings did win, I would feel sick to my stomach.

    1. Can always take the 4 point spread and hope for the best lol.

  5. The numbers look good either way. But what it more favor to?

  6. This is Zimmer's 36th regular season game coaching Minnesota. If Giants lose, Eli would be 3-6 vs the Vikings, Manning = 36, Ben McAdoo = 36. The series would go to 15-10 and 151 is the 36th prime.

    1. It would be Eli's 91st loss. Vikings = 91. This game is also 9 months 1 day after his previous birthday.

    2. Bradford's previous birthday was 10 months 26 days ago. His next birthday is 12 weeks 6 days before the Super Bowl. Minnesota Vikings = 126.

    3. This really is a tough one... If they go with the 13 tributes, NYG wins its 13th series win on a day with 13 numerology, to make both teams 3-1, and it is 3 months 1 day and also 13 weeks 1 day until Manning's next birthday (10/3/16 to 1/3/16)

    4. I'm about 70/30 in favor of the Vikings at this point

  7. Good work Jeremy I been checking out sum of your work on your blog.

  8. Replies
    1. ny upcoming schedule: ny at packers, at home ravens, on road rams,bye, at home eagles

      minn upcoing schedule: vikings home vs texans, bye, at eagles, at bears, at home lions

      vikings have easier schedule so possibly ny win. vikings can win all 4 or be 3-1, while ny could go 2-2 or even 1-3.

    2. Mike nobody takes you seriously. Lol

    3. I'm sure he'll go into hiding for a week after this post. LOL

  9. what are the odds on a Bradford injury? how about a Brady injury next week? all his lifetime stats look like they are supposed to stay there....?

  10. It could possibly be a tie. I was looking at the win loss columns for the afc and nfc. The afc has 31 wins and 33 losses, while the nfc has 31 wins and 29 losses. A tie could count as two losses? Making the nfc 31 and 31, going with the 13/31/33 narrative. I'm probably wrong but thought what the hell...

    1. A tie would also make the giants 2-1-1 reflection being 112 (houston) and vikings 3-0-1, giving another number 31 in the mix.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. If Minnesota wins tonight it would be the 34th home team win, not 33rd. Week 2 home teams went 10-6, not 9-7. Steelers got the 33rd home team win last night

    1. Holy shit you are right. I went back to week two and did a recount. I swear I completely suck at doing math. I believe this is why I get my picks wrong now because of a number mess up. At least this is what it seems so far

      10-6 (the eagles win over the bears was prophecy the 10 making it prophecy just like of the rest of the prophecy code for that game) No fucking wonder. I had the right idea but miss counted SMH

      I publicly apologize to everyone that is my fault 100% - Zach I apologize forgive me.

      so then the pattern is

      7-7 (currently)

      so this gives a total of 33 Home Wins and 29 Home Losses

      This makes Giants seem even more desirable because if they win then you have 33-30 (333)

      But of course 34 is associated with 139 which = Freemasonry.
      And 29 = Football

      Although this week did start off on Thursday with a huge tribute to Saturn and Saturn = 30. Would be fitting to end on a Saturn tribute as well.

    2. BAM!!! there it is, the score was a total of 34 with the 34th home team win

  13. MNF tonight is nothing more then a performed ritual, to psychologically attack your mind. Whoever loses tonights game will win the playoff rematch. When the teams meet in the playoffs and they will. Everyone will think back to this game and bet on who wins this game.

    I pick Vikings tonight. The train crash leads me to believe the colts/gmen prediction is bang on. So it would only make sense to crash tonight and go win the NWO its championship.

    1. I agree and I also disagree. I agree it's an attack on your mind however I disagree about the play on opposites.

      The Giants will win tonight and then when they face Vikings in playoffs everyone will look at this game and see how Giants got "lucky" and bet Vikings once again and lose once again. The real attack on your mind (working theory).

  14. Check this out. Rigged football gone wrong. Vegas needed washington to win this game by 11+ this very play led to that. Huge amounts of money on the browns at +10 moving the line down to washington -7.5 they were begging for us to balance it out.

    1. Wow!!!! Can't be more in people's faces than that.

  15. The last time vikings went 4-0 is when they had Randy Moss if I'm not mistaken he going to be at the game tonight so I'm rolling with Vikings because of that.

    1. They keep comparing stats from diggs to moss as well.

  16. I think we are all over thinking we are on the right track though I think it all lays with who game it is ?as in QBs,coaches and star player tonight's game is Odell beckham jrs game zach documents everything thanks so we know it's the 13 rituals going down..
    Today is 10/3 (13) he wears #13
    This year obj bday is on the 310th (31)day of the year 56 days remaining
    Odell beckham jr=56
    Odell beckham junior=178
    One seventy eight=103 v and s exceptions like the date of Monday night football today 10/3
    This game is in Minneapolis Minnesota or MM 13,13

    His birthday 11/5 is 33 days later
    The only factorization for 115 is 23x5
    Odell Cornelius beckham jr=235

    1. Leveon bell had a total of 178 yards last night as well.
      I'm pretty sure he had 42 rushing at the half and ended with 144 total rushing living him to gain 102 yards in the second half. 102 like the day he returned 10/2,227 days after his birthday he was born on the 49th day of the year 227 is the 49th prime . Steelers scored 22 in 1st q then 7 in all the others.

