Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 13, 2016

33 44 48 68 93 144 | Reince Priebus named as Donald Trump's 'Chief of Staff', November 13, 2016 +Steve Bannon of Breitbart

What a headline!  That goes nicely with 'Chief of Staff'.

10-4 over and out!

7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104 (Jerusalem = 104) (US giving Israel $104m per day)

What a name.  No doubt a manchurian, born and bred to be.

Reinhold = 9+5+9+5+8+6+3+4 = 49 (Washington)
*Reince = 9+5+9+5+3+5 = 36
Richard = 9+9+3+8+1+9+4 = 43
Priebus = 7+9+9+5+2+3+1 = 36/45
Reinhold Richard Priebus = 128/137 (Washington D.C. = 137) (Authority = 137)
Reince Priebus = 72/81 (He was born in '72) (Inaugration Day = 72)

Reinhold = 18+5+9+14+8+15+12+4 = 85
*Reince = 18+5+9+14+3+5 = 54
Richard = 18+9+3+8+1+18+4 = 61
Priebus = 16+18+9+5+2+21+19 = 90
Reinhold Richard Priebus = 236
Reince Priebus = 144 (Notice he is 44-years old at time of selection)

Forty-Four = 144; April Fourth = 144; Time = 144

Notice he attended Wisconsin.  Wisconsin = 44

His birthday, March 18, is interesting.  If you divide 7 by 22, you'll be left with .318...

There is something to this number '318' I do not fully understand or appreciate it yet.  It is also connected to circles.

3/18/1972 = 3+18+19+72 = 112 (Zionist) (Mathematics)
3/18/1972 = 3+18+(1+9+7+2) = 40 (United States)
3/18/1972 = 3+1+8+1+9+7+2 = 31
3/18/72 = 3+18+72 = 93 (Saturn) (Saturn is the keeper of time...)

This appointment comes November 13, 2016, the day that leaves 48-days left in the year.

11/13/2016 = 11+13+20+16 = 60
11/13/2016 = 11+13+(2+0+1+6) = 33 (Masonry) (Secrecy) (Order) (Federal)
11/13/2016 = 1+1+1+3+2+0+1+6 = 15
11/13/16 = 11+13+16 = 40

From today until Inaguration Day, is 68-days.

Remember, Donald Trump is in the 68-story Trump Tower until Inaguraiton Day.

Notice he is 62-years old at the time of the appointment.  Mason = 62

Stephen = 1+2+5+7+8+5+5 = 33/42
*Steve = 1+2+5+4+5 = 17/26/44
K. = 2/11
Bannon = 2+1+5+5+6+5 = 24
Stephen K. Bannon = 59/68/77
Steve Bannon = 41/50/68 (Breitbart = 41) (Donald = 50) (Donald John Trump = 68)

Stephen = 19+20+5+16+8+5+14 = 87
*Steve = 19+20+5+22+5 = 71
K. = 11
Bannon = 2+1+14+14+15+14 = 60
Stephen K. Bannon = 158
Steve Bannon = 131

11/27/1953 = 11+27+19+53 = 110 (President)
11/27/1953 = 11+27+(1+9+5+3) = 56
11/27/1953 = 1+1+2+7+1+9+5+3 = 29
11/27/53 = 11+27+53 = 91

They're reporting the KKK is praising the decision.  KKK = 11+11+11 = 33 (Race War = 33)

Again, this news comes on the date with a life lesson number of '33'.


  1. Reinhold Priebus is (44) years old and from the Republican committee of Wisconsin..."Wisconsin" = (44)

  2. Reinhold Priebus is (44) years old and from the Republican committee of Wisconsin..."Wisconsin" = (44)

  3. If Trump makes it past 11/17, let us not forget the date that has been staring us in the face. 1/21/17. 74 days after election day or 10 weeks 4 days or 1776 hours or a hillarious 20.27% of the year. Or maybe that's the day he comes back to life after a 1/17 headshot with someone else already sworn in.


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