Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 20, 2016

44 75 111 163 174 | Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In (March 1969) song decode

*This was a request

Let us decode the name of the song.

Aquarius = 35/44/107
Let the Sunshine In = 76/94/202
Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In = 111/138/309

The song is commonly called 'The Age of Aquarius'.

The Age of Aquarius = 75/84/174 (New World Order = 75/174) (Number of the Beast = 66/75/174)

The name of the group who sung the song was 'The 5th Dimension'.

The 5th Dimension = 73/82/163 (163, the 38th prime number)

It should be noted that the group consisted of five members.

They were originally called 'The Versatiles'.

The Versatiles = 55/73/163 (163, the 38th prime number)

Notice the song was listed as #66 on Billboard's Greatest Songs of All-Time.  Billboard = 39/75

The single was released in March, the album was released in May.  May = 39

The Age of Aquarius is to begin in March around the year 2,150.  It is no coincidence this single came out in March of 1969.

Billy Davis Jr. = 53/62/143

Florence LaRue = 63/135

Marilyn McCoo = 60/141

Lamonte McLemore = 65/164

Ronald Townson = 58/67/184 (Ron Townson = 50/59/167)

I need to do some work on the lyrics, there is a lot that is interesting there.


  1. Bones Howe is a great name.

    Red=mars, black=saturn, silver=mercury. Mercury is the messenger, mars is the warrior, saturn is the boss. Soul city=sun city. in pop songs, light, sun, shine, bright, electricity, bolt, shock, heat, warmth etc. Are references to lucifer. Most pop songs are veiled allegories about lucifer. This song is no different. Let the lucifer in. 1969 was a big year for rock n roll. Coven released their album "witchcraft destroys minds and steals souls." This album is widely credited with introducing the devil horns rock salute to the masses. From the liner notes: "as the altar bell is again rung nine times, the high priest wanders among the assemblage, touching the genitals of each member of the coven with a special satanic blessing to insure the success of the orgy to follow." Rings some pussy-grabbin' bells.


  2. Aquarius / Let the Sunshine In (The Flesh Failures) (Remastered)
    The Fifth Dimension
    Buy for $1.29
    SubscribeStart Free Radio
    Subscribe to Google Play Music and listen to this song and millions of other songs. First month free.
    When the moon is in the Seventh House
    And Jupiter aligns with Mars
    Then peace will guide the planets
    And love will steer the stars
    This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
    Age of Aquarius

    Harmony and understanding
    Sympathy and trust abounding
    No more falsehoods or derisions
    Golden living dreams of visions
    Mystic crystal revelation
    And the mind's true liberation

    When the moon is in the Seventh House
    And Jupiter aligns with Mars
    Then peace will guide the planets
    And love will steer the stars
    This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius
    Age of Aquarius

    Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
    Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in
    Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in

    Oh, let it shine, c'mon
    Now everybody just sing along
    Let the sun shine in
    Open up your heart and let it shine on in
    When you are lonely, let it shine on
    Got to open up your heart and let it shine on in
    And when you feel like you've been mistreated
    And your friends turn away
    Just open your heart, and shine it on in

  3. "Jupiter-Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. The majority of society, political and economic destruction will increase in years ahead. In 2009, a positive cycle of hope and idealism (Jupiter-Neptune) started, probably with the election of Obama. Likewise, a positive cycle of revolution and change also started in 2010 (Jupiter-Uranus). However, the cycle of hope ends in October 2015 (I probably expect republicans in the white house in 2016, with the consequences of starting some major wars by then). The cycle of Jupiter-Uranus also goes negative by early 2017, when the next US president is elected. The 2016 President looks to be a nasty one (agressive, leading to wars), while the 2020 US election effects real change and a gradual shift towards a global positive mood (several cycles become positive by then, and a new hope represented by Jupiter-Neptune in 2022). The US president elected in 2024 brings even further positive mood (represented by a positive Jupiter-Uranus and Saturn-Neptune in 2025)!"

  4. Aquarius is an air sign. Lucifer is the Prince of the power of air. The pyramid with the all seeing eye is the symbol for air. Air represents intellect. The age of aquarius is the age of intellect/lucifer.

  5. "The fact that the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21, 2020, will be closely preceded by a total solar eclipse is all the indication we need that the 2020s will be a decade to remember. The chart for the eclipse shows Mars in Aries trining the eclipse itself, revealing a people confident and active again. This aggressive optimism will only increase once Neptune, the planetary Ark of Humanity, also enters Aries at mid-decade. The conjunction of 2020 is especially meaningful because it is the first one of its kind in Aquarius in over 700 years. What's more, Pluto is also aligned with it, just as this "cosmic plumber" returns to its natal position in the U.S. horoscope for the first time. The U.S. will remain in the spotlight in these times, and the America which emerges from this chapter will be greatly transformed and unrecognizable from the America which preceded it..."

