Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 14, 2016

40 | 'Do the math', Trump is running out of ways to win, CNN, October 14, 2016

This is the front page of CNN on October 14, 2016.

10/14/16 = 10+14+16 = 40


  1. "Trump is running out of ways to win" sums to 439. 3067 is the 439th prime number. 367 is the 73rd prime number. Yet another headline connected to 73. It's pretty much been all of them for the past few days. "Hillary Clinton" sums to 73.

  2. I know you've said you haven't seen a single hillary bumper sticker or yard sign... Let me tell ya, over here in Ohio there's tons of Hillary and trump road signs and bunoer stickers. But people here are clueless, I'm very concerned about the well being of this state going forward... It's gonna be used as a testing ground. Anyway, I saw the most disturbing thing I've yet seen involving this election. Yesterday at the store I saw a bald man who looked very threatening with TRUMP tattooed on his head......

    1. Amazing, more Hillary support in Ohio than Seattle!

    2. Oh yes, I'm baffled by how much support there is for either of them. Meanwhile I haven't seen one Jill stein sign and very few Gary Johnson signs. Where you live is so much more progressive than here, Ohio oeople are mostly hicks.

    3. Check out this article, trump talking about "a global power strcture" that's "out to destroy his campaign." He leaks a little bit of truth here, but also insists that our last chance for independence is November 8th, what a joke. 11x8 = 88 like trump.

    4. I suppose they want him to give out some truth so they can then tie the truth to a "crazy, sexist, rapist" and thus discourage others from talking about it in the future. The anti-defamation league said Trump talking about media and the banks is code for "Jews." LOL.

    5. Very good thought. In the first debate, trump called the federal reserve "more political than Hillary Clinton."

    6. Indeed. How often do you hear a presidential candidate criticize the Fed? Almost never, other than Ron Paul in the primaries. That's the dead give away that people like Bernie don't give a fu*k about the people. Throughout his campaign, we didn't hear a word about the Fed and its lawlessness. Totalitarian socialists love central banks. They represent magic money trees to them.

    7. Absolutely, I told all the sanders supporters that he didn't stand a chance and that he was Just another sell out prick. I've been wondering about Jill stein, a Jewish woman born in Chicago.... She's pitching herself as "Bernie Sanders 2,0"

  3. Why do they have to come into my city state at UNLV REBELS 'battleground' the sick bish won't leave she always in Nevada, wtf. #SinderellaSamariii
    Someone need to pass out the prison 2016 shirts

  4. Hilary was born on October 26, 1947, currently 68 years old. The CIA was established on September 18, 1947, 68 years ago.
    1+2+6+1+9+4+7=30. 9+1+8+1+9+4+7=39, 3+9=12, 1+2=3

  5. Lets all write in Zachary K Hubbard on the ballot

  6. Lets all write in Zachary K Hubbard on the ballot

  7. I saw two articles yesterday. One about road to 270. Meaning 27 club. And the ghost of Trump will haunt gop. So when is Hilary going to admit she has parkinsons or she faking unless t00? And what's her tie in to Michael J Fox and back to the Future?


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