Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 13, 2016

13 33 38 46 58 | Gunman killed after critically wounding two Boston police, October 12, 2016

Notice the 10:39 post time; Freemasonry = 58/67/139

This story transpired October 12, 2016.

10/12/2016 = 10+12+20+16 = 58 (Blues Lives Matter) (Freemasonry)
10/12/2016 = 10+12+(2+0+1+6) = 31
10/12/2016 = 1+0+1+2+2+0+1+6 = 13
10/12/16 = 10+12+16 = 38 (Death) (Killing)

The gunman is said to be '33' years old.  Keep in mind Massachusetts is one of three '33' states.

'33' is the number used routinely in these flag flags that police cooperate in, for the purpose of agenda, for the purpose of militarizing the police.

This story also comes in the lone '33' month.

Notice they say he had body armor.  Again, along with banning assault rifles, they also want to ban body armor.  Why?  Because they know someday, people may want to fight back, and they may organize.  They're eliminating a potential threat.

Nice tweet time.  8:33.

The last name of the victim has '46' gematria, the number also often coded in these false flag shootings.  The Freemasons that run the police, they believe in order out of chaos, and '46' is the chaos number.

Shot in '74?  Dead in '77?

Also, the man's name connects to '13', like the date numerology of this story, the shooting in Boston, October 12, 2016.

10/12/2016 = 1+0+1+2+2+0+1+6 = 13

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