Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 19, 2016

33 45 51 113 221 | Brandon Victor Dixon, the actor playing Hamilton, who addressed Mike Pence, November 18, 2016

His name and birth numerology are very interesting.  Notice he was born September 23, 1981, new year's day on the French Republican Calendar.

9/23/1981 = 9+23+19+81 = 132 (Grand) (33x4)
9/23/1981 = 9+23+(1+9+8+1) = 51 (Federal) (Conspiracy)
9/23/1981 = 9+2+3+1+9+8+1 = 33 (Masonry) (Secrecy) (Race War)
9/23/81 = 9+23+81 = 113 (Mainstream) (Dishonest)

His name gematria also connects to 'The Bavarian Illuminati', the network linking the United States and France.  Remember, the Bavarian Illuminati was established May 1, 1776.  5/1

11/18/16 = 11+18+16 = 45 (Mike Pence = 45)


  1. Mason Dixon line? Civil War reference.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I looked up master number on simple number came up and i clicked on it and your name came up first. Zackary k Hubbard under neath it was skull and bones I believe. What's up with that?

  4. Liberals believe in diversity they say. But to audition for this play Hamilton if you were white you were told don't bother.


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