Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5, 2016 reporting on Hurricane Matthew (Supposed to make landfall in U.S. October 6)

Fear sells.

Fear sells.

The sub headline below ties to today's date.  The day of "upping the fear".

Direct hit = 51 (Conspiracy)
10/5/2016 = 10+5+20+16 = 51


  1. Coastal Counties=177

    Thirteen Coastal Counties=1109J

  2. "Remain calm but vigilant" = 226, 91

  3. Evacuation. We gotta figure out some kind of fug n plan guys. Who wants to sit around waiting fur this kinda shit to happen to you. ?. This is crazy that these mf play god with sooooo many lives. And the PROLLS ARE COOL WITH IT. ...

    1. You are right friend. And I love that you use that word from 1984.

  4. I live in Daytona beach so wish me luck!!! There's no water no bread nothing in stock at stores. The predicted path of the hurricane looks like I'm gonna get as close to the eye as possible lol.

    1. Be safe, the eye is the safest spot.

    2. Hey Zach, I'm trying to make sense of this all - whether to be worried about the storm or not - (I'm in Central FL) - not near the coast or anything - but even around here, corporations like Walmart, etc, all shops with supplies are being bought out - water sold out since yesterday -

      I knew to look out for 10/6 - Florida is taking a huge hit with the chaos - since it's an area with such a high population....
      Pulse, Zika in Miami, now this.....

      I have a hunch that this chaotic weather is planned in order to be able to take all the energy/power the public will lose due to outages - and focus all that energy/power somewhere else.

      I've been tuning in to your content for several months - anticipating getting my own thing started - and I know that now is the time.

      I'm so tired of no one around here (Orlando) knowing what the fuck they are talking about regarding the news/shootings/and all other crazy happenings. Yes a storm may hit, but no one understands that these things are all planned - that's why there is numerology all over the news reports about Hurricane Matthew.

      I'm curious as to what you mean by the eye being the safest spot?

    3. When you get hit by a hurricane, which is a real event, the rain is relentless from the arms of the storm. In the eye it is calm and even sun shines through the eye, but the fastest and deadliest winds are just miles away... Don't fuck around, it's not FAKE, just MANMADE.

  5. I'm in Pensacola, and WE SHOULD be getting some kind of remnants from this New Testament Matthew Hippo Hurrican Holler Storm, but there's not a rain drop in sight, in the Pensacola 7 day forecast....

  6. I'm in Pensacola, and WE SHOULD be getting some kind of remnants from this New Testament Matthew Hippo Hurrican Holler Storm, but there's not a rain drop in sight, in the Pensacola 7 day forecast....

    1. Please keep us posted. An on site update from a clear head is invaluable.

  7. They might send another one a couple weeks later.
    That would be something else.

    Someone hates Haiti.

  8. This has HAARP written all over it I fear. HAARP= 150/44/26 It's very telling that they named this one Matthew. Miami and Matthew both=27. Hurricane Matthew=1122. There is something really ominous about the numbers for this storm. If you look in Matthew 11:22 it says, "But I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgement than for you."
    Tyre=68 (Obama)
    Sidon=193/366/61 (Miami Heat=193)
    TyreSidon=774/129 (Judgement Day)
    Florida=390/65 same as Andrew and Android.
    Miami, FL=97 (Hurricane, Tsunami, Tidal Wave) 330/55 (Barack)
    Obama's birthday to tomorrow is 63 days. I've been seeing 63 a ton lately.

    Hurricane Andrew hit Miami on August 24,1992 and it is 8809 days between that day and tomorrow. The sum of the divisors of 8809 is 9216. Look that number up. It has 33 divisors and the sum of the divisors is 26611. Two of the divisors of 9216 are 72 and 144. It's also a 9 number and the product of the numbers 9x2x1x6=108.
    Tomorrow is not only 10/6, but has numerology of 52 so we have a double dose of prophecy coming tomorrow. I feel like we are missing something though...this hurricane could just be a distraction for what will really happen. Oh and flood=52. Nothing to do but wait...or if someone could go blow up HAARP...that would help.

    1. I also think it's of note that Schumann Resonance=1122, just like Hurricane Matthew. I forgot that earlier!

    2. Effects on Schumann resonances have been reported following geomagnetic and ionospheric disturbances. More recently, discrete Schumann resonance excitations have been linked to transient luminous events – sprites, elves, jets, and other upper-atmospheric lightning. There were sprites seen above Hurricane Matthew if you recall. And look at sprites=636/106.

    3. 11.22.63

      Kennedy Ass.

      THERE'S YOUR 1122 AND 63 ALL IN ONE.

    4. Oh crazy! And I'm seeing 63 on everything this week. There have even been all of these creepy drug overdose stories recently...drug overdose=63. Interesting...


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