    2. Sportscenter just posted on instagram post showing vikings have 13 sacks last 2 games and said purple people eaters pt2?

  17. First of all, thanks so much for all your work! A lot of decoding in this one! I was leaning toward Vikings initially. However, twice this weekend, I won with the spread- Titans and Colts lost, but covered. I am strongly considering taking the Giants/points on this one to continue the streak. I like the link with the Greatest Game Ever Played. It wouldn't surprise me if this is a barn-burner.

  18. This is a hard one, i think Vikings have the stronger connections but at 10/21 its not worth the price.

    I might have a small amount on the Giants, think its 50-50.

    I'll do a decode myself later and see if i can find anything more significant. The Vikings h2h stats against the Giants seem to be lean towards them. The 15th win. Fifteen = 65. October Third = 65. Plus Eli getting his 91st loss against the Vikings = 91?

  19. From today to January 22nd, the date the conference championship games are is 111 days. 112 including the 22nd.
    If I was them I'd have this game end in a tie. Vikings 3-0-1 like today's date . 2-1-1 Giants .

  20. Also look out for rookie #28 Paul Perkins making his debut 44 days before his birthday 11/16. 45 days including the day of. Coach McAdoo says hes ready to step up which equals 1110.

  21. Done a decode,

    Found much the same as everyone else, my view on this one is actually to leave the game well alone. I've i had to pick a winner at this point than i'd also side with the giants now.

    However anyone betting on this game is literally guessing, which isn't a good gamble. Chill and wait for the next obvious game there's at least 3/4 games a week that are very clear!

    1. Excellent advice as always jmontz. You looked into the horses yet? Holy cow. If we had a team of researchers I tell you what...

  22. From tonight's game to the NFC Championship Game is 111 days!

    1. Nice, rematch, sending the 111 team to the super bowl.

  23. Lol they have "Purple Reign" t-shirts connecting to Prince.


  25. vikings beat the Giants 20-13... Smart bet

    Giants and Vikings joining the 3-1 club is possible.

    A Giant loss makes the Dallas SB chants begin
    Vikings loss no big deal But playoff implications for home field.

    Giants can easily win a road playoff game later on and it's believable.

    Vikes get this one 17-14 in a boring defensive game

  26. BTW, is there someone here with a Math background? I only minored in Math in College (when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth), but I majored in Biotechnology. There has to be a math formula that will help us with this. I'm willing to spend some time trying to find it. I just need some direction in terms of where I should look. I have a book called "Mathematical Mysteries: The Beauty & Magic Of Numbers", by CAlvin C. Clawson, that's been sitting in my Library for almost 20 years. I'm gonna try to read it

    1. I have a degree in electrical engineering... There's a lot of formulas and theories about statistical analysis I've seen applied to sports. But that was before I knew it was rigged. I'm dropping a very important article this Wednesday about geometry and sports coding though, very interesting

    2. Looking forward to your article. I'm willing to help Us All

  27. Interesting stat information on ESPN

    "The Vikings forced the Giants to punt 3 times in the 1st quarter. Entering tonight, they had punted 4 times in the first half of their 3 games combined."

  28. the TD ameritrade commercial made it official..he's the new poster boy

  29. Third-and-five.

    Michigan State quarterback Kirk Cousins dropped back in the pocket, hoping to find a receiver as he had done so many times before.

    Instead, he was swarmed by Notre Dame’s defense for a loss.

    Down 31-28, the Spartans needed a miracle to force a second overtime — or an even bigger miracle to go ahead and win the thing.

    From 46 yards away, kicker Dan Conroy and holder Aaron Bates, the Spartans’ punter, entered the picture. They prepared for a clutch field goal to send the game to another overtime… but that wasn’t the actual plan. Just a smokescreen.

    The ball was snapped, Bates moved in a hurry. Le’Veon Bell — then a freshman — earned his stripes by opening the right side for tight end Charlie Gantt, who caught Bates’ perfectly tossed ball and scored the game-winning touchdown.

    “Little Giants,” it was called back in 2010.

    Gutsy. Heroic. So much of Mark Dantonio was all over that play.

    Michigan State won, 34-31.

  30. Thought it was interesting right before the game the commentators were calling the vikings the "Purple Reign". Purple Reign is also a mixtape that came out early this year by the rapper Future and its a tribute to Prince.

