Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 7, 2016

13 42 59 523 | Tiger Woods May 9, 2015 performance, and his October 13, 2016 return, 523-days later

This was May 9, 2015.

That was 523-days before Tiger's return, October 13, 2016.

10/13/2016 = 10+13+20+16 = 59

Tiger is coming back at age '40', not long before his 41st birthday.

Coming back October 13, 2016.

Notice below he shot a '40' on Saturday, just like how he is coming back at '40'.

Then notice how he shot a '35' on Sunday.  Think about how Tiger always wore red and black on Sunday, much like the Catholic Church.  Only one U.S. President in history has been 'Catholic', that was the 35th, JFK.

It was the Catholic church that changed the Christian day of worship to Sunday.  (Sun-day).

They have a goal of controlling's the mind's eye of the masses.

And back to that red and black thing on Sunday.

Sean Martin, eh?  At 10:19?


As for the '75'.... always remember, 'New' reminds with you know who.

13 of 18 greens?

13 on, 5 off.

Also, notice the mention of 53 for his worst finish.

Oh, on this same day in history, May 9, 2015, this was in the news.  Liberia was Ebola free on 5/9, for 42-days...  Negro = 59; Slave = 59; Blues = 59; Five = 42; Nine = 42; Nigger = 42


  1. As for 75 he was born in 1975 and shares my birth day on 12/30 which is,33 . And 75 that's 13 so there is,13 again

  2. As for 75 he was born in 1975 and shares my birth day on 12/30 which is,33 . And 75 that's 13 so there is,13 again

  3. What a way to come back if he wins?

  4. My latest work....
    This will blow your mind!

    Pope Francis and New UN Secretary General António Guterres

    The Pope released his peace doves on 1/26/2014

    The number of days between Pope's dove release and António Guterres formal nomination by the U.N. Security Council as the organization’s next Secretary General on 10/6/2016

    From and including: Sunday, January 26, 2014
    To, but not including Thursday, October 6, 2016
    Result: 984 days

    nine hundred eighty four days" in the English Reduction system equals 137=33rd prime number

    Or 2 years, 8 months, 10 days
    Two Years Eight Months Ten Days in English Gematria Equals: 2112=21+12=33
    António Manuel De Oliveira Guterres in English Gematria Equals: 2112=21+12=33

    Or 140 weeks and 4 days
    One Four Zero Weeks Four Days in Simple Gematria Equals: 330
    Ninth Secretary General Of The UN in Simple Gematria Equals: 330

    Pope released his doves that were attacked by a crow and a seagull on 1/26
    Antonio Guterres in English Gematria Equals: 1206=126=1/26

    António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres" in the English Reduction system equals 145=145+541=666
    Intitials AMOG
    A M O G in English Gematria Equals: 216

    António Guterres Born on 4/30/1949


    In Roman numerals..
    Iv Xxx Mcmxlix in Simple Gematria Equals: 201...201+102=303=33
    Antonio Guterres in Simple Gematria Equals: 201/102...201+102=303=33

    "IV.XXX.MCMXLIX" in the English Reduction system equals 66 = Thirty three

    Birth date in Roman numerals matches name without accent. Also matches Pope's real name.

    Iv Xxx Mcmxlix in Simple Gematria Equals: 201
    Antonio Guterres in Simple Gematria Equals: 201
    Jorge Mario Bergoglio in Simple Gematria Equals: 201

    António Guterres is the Ninth Secretary General Of The United Nations.

    Well look at this!

    Ninth Secretary General in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1119/1116
    António Guterres in English Gematria Equals: 1116/1119

    "Ninth Secretary-General " in the English Reduction system equals 106
    He was sworn in on 10/6 =106
    Prophecy in Simple Gematria Equals: 106=10/6
    Prophecy in Jewish Gematria Equals: 666
    António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres" in the English Reduction system equals 145=145+541=666
    Intitials AMOG
    A M O G in English Gematria Equals: 216
    First UN plan signed on June 12th 1941
    6+12+19+41=78 (7+8=15 (1+5=6
    6+12+1+9+4+1=33 (3+3=6
    6+1+2+1+9+4+1=24 (2+4=6
    Three ways broken down=666

    Life path number for first UN plan signed on 6/12/1941
    António Manuel De Oliveira Guterres in English Gematria Equals: 2112=21+12=33
    António Guterres Born on 4/30/1949
    In Roman numerals..
    Iv Xxx Mcmxlix in Simple Gematria Equals: 201...201+102=303=33
    Antonio Guterres in Simple Gematria Equals: 201/102...201+102=303=33
    "IV.XXX.MCMXLIX" in the English Reduction system equals 66 = Thirty three

    This proves without a shadow of a doubt that the Pope's dove release was a tribute to the next UN head! Now all we have to do is figure out what the doves getting attacked by a seagull and a crow means.
    Show less

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. lol off topic,...Tom Brady has won 172 games as a starting quarterback since 2001 when he made his first career start. The Browns, on the other hand, have won 175 games over the last 29 seasons, between 1985 and 2016.

  7. Thanks Zach - I'm fascinated with golf and the gematria associated with Tiger Woods. Makes me want to go back an decode his wins to see if there is an underlying tribute throughout his career. No doubt his father would be in there with a bunch of other military type connections.

  8. Tiger is the most obvious MK ultra athlete ever. His father being high ranking military. His system crashed when he hit that tree. Usually the MK mind control wears off in the 30s and obviously thats what happened here. He now is a normal person and will never win again.

    1. Idk, you might be right, but I feel like that once you're a victim you're always one. They may very well have had his "sucking" recently all scripted. He may have a fairy tale comeback.

    2. All them fake injuries in other sports leading to championships, why not for Tiger.

  9. Zach look into the record 74 win Jeopardy winner Ken Jennings

    Born 5/23/1974
    Won 74 times before losing

    Pretty sure there's a ton on him

    1. What is.. Bullshit, Alex. Right off the bat I see he was defeated by Nancy Zerg when he was going for his 75th win. Nancy Zerg=113


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