Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

60 281 | Baltimore Orioles going for 281st win, October 4, 2016, AL Wild Card, on Rosh Hashanah

If the Toronto Blue Jays win tonight, it will be their 321st win all-time against the Orioles.

If the Baltimore Orioles win tonight, it will be their 281st win, on Rosh Hashanah, the 'Feast of Trumpets'.

281 has a parallel to Rosh Hashanah, which ends today as sundown.


  1. Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Ordinal system equals 184

    Hillary's Jewboy" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Ordinal system equals 148

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Zachary J Hubbard" in the English Sumerian system equals 888

    1. lol is that "The Chosen One". What a clown.

    2. Nope, it's CoCa85, the attention seeker, mad because he feels he doesn't get enough recognition for his work.

    3. And I could have told you that before he made the comment down below under the name he usually uses. For you who said RFG, pay attention.

    4. I think maddog is right, because he writes in the exact same pattern as Coca. But perhaps all this time, Coca has been RFG? That's a possibility.

    5. Its so weird when someone you thought was alright gets strange. Please agree with me, Zach!! Please!!

    6. Yeah, I thought Coca seemed legit. I see how he writes the same way, but some people are clever like that to fool others. Online trolls are pathetic.

    7. Well, Coca has gone off on me a handful of times in the past. I figure he's like me and has bad days. Maybe he is just having a bad day.

  2. 9/25/14: Trumpet player Curt Ramm performs the national anthem before the Yankees take on the Orioles at Derek Jeter's final home game

  3. Orioles Win 6 - 0 ?

    October Fourth" in the English Ordinal system equals 166

    October Fourth" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Two Eighty One" in the English Ordinal system equals 166

    Two Eighty One" in the English Reduction system equals 67

    Baltimore Win" in the English Reduction system equals 60

    281 = 60th Prime

    Good Work Jewboy.

    1. Yea, Coca, what do you want man? Is there a group of you who are learning from me and hating at the same time? Are your dad's in Prince Hall Freemasonry or what?

  4. #88 for Baltimore
    Hyun Soo Kim 51
    Soo 13
    Kim 15 reflection of 51
    Hyun Kim 38--101
    Born in 88
    Birthday numerology 101--120--39--30
    30 date numerology
    Birthday 1/12 112
    Buck 37
    Anaheim California 373
    Thirty 37
    South Korea 37th meridian
    South Korea 43
    Pitcher 43
    Left Field 43

  5. Does Boston Redsox have any narratives to going to the World Series?
    Check this 113 year trend out...

    Since 1903 when the Redsox have 90+ wins and take 1st in their division, they are in the World Series that year.
    11 times they've took 1st place with 90+ wins. Out of those 11 times they won 6 World Series and lost 4. In 1904 the World Series they were in was Cancelled.

    This year 2016, they took 1st place with 93 wins.

    Boston vs Texas ALCS?

    From 1904 to the cancelled World Series to this year 2016, is 112 years...
    112 is where the Super Bowl is going to be played. Oblivion last Super Bowl, meaning Cancelled?
    Maybe coincidence, but had to throw that out there...

    1. Boston could be 7-4 (74) in World Series with this script...

      David Ortiz going out like Peyton Manning?

    2. Just to touch up on 1904 World Series that was cancelled. It was Boston vs NY Giants. Another Brady vs Eli SB?

    3. It's possible that Boston could lose this series in tribute for David Ortiz as his number is 34. Remember is 3/3 in World Series so if he loses, he would be 3/4. I think Chicago or LA is most likely to win but if it's another team from the NL it would be Boston. I personally think it's either Cubs/Rangers or Dodgers/Red Sox but who knows

  6. Red Sox-Cubs World Series? MLB would love it for the ratings, but the rigging there may be too obvious lol.

    1. Mike Manning strikes again, with useless info.

      His comments hold just as much water as "NYG covers. thank me later" lol...

    2. Theo Epstein series two teams with the curses
      David Ortiz looks good to do something in game 7 World Series.11+2+(2+0+1+6)=22 Red Sox =22 sending Ortiz off a champion

  7. You plan to make a video on this ?

  8. Knicks in Houston first preseason game... Hmmm

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Family guy had an episode Sunday night called "Bookie Of The Year"...

    It was about baseball, where Peters son Chris was a pitcher..... and Peter started gambling on his son. He starts winning money and then asks his son to throw the game on purpose....

    Family Guy is known for their Predictive Programming.

    If this episode had any clues in it, then i think it would be for the Orioles.

    It was Season 15, Episode 2...

    152nd Prime is "881"....

    Baltimore Orioles = 188

    Today's Wild Card date leaves "88" days remaining

    They even mention "Toni Braxton" in the episode who is from "Maryland"....

    Severn, Maryland = 1026

    From Toni Braxton's Bday to Game 7 of the world series is "26" days.

    Episode aired 10/2...

    From 10/2 - Game 7 of the world series is a span of "32" days...

    or 4 weeks, 4 days.....

    Count the end date is it "33" days.

    It has been "33" years since the Orioles have been and won the World series.....

    "chris" from the episode's team had "JW" on their jerseys...

    "JW" = 33

    "Chris Griffin" = 126

    It is "Chirs" Tilman Pitching for the Orioles.

    There was a few more but that's all i Remember for now.

    You can watch sunday's episode here.

    P.s. Chris's team does end up losing the district championship....

    If orioles do win, it will be interesting how far they go....

  11. This game will go to extra innings and Orioles will win.

  12. This game will go to extra innings and Orioles will win.

  13. Orioles put #60 in to pitch. I think they get the 281st win


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