  31. Did Berman just say that it was 12:01 on his watch? Lol! I missed that. Can someone confirm?

  32. Did they not play the last 2 seconds after that FG before halftime?

  33. Giants not testing this vikings defense at all. Smh.

  34. Why does bradford sound like he has a damn strain in his throat?

  35. Mathew 3:14

    Hurricane + halftime score

  36. Current ESPN headline reads :

    Vikings' pass rush should give Eli Manning, Giants a formidable test = 256, 652 (I don't think that was a coincidence)

    Two hundred fifty six = 97 (Like the current 97th season of the modern day NFL)

    Six hundred fifty two (The other way around of 256) = 97

    At the half :

    New York Giants - 3
    Minnesota Vikings - 14

    Another Saturn tribute.
    "Three hundred fourteen" = 108, *234

    108 = 144, 181 (42nd prime number)
    144 = April fourth, 44, 71
    181 = Rings of Saturn

    Also, Indianapolis Colts win Superbowl fifty one = 181 as well)

    Two hundred thirty four = 112 (Houston, Horse shoe, Andrew Luck)

    *NY = 234 in English Gematria*

    If the New York Giants win this game, remember this.

  37. Fool missed it with 11:02 on the clock. 46 yarder. 46 equals 51.

  38. Missed FG @ 11:02 lol
    Clearly symbolic and clearly shanked.

    Giants NFC CHAMPS

  39. No wonder kickers get the ax .... Oops hoax death

  40. @ Legionary .

    JB put together a nice write up on Seahawks. Must read. It's on the Sunday night thread

  41. Giants aren't going to the superbowl. Peyton just retired and he's eli's brother plus ya'll saying he might go against the colts-peyton's former team. C'mon now that's too obvious. Gematria ain't guaranteeing them in the sb.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Listen to Zachary Darius Gaga is preforming in the Super bowl for a reason. She went to a giants game with a score of 44 points. Zachary even said Rangers are going to the World series don't forget that.

  42. 44 yard fg. Guarantee Giants score a TD here for the 711 tribute.


  44. This game is over in my mind. Vikings 4-0. Sucks but whatevs. Worst week in nfl gematria picking ever for me. Even though I've only been doing it for 4 weeks I've had unbelievable success except for this week. Giants are getting all the penalties as I type this

    1. After that 67 yard run to put them in touchdown range I was almost sure they were only going to get a field goal as like a "tease".. but I guess not

    2. 24 -10... 34.. like the number for Home wins after tonight's game... all the 13s were sacrifice numbers.

      Home Wins 34... Home Loss 29...

  45. #29 for the Vikes doesn't understand the script

  46. 91 yard drive
    add 1-13 up and you get 91. another 13 tribute

  47. That pass to Cruz was the same play butler intercepted Wilson on in the SB same play that Harrison intercepted Kurt Warner on.

  48. Anyone else notice the placeholder for the Giants is #9, and the kicker is #3? 39 lol

    1. Placeholder for Vikings is #10 and the kicker is #3

      Like today's date 10/3

      Also like the #13 Zack been saying

  49. First half both teams playing hard. Second half look is like joint practice

  50. Announcer

    " another 3rd down with 11 minutes to go "


  51. so next week, ny @ packers on sunday night, ny loses 3 straight?

  52. Plaxico Antonio Burress (born August 12, 1977)[1] is a former American football wide receiver. He was drafted by the Pittsburgh Steelers eighth overall in the 2000 NFL Draft and also played for the New York Giants and the New York Jets. He caught the game-winning catch of Super Bowl XLII as the Giants beat the New England Patriots. He played college football at Michigan State.

    1. Isn't that the same dude that "shot" himself in the leg?

  53. This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Bradford the game manager with the #1 defense go to the SB.

    This script is not new in the nfl

    1. If these two teams meet in the NFC championship, 111 days from now, the Giants are going to the super bowl.

  55. Final total possible 41? Mm hmm!

  56. Recap
    Bradford 88 yards passing first half
    #44 scored a TD
    Made a 44yarder
    97 rushing yard average for Vikings

  57. how bout a pick six to make it 10-31 ? or just a vikings td

  58. Game manage the trash TD they're about to get.

  59. Manning throwing it into a sea of purple lol. This is a joke.

  60. Guess not. Guess they wanted 34.

  61. This is the 34th Home Win in the current season.

  62. I just don't get it. At all. I thought I understand but I guess I really don't. 56% of the public took Vikings to win by 4 or more points...

    1. When its like that it goes either way, when its lopsided like 75 to 25 is when its the 25%.

    2. 53% of the public took the under at 42.5.

      So not only did the public win on the spread they won on the over and under too. Big night for the public in a way

    3. Thats not a big win honestly, they clean up a lot in other games lmao.

    4. From my understandings then I should be looking for glaring lop sides when checking out the public betting along with the numbers lining up. Thanks Brandon for the tip!

