Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 8, 2016

52 106 108 223 | Chicago Bulls lose to Indianapolis Pacers, 108-115, October 6, 2016 (NBA Preseason + NFL + MLB)

Notice that Chicago lost at Indianapolis in NBA preseason, October 6, 2016.

10/6/2016 = 10+6+20+16 = 52 (Prophecy = 52/106)

The score of the game also stands out.  108+115 = 223

'108' is the big number for the Chicago Cubs, on their 108-year World Series winning drought.

Also, this weekend, Chicago plays in Indianapolis for the NFL.  Andrew Luck will be attempting to win his 37th regular season game as a Pro for the Colts.  Will his 37th win come against Chicago?  It would be fitting.  Chicago = 37


  1. I wonder if the star sports athletes (like LeBron James) know about the staging in other sports.

    1. Are you seriously wondering that? Of course they do! 100%

  2. On Thursday there was a parallel between Giants Baseball and Giants Football. The Giants baseball won on the road against a new york team and the Giants football lost at home against a team with New York connections. Could be the same thing here. The Pacers take a win against the Chicago team and the Colts take a loss against a Chicago team

    1. Excuse I meant San Fran not Giants lol I meant San Fan as a whole not Giants football. Hopefully it still makes sense

    2. Or, the Chicago Bears could be a sacrifice for the Chicago Cubs. The Bears protect the Cubs.

    3. I think the Sacrifice would be having a little Andrew Luck rub off onto Chicago and I just think there are way too many 27's coded on the game right now

      Andrew Luck is currently 27, and Sunday will be 27 days since his 27th Birthday, sitting on 27 completed passes for the season, and a loss this Sunday at home will give the Coach Charles Pagano his 27th loss

      This will be the 42nd overall reg season game between Bears and Colts and the Colts Coach Charles Pagano is currently sitting on 42 wins which I think he will stay at 42 wins for game 42 and Andrew Luck is currently sitting on 42 attempts for the season as well. 27 complete and 42 attempts.

    4. I know Zach projected a possible 9-7 season for colts and they currently only have 3 losses so another loss isn't out of the questions. It's just a matter of finding out when and who they will lose too and right now I think another one will be the bears. I've notably been wrong before and as well as right, it can go either way

    5. I'm not saying the Colts won't lose (my money is though), and I saw the 26 losses. But, since 26 is the God number, my thinking is that the Colts will go on a win streak and lose to Green Bay (with the Big 'G' on the helmet). As long as the Cubs are winning in the playoffs, the Bears will be sacrificed.
      I just don't see the Cubs AND Bears winning at the same time.
      At least, that is the story line I am betting. But, of course, if the numbers are overwhelming, I am willing to change.

    6. 101 is the 26th prime number

      101 can also be interpreted to 61 as in 61 seconds or 1:01

      The Bears Coach is currently 61 years old a total of 122 days till his birthday, 123 counting the day of

      The Bears QB Brian Hoyer = 61

      61 is the 18th prime number and Bears = 18 as well as 27

      Two Hundred Fifty Seven = 101

      257 is the 55th prime number (Date numerology for the game is 55)

      Also, the word "twenty" = 26

      The Colts lead the series against the Bears 22-19 and a loss will take them to 22-20

      I just say way more lining up for Bears which again can go either way right, the more lined up they are the more they will either win or fall. In this case I think Bears win

    7. You could be right. The numbers are on the Bears side. I just think the story line/script is against the Bears. But, maybe the numbers will tell the score and over/under. I will be looking for it.

    8. Also, Bears Coach is currently sitting on 126 wins and 102 losses. The Colts Coaches birthday was on 10/2, the number of losses the Bears Coach will stay at for this game.

      The Bears coach will go from 126 to 127 wins this weekend

      127 is the 31st prime number and The Bears QB will be turning 31 four days after this game

      Another interesting note is the Bears Coaches birthday is 2/8/55..... 28 and 55... both numbers that are numerology for 10/9/16 the day of the game

    9. And the Colts coach LOST on his 10/2 birthday game which could be a clue

    10. Bears lose John Fox gets his 103 lose. 103 is the 27th prime with those connections favoring Colts

    11. i think ur looking too close at the numbers and not the narrative. the league needs colts to win this game to give meaning to the colts season. we are going to see a strong performance by a.luck. chicago has cubs postseason, no need to build the bears. plus hockey and nba.

    12. Actually @AJ that is a good catch I completely over looked that. Thank you for putting me on to that. Keeps me thinking for sure. Because The Bears QB would get his 13th loss 4 days before his birthday on the 13th, a reflection of 31.