  6. "Samael Aun Weor, the founder of the Gnostic movement, tells us that the Age of Aquarius began on February 4, 1962. On that day there occurred a very interesting astronomical (and astrological) event. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, along with the sun, the earth, and the moon, were all found in the constellation of Aquarius. In addition, a solar and lunar eclipse occurred which was visible in some parts of the Old World. The cosmic event that transpired on that day is extremely rare. Such a congregation of planets occurs only once every 2160 years, moving from one constellation to the next. Each time it happens it marks the beginning of a new era, or New Age, for humanity. February 4, 1962 marked the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Due to the great significance of the new era, the 4th of February bears a special meaning for Gnostic students. This date is recognized as the official Gnostic New Year, and is celebrated at Gnostic centers throughout the world. February 4, 1998 will mark the beginning of the 37th year of the Age of Aquarius. amael Aun Weor, the founder of the Gnostic movement, tells us that the Age of Aquarius began on February 4, 1962. On that day there occurred a very interesting astronomical (and astrological) event. The planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, along with the sun, the earth, and the moon, were all found in the constellation of Aquarius. In addition, a solar and lunar eclipse occurred which was visible in some parts of the Old World. The cosmic event that transpired on that day is extremely rare. Such a congregation of planets occurs only once every 2160 years, moving from one constellation to the next. Each time it happens it marks the beginning of a new era, or New Age, for humanity. February 4, 1962 marked the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Due to the great significance of the new era, the 4th of February bears a special meaning for Gnostic students. This date is recognized as the official Gnostic New Year, and is celebrated at Gnostic centers throughout the world. February 4, 1998 will mark the beginning of the 37th year of the Age of Aquarius."

  7. Aquarius means Waterbearer in Latin. From aquārius (“water carrier”), from aqua (“water”) + -arius.late 14c., faint constellation and 11th zodiac sign, Latin, lit. “water carrier,” properly an adjective, “pertaining to water” (see aquarium); a loan-translation of Gk. Hydrokhoos “the water-pourer,” old Greek name of this constellation. Aquarians were a former Christian sect that used water instead of wine at the Lord’s Supper

  8. Which tarot card represents Aquarius?: The Rider-Waite-Smith star tarot card, numbered seventeen, depicts a naked maiden with one foot on the earth and the other foot in a body of water. In each hand she holds an overturned jug from which water flows to the earth below, an ancient symbol for the zodiacal sign of Aquarius, the water bearer.The fool trump, numbered zero, is the first card of the major arcana. The Rider-Waite-Smith version depicts a young man staring toward heaven as he stands at the edge of a precipice, his small dog yapping at his feet. The fool represents the novice who is about to embark on a spiritual journey. The tradition of the Golden Dawn assigns the tarot’s fool trump to the planet Uranus.Uranus (the Greek Ouranos) was the first child of Gaia (Mother Earth). As the original sky god, Ouranos became the first heavenly father when he poured water in the form of rain onto his mother earth below so that she would flourish with plant life. Ouranos also impregnated his mother to produce the first race of gods that ruled over mankind. Only when Ouranos became a tyrant did his mother plot with their son Cronos (Saturn) to wrest power from his father Ouranos by castrating him with a sickle.

    5th dimension. May. 55. Satan,boss, Judas, horn, no god,all =55

  9. "Aquarius, however, is an eminently revolutionary sign, and its occult significance is knowledge. The constellation of Aquarius is governed by the planet Uranus, which is a completely revolutionary planet. The sign of Aquarius shows a man with two pitchers of water who is wisely combing these waters. The doctrine of the Age of Aquarius is thus termed the “Doctrine of the Synthesis”, the synthesis of all authentic religions and systems of self-realization. In the Aquarian Age dogmatic types of Christianity will cease to be taught, and all dogmatic forms will disappear. In this age science will become religious, and religion will become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal Energy. In the Age of Aquarius humanity will have marvelous breakthroughs in many scientific disciplines, including physics, chemistry, astronomy, medicine, aviation, etc."

  10. Pisces is a water sign. Aquarius is an air sign. Air is a higher vibration than water. When "sunshine" (lucifer) hits water, it evaporates or turns to steam. See peter Gabriel's steam

    32 degrees is freezing point. 33 degrees is melting point...


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