Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 20, 2016

41 44 47 67 | Adam Vinatieri's record field goal made streak ends at 44, November 20, 2016

They let the clock run down to 2:13.  February 13, or 2/13, is the 44th day of the year.

It was a 42-yarder.  Freemason = 42

The down was 4th and 1.  Super Bowl = 41; Colts won Super Bowl 41, 10-years ago

Also, Prince died on a date with '41' numerology, and Jim Irsay bought Prince's guitar on the anniversary of Purple Rain.  Jim Irsay = 41

Today's date also has relevant numerology.

11/20/2016 = 11+20+20+16 = 67 (Blood Sacrifice) (Prince dead 67-days from Vanity)
11/20/2016 = 11+20+(2+0+1+6) = 40
11/20/2016 = 1+1+2+0+2+0+1+6 = 13
11/20/16 = 11+20+16 = 47

Super Bowl 51, will be the 47th Super Bowl of the modern era.  It will be on a date with '44' numerology.

2/5/2017 = 2+5+20+17 = 44


He was going for #45, ending at #44.  Recall, two days before this news, Mike Pence was booed at 'Hamilton', which had some assassination foreshadowing going on.  Mike Pence is from Indiana, where the Colts play.

Colts are currently 4-5 (Vinatieri misses going for #45)
Mike Pence = 45
Donald Trump, to be the 45th President


  1. Thank you Zach for this. Such key info right infront of our faces. Wow.


    Photo posted by the NFL for the Colts win.
    Hashtag #ForTheShoe = 119
    Colts Win a BIG AFC South matchup!
    "BIG AFC South" = 48 (Donald Trump), 111 Ordinal, 666 Sumerian

  3. Peyton Manning met with Draymond Green and Kevin Durant today for the Super Bowl 41 reunion.

  4. They meet the day after the Warriors improve to a 11-2 record beating the Milwaukee Bucks who gave them their first loss last season to make them 24-1. Bucks the team from Wisconsin(44) Adam Vinatieri's field goal streak ended at 44.

  5. Also the Bucks beat them last year to give them their first loss and a record of 24-1 or 1L-24Wins. Warriors won with 124. Bucks loss with 121(revelation).


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