      And speaking of reflections how awesome would it be for the NFL narrative to have the Colts go to the Superbowl this year with a starting record of 1-4 a reflection of 41 like super bowl 41 the super bowl they won against the Bears 2/4/2007 --- 2-7 and 24 a reflection of 42

      Colts = 24, Bears = 27

      Super Bowl 41 Box score was 29 -17

      This Sunday will be Bears QB 29th game..

      59 is the 17th prime and This Sunday will be Lucks 59th game

      The game was play in Dolphins stadium and I also have Titans beating Dolphins this week in Miami

    13. Here's your clincher.

      John Fox 103rd loss.
      Cubs regular season win total 103.

    14. Andrew Luck is currently 27, and Sunday will be 27 days since his 27th Birthday, sitting on 27 completed passes for the season, and a loss this Sunday at home will give the Coach Charles Pagano his 27th loss

      This will be the 42nd overall reg season game between Bears and Colts and the Colts Coach Charles Pagano is currently sitting on 42 wins which I think he will stay at 42 wins for game 42 and Andrew Luck is currently sitting on 42 attempts for the season as well. 27 complete and 42 attempts.

      Where are you getting these completion numbers and attempts from? 27 completions on 42 attempts after 4 weeks? use some logic here. That's a typical game or just over a game for a NFL QB.

      Aside from that the argument makes sense, but Luck's actual completion number is 103 this year of 166 and 103 was already mentioned here for various other reasons

    15. @Skinner... the 27 and 42 was against the Jags last week and your right the overall is 103 which I again over looked

      @Wildfire That's your clincher. Not mine.

      Although I can see the Bears Coach getting his 103rd loss next week against the Jags, the Team that beat the Colts on the Colts coaches birthday last week

    16. I don't take the stay at 42 wins on the 42nd game etc into consideration. A lot of times that's the reason they're playing each other, the numbers match up.

    17. Why not? 42 is a good number. February = 42 the month super bowls are played in. Like Super Bowl 41 or 51

    18. I feel like the narrative is with the Colts this week. If they win this week and they will be 2-3 going into there game against the Texans next week to get to 3-3

    19. That's only if Texans lose this week and I have them winning against the Vikings.

    20. The only Team that is going 5-0 this week is Broncos, winners of super bowl 50

    21. Tomorrow can't get here any quicker!

    22. Lol I know right!! Im excited. Win or lose this shit is super fun decoding or attempting to decode outcomes. I love it either way! I've been learning so much its always mind blowing. And not just with sports, with everything

    23. NumbersGame how could you overlook something so basic as season pass attempts?

  3. Alot of Chicago Bulls connection this year.
    Dwayne Wade.

    I expect them to be in the playoffs 2017

    1. 16 teams, more than 50%, make the NBA playoffs, so that's not saying much. Probably at least make it to the Eastern Conference Finals and maybe even the Finals.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Yeah...the East sucks and I'm not so sure Lebron will go to 7 straight Finals. Either way, we'll probably see a Bulls-Cavs ECF.

      I could see the Cavs losing, paving the way for Lebron to leave again...probably to NY.

    4. He can't leave until two years...

    5. This will be the Cavs 47th season. Ohio = 47
      Warriors won the first basketball championship in '47, over the Chicago Stags.
      Warriors, Bulls, Cavs... the answer is in there.

    6. True, forgot about that. 3 yr deal with opt-out after 2 yrs. His avg per yr salary is $33 million just like MJ's during his last season with the Bulls lol.

    7. I thought he was going to sign a two year, and opt out the 2nd year. Now I think he'll win again this year, lose next year and maybe move on? If the script for him is to stay in Cleveland, I can easily see him 3-peat and sign that monster deal to surpass MJ.

    8. Yeah, if he's going to win again in Cleveland, it should be this coming year. Although he could win the following year, opt in for yr 3, and leave after losing that yr. But Idk maybe he's done winning there. The payoff for Durant and the warriors should come soon...They should win at least one, maybe two over the next few years.

    9. If Lebrun opts in 3rd year, it'll be a resigning of a new contract for ridiculous $. Idk about Durant, I think he's just their puppet. Maybe he'll start winning after Lebrons fairy tale.

  4. lebron is going to 4 straight finals in Cleveland he's going to win one more ring.

  5. Bulls and Pacers played again today and Bulls scored 121 - Revelation. Pacers had 105, total of 226. Key numbers every which way.


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