Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 10, 2016

33 104 | Fuck Christopher Columbus Day +Why we celebrate a rapist and murderer in October

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

Today is October 10, 2016, and if you're an asshole, you might be celebrating Christopher Columbus Day.  This post is about why it is long past time to say "Fuck Christopher Columbus Day".  To not say "Fuck Christopher Columbus Day", is to endorse a bullshit character from bullshit history.  Think about it.  We are taught that Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, despite the fact that people were already living here, who he called Indian.  How does that make any sense?  The truth is, it isn't supposed to.  It is no different than the history lesson of planes that can't be found taking down skyscrapers.  You know, the planes from 9/11, where they couldn't locate the plane debris, the bodies, the luggage, but they could find "turbans, terrorist passports and box cutter knives".  Of course that story didn't make sense either, and that's because it came from the same "historical source", the Freemasons, the Zionist Jewish filth.

Let us begin with decoding this bullshit story by focusing on the fact that the man supposedly named Christopher Columbus who was paid for by the Catholic Church, arrived in October and called the people Indian, in the Americas.  Let us not forget they also say that Columbus was Jewish.

Second = 1/10+5+3+6+5+4 = 24/33

'33' is the number of Freemason obsession.  It is the master teacher number in numerology and it is coded into propaganda to make the sheeple believe.

Think about the initials of Christopher Columbus and Catholic Church, CC, 33.

The name 'Christopher Columbus' breaks down to Freemasonry prophecy, and that is exactly what the story really is.  That is what we are living out to this day, a masonic agenda, by the numbers, that they call "prophecy".

The year 1492 has a numerology of '106'.  1492 = 14+92 = 106

On May 18, the 139th day of 2016, a leap year, this story was released, involving Columbus and the Catholic Church.

The reason this letter was released 523-years after the fact, is because it was a tribute to '13', another number important to the Freemasons.  It is why there are 13 stripes on the flag, 13 years of public school programming, and the nation once began with 13 colonies.

Recall, the Bavarian Illuminati was established May 1, 1776, the 121st day of the year, just two months before the American Revolution.

5/1/1776 = 5+1+17+76 = 99 (Established with 13 families)

The Bavarian Illuminati is part of the Freemason network, that has created the world as we have been taught to understand it.  The world is run by Jewish banker tyrants, and Freemasons assholes.

Let us close by examining the name 'New World', which 'Christopher Columbus' "discovered", in regards to how it connects to Freemasonry.

Let me show you what is interesting about the alternate spellings of his name as well.  Those names are Cristoforo Colombo (Italian) and Cristóbal Colón (Spanish) and Cristoffa Combo (Ligurian), and Cristóvão Colombo (Portuguese).

Cristoforo = 3+9+9+1/10+2+6+6+6+9+6 = 57/66
Colombo = 3+6+3+6+4+2+6 = 30
Cristoforo Colombo = 87/96 (Freemason = 96)

'213' is a number connected to 'Nimrod', the original Freemason.  It is also a number connected to killing, and it is known that Columbus recorded how easy it was to kill the inhabitants of the Americas because they did not have guns, only bows and arrows.

10/12/1492 = 10+12+14+92 = 128 (11)

Foundation = 47; Authority = 47; Obey = 47; (July 4, 4/7); 47, opposite 74

American = 64; Israel = 64; Zion = 64; Thelema = 64

Here are notes from Howard Zinn's book on the journal entries from Columbus and his men:


  1. This is where you must think outside the box. CC is the celebrity used to paint the picture, we all know that the Natives were ambushed way before CC step foot on American soil. Just like every other Colonization of a place. I agree fuck Christopher Kardashian !!!

  2. Zach, does this mean you are not buying a new car, tires, or linens today?

  3. Maybe hurricane Matthew was also a tribute to CC. It basically took the same path as Columbus, hitting the Caribbean first, and destroyed the lands and killed a bunch of people. Matthews storm activity officially ended yesterday, the day before Columbus Day.

    1. Nicholas - Are you a flat earther?

    2. All hurricanes come from the Caribbean.They follow the same path that the slaves travelled after being kidnapped from their native lands.Not sure how HAARP plays into the manufacturing and paths of these storms.Research OPERATION POPEYE,the wicked used this to make it rain in the VietNam wat

    3. @BowlingAddict, yes I do believe it is flat with a dome. But we can only wonder. I definitely don't believe in NASAs lie of a round ball with billions of other galaxies. I think the sun and moon go around us...

