Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 17, 2016

CNN says Trumps threat to shutdown SNL is no laughing matter, October 17, 2016

It isn't often I agree with an article written by CNN, but these are valid points made in the following article, tearing down the obvious puppet, Donald Trump- who was built to be torn down.  What I would also say is, notice how CNN never wrote a piece like this criticizing Donald Trump for saying he was in favor of stop and search (frisk) by the police at the first Presidential debate.  In reality, that is even more concerning than his perspective on shutting down something because it made fun of him.


  1. FMR Alberta Premier Jim Prentice dies in a plane crash :

  2. The people who work for SNL are NOT comedians! They are members of the gang! Please see my decoding work on "Saturday Night Live for Zionists" Part 5 is coming soon!
    "Zionists For Saturday Night Live" Taran Hourie Killam..1 SNL Hollywood

    1. Yes SNL is a very Zionist show. Still, the Trump mocking, the Zionist puppet, is hilarious.

  3. SNL is satire, the election is a parody, and Donald Trump is a clown. If he didn't love being laughed at he wouldn't wear that bird nest wig and orange makeup or say and do any of the things he does.

    Journalism itself is one big joke.

    1. Exactly. The election process IS A JOKE - it likely always has been but you would have to be blind not to notice. The Obamanation was the same way. etc etc etc.

  4. Valid points?? Pretty sure he was saying shut it down bc it's not funny...not that he'd use govt power to shut down a show. Give me a break.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Donald Trump is the biggest mocking of the American people to date, even bigger than 9/11. The majority of America is too retarded to see it, so I help people see it. It is very obvious you come from a republican / right wing background. I am someone who would have that deplorable portion of the population made into fertilizer, and not because of Trump. Those who call themselves Republicans, are the least among us. Bill Maher, as much as I don't like him, said it right about the Republicans on his show last week, calling out how pathetic they are, putting in perspective how pathetic one must be to support such a party, and such trash candidates. He made the point that the Republicans could run a person even lower than Trump and the Republican base would still support. The majority of trash in this country, in terms of people, vote Republican. George W Bush? Just shut it down Kyle. You're making yourself look bad.

  5. Man, this Trump character is really getting to you! This is a rare post with no Gematria...only purpose is to bash Trump...again!

    He's just a character like all the rest, yet you take everything he does so personally for some reason. Interesting, that's all.

    1. I agree. Zac don't lose focus. I would like to see even half of the effort exposing Hilliary for the lunatic she actually is.

      We all can see enough of the Trump bashing in the Jewish controlled media and people here already understand the controlled opposition aspect within American politics.

  6. Yeah, the people hate Clinton so much they are hopping on the Trump wagon and I cannot stand it. I am done with this crap and have a hard time respecting anyone who falls for this shit anymore.

  7. Yeah, the people hate Clinton so much they are hopping on the Trump wagon and I cannot stand it. I am done with this crap and have a hard time respecting anyone who falls for this shit anymore.

  8. Thinking about Obama being the 44th president tho really only the 43rd person to hold the office. That plays into 404 computer code which you all know means "not found".

    The overlords have been having fun with this from day one, picturing him with horns, questioning his birth, the lion king meme, the conspiracy theories that he was from Kenya/Indonesia/Mars/the secret son of Macolm X/secret woman with Michelle secretly a man/ and cloned from the ancient mummy Ahkinatin (my favorite), etc..
    Does anyone remember that press conference when he just appeared in front of the podium out of thin air? They do this stuff on purpose.

    Remember the Tupac hologram? Japanese hologram Sum pop stars? It wouldn't surprise me if Obama is a completely simulated person like SimOne.

    404=44 not found because he doesn't exist.

    It's really no crazier than this election

    1. I have an older video where one of his speeches, they did appear to possibly use a hologram of him.

  9. Who actually still watches the Joo-doo on Saturday Night Live ?


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