    5. Check for last minute line movement too, or if public is lopsided to one side and vegas doesn't change line. Thats usually a giveaway.

    6. If you check the ML the public was on the Giants. You can't always go by public perception anyway. If you base your gematria around that you're looking for disaster. I would strongly advise not to even look at the spread or public percentages while decoding a game. Your mind will fuck you if you don't try to decode a game without already having a winner in mind.

    7. Vegas still wins if the 53% and 56% that the public won, that means Vegas won 47% and 44% and the Giants ML % and the JUICE.

  63. The Vikings secondary locked the Giants WR, Eli has a slow release, the Vikings defensive line was killing the Giants o-line

    These are the excuses the experts us. Say it enough times it becomes the truth lmao

  64. Sam Bradford (606) wins his 66th start for Minnesota (66) in the NFL (66). Vikings get their 15th win (Fifteen = 65) on October Third (65).... Let's gooooo

  65. And the linebacker dropped that gifted pick six that my grandma coulda ran back

  66. They kept mentioning the Vikings 2009 season, the last time they were in the NFC Championship... That season they started 6-0, and beat the Giants later that year 44-7 (51)... I keep seeing this Pi 3.14/227 pattern. They love repeating history. Maybe Vikings start 6-0 again?

    1. I had them pegged for beating Texans next week which was another reason why I thought it would be a loss tonight. So year 6-0 or at least possibly 5-0 before their bye week maybe

  67. @ numbers game

    You have to give the degenerate gamblers a small victory to set up next weeks rigged games where the house cleans up again.

    1. Yeah, I'm just frustrated with myself trying to figure out this crazy world of ours we live in. Lol this is what degenerate gamblers must feel like on the regular then

  68. Ummm Harrybutts... You're down 14 late, you take chances. The Giants wide receivers are big play makers. Throw the fucking ball down field! It's clear Manning was instructed to keep the score where it was.

  69. Giants are Super Bowl Bound like Zach said!!! Don't forget Rangers will be in the World series as well Zach shouldn't be wrong.

    1. Giants don't have any houston connections bro.

    2. I thought you said Rfg Chosen was finished smart one. So who's going to the Super bowl than since you know everything?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Please chill the fuck out. My emotions were rampant at that time when bridgewater went down because i thought the vikings season was over but know it seems like the script is written for a vikings colts superbowl. I don't like the giants because theirs no real ritual behind that.

    5. and the Giants dont have a stadium to pay for like in 2007 and 2011,this time

    6. Actually the Giants have ritualistic meaning too, most because ELI is an old jewish war cry and 3 is for WW3. viKINGS has a lot of royalty connections though, and this gives meaning also if we are thinking rituals here...

      So, for who or what are the rituals for this season? World War, royalty, something else??? I guess we have to wait and see. In the upcoming Super League rugby final it is WAR(ington) vs (wigan) WAR(riors). We had two NBA Finals in a row now with WAR and Royalty/Civil War connections.

  70. so for tomorrow's toronto vs baltimore wild card game
    10 = 10
    4 = 4
    2016 = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9
    10 + 4 + 9 = 23
    2 + 3 = 5
    10/4/2016 = 1+0+4+2+0+1+6 = 14
    10/4/2016 = 10+4+20+16 = 50 (50 = 5+0 = 5)

    reduction ordinal
    toronto 36 117
    blue jays 23 95
    toronto blue jays 95 212
    baltimore 41 95
    orioles 39 93
    baltimore orioles 80 188

  71. record head-to-head: Blue Jays lead 320-280.

    record head-to-head at Rogers Centre: Blue Jays lead 136-86.

    record in wild-card playoff: Blue Jays 0-0, Orioles 1-0.

    Toronto and Baltimore have never met in a post-season game.

    Historical post-season record: Toronto: 26-26 (50%)
    Baltimore: 54-43

  72. The 2 teams that make the sb Will be teams that no one are talking about could be the giants but def teams noone is looking at

  73. The 2 teams that make the sb Will be teams that no one are talking about could be the giants but def teams noone is looking at

  74. Vegas bank on pretty much every single game, they add 10% to the gambling lines that means they always have a 10% buffer. The odds should add up to 100% but if you calculate you will get 110%. This is what in gambling terms is called vig or vigorous.

    You can find a better explanation on google look it up, the house pretty much always wins unless theres a stupid amount of money on one side and even then the losses are minimal as they offer awful odds on big favs.

    1. Sometimes I think they zionist don't even care about the money because they own it all anyway...

    2. Its just about you having less money, more stress and the collective consciousness.

  75. I find it really funny waking up to see the head story on ESPN:
    "How Mike Zimmer has shaped Vikings into contenders" with a 1:12 Video tagline. I'm sure you know Houston=112, Six Kings=112 and I'm sure theres more significance


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