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Nice write-up. When I was a freshman in High School I had an assignment in English where I had to pretend that I was one of CC's crew members and had to write two letters back home: one to my family and one to Queen Isabella. I was asleep at the time, but even then I realized it was a pointless assignment that wasn't leading me anywhere. Now I look back on it with pure resentment. Bunch of BS

  6. Lol. Dang, somebody has a grudge against Christopher Columbus.

  7. the web is too big it cant be broken...the sheeplets love the hamster cage and they well even fight to protect it ...

  8. David Seaman's great report:

  9. I decided to watch the debate last night, mostly for laughs at how scripted it was. The entire room was solid blue with barely any red showing; this time Trump actually wore a red tie and Hillary was in navy blue and white. Donald said 33 and 39 about 5 times each and mentioned all the big hoaxes of late. Such a joke.

    1. There was even a question by some woman, and she stated that there's 3.3 million Muslims in America... Riiiiiiight lol.

    2. My favorite questioner was Kenneth Bone = 113

    3. The debates really opened my eyes last night. It was a step below an SNL skit. The way hillary served up the "youd be in prison" zinger, the laugh tracks where people are catcalling trump, the cgi fly added in for twitter memes, mention of the holocaust, the names of the people (spencer maass?, james carter = 113). The text in the background is part of the dec. of ind. that says if a govt gets to abusive it should rebel.

  10. 3.3 million muslims in america and Hilary deleted 33,000 emails lol.

    "The FBI said that there are "110" classified e-mails that were exchanged, eight of which were top-secret and that a possible hostile actors did gain access to those e-mails."

    Hilary says 33,000 americans die from guns every year

    1. And America still thinks it's a coincidence.

    2. And 33% increase in African American income during Bill Clinton presidency!

  11. The Tyre King shooting in Columbus, Ohio on 9-14-16 Seems to be a Tribute to Columbus Day.

    Tyre King" in the English Reduction system equals 46

    BB Gun" in the English Ordinal system equals 46

    Columbus Day" in the English Reduction system equals
    37 / 46

    Tyre King Columbus Day" in the English Ordinal system equals 245

    Tyre King Columbus Day" in the English Reduction system equals 83 / 92

    Christopher Columbus " in the English Ordinal system equals 245

    What Do Police and Chris Columbus have in common? They kill innocent people native to this land without persecution.

    Kill Natives" in the English Reduction system equals
    44 / 53

    Kill Native" in the English Ordinal system equals 115

    Kill Native" in the English Reduction system equals 43

    1. 26 Days Between Tyre King Shooting and Today Columbus Day.

      Twenty Six" in the English Reduction system equals 42

      Christopher Columbus " in the English Reduction system equals 92 / 110

      Freemasonry Prophecy" in the English Reduction system equals 110

      Freemasonry Prophecy" in the English Ordinal system equals 245

      Christopher " in the English Ordinal system equals 139

      Columbus" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

    2. Check this article from Michigan Out.

      Red Paint" in the English Ordinal system equals 87

      Red Paint" in the English Reduction system equals 42

      Made me think of the film "Step Brothers" and The song from that movie "Boats and Hoes>' Because they talk about The Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria.

      Boats and Hoes" in the English Reduction system equals 42

      Boats and Hoes" in the English Ordinal system equals 123

  12. Hey Zach I notice Jake Artists comes into this game 18-8 kinda like 188 the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI IS THAT CORRECT

  13. Another easy winner for us tonight - free pick at (1.50) -we are on the roll currently in last 3 days, nailing 2 4-team parlays and today's very easy single wager:

    1. so wait - you CHARGE people for picks? I get the concept of "free pick" but that's the singular, not plural.

      notice the first word in this blog's name - FREE. ease up on trying to get subscribers from our community. fuck that.

  14. Changed the name to Indigenous people's day in Cambridge

  15. Changed the name to Indigenous people's day in Cambridge

  16. Explorer=113 simple
    Explorers=51 reduction

  17. Remarkable work, Zach. Bravo!

    Remarkable Work = 63/153 (Just thought the gematria of this phrase was interesting)

    I hope you read Manly P. Hall's book "The Secret Destiny of America." It is jam packed with tons of esoteric knowledge about Christopher Columbus. Stay safe.


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