Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 1, 2016

79 187 | Hurricane Matthew, first major hurricane to threaten Jamaica since 1988

It has a name right for destruction.

Murder = 79
187, Homicide Code


  1. Does the 88 have anything to do with Vin Scully age and the Cubs?

  2. Since the Hurrican is Matthew and we are in 2016, let's read together Matthew 16: 1-4;

    The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came, and tempting desired him that he would shew them a sign from heaven. 2He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. 3And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? 4A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.

    Weird huh? Feel like, I dunno...nowadays? ?

    1. I thought it prophetic that they named the hurricane Matthew.

      Matthew 9:3
      And, behold, certain of the scribes said within themselves, This man blasphemeth.

      Matthew 9:30
      And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.

      Gematria Jewish 1144
      Gematria Reduction 27
      Gematria Summerian 540
      Gematria Ordinal 90
      Gematria English 954

      The Luxury of Time
      Gematria Jewish 1513
      Gematria Reduction 78
      Gematria Summerian 1332
      Gematria Ordinal 222
      Gematria English 2553

      A reference to Saturn?

    2. I am trying to approach this phrase differently but I have to differ to Zach for your expertise.

      The Luxury of Time
      Gematria Jewish 1513
      Gematria Reduction 78
      Gematria Summerian 1332
      Gematria Ordinal 222
      Gematria English 2553

      Gematria Jewish 113
      Gematria Reduction 15
      Gematria Summerian 198
      Gematria Ordinal 33
      Gematria English 213

      Gematria Jewish 1200
      Gematria Reduction 31
      Gematria Summerian 726
      Gematria Ordinal 121
      Gematria English 2020

      Gematria Jewish 56
      Gematria Reduction 12
      Gematria Summerian 126
      Gematria Ordinal 21
      Gematria English 66

      Gematria Jewish 144
      Gematria Reduction 20
      Gematria Summerian 282
      Gematria Ordinal 47
      Gematria English 254

      If you read each number as words in a sentence, what would the phrase read?

      Jewish 113 + 1200 + 56 + 144
      Reduction 15 + 31 + 12 + 20
      Summerian 198 + 726 + 126 + 282
      Ordinal 33 + 121 + 21 + 47
      English 213 + 2020 + 66 + 254

      The word 'luxury' was also in the story about the sisters dying in Seychelles.

      Maia Luxury Resort
      Gematria Jewish 1646
      Gematria Reduction 78
      Gematria Summerian 1440
      Gematria Ordinal 240
      Gematria English 2616

      Gematria Jewish 41
      Gematria Reduction 15
      Gematria Summerian 144
      Gematria Ordinal 24
      Gematria English 51

      Gematria Jewish 1200
      Gematria Reduction 31
      Gematria Summerian 726
      Gematria Ordinal 121
      Gematria English 2020

      Gematria Jewish 405
      Gematria Reduction 32
      Gematria Summerian 570
      Gematria Ordinal 95
      Gematria English 545

      Jewish 41 + 1200 + 405
      Reduction 15 + 31 + 32
      Summerian 144 + 726 + 570
      Ordinal 24 + 121 + 95
      English 51 + 2020 + 545

      Just a thought.

    3. Look at the numbers in this story!

  3. The last time there was an election hurricane sandy hit nyc so this is not surprising


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