Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 6, 2016

54 | TRUMP WATCH, November 7, 2016 date numerology

The number '117' has been coded next to Donald Trump all year.  I am interested to see how his day goes Monday, November 7, 2016, the day prior to the election.

Notice November 7 leaves 54-days left in the year, and this year, it is also a date with '54' numerology.

11/7/2016 = 11+7+20+16 = 54
11/7/2016 = 11+7+(2+0+1+6) = 27
11/7/2016 = 1+1+7+2+0+1+6 = 18
11/7/16 = 11+7+16 = 34
11/7 = 11+7 = 18

Here is what President Truman wrote about limiting the CIA's capacity, December 22, 1963, 1-month after the assassination of JFK.'s%20CIA%20article.html


  1. I'm making that keanu reeves pic the background on my phone right now.

  2. Let's analyze Clinton's campaign slogan "STRONGER TOGETHER". It has Gematria codes of 87 and 807 (zero is generally omitted in Hebrew, so 807 could be viewed as 87). 87 stands for "The mighty one(s), Princes, strong one, oak, "strong will", not-anything, failure, nothing (no real results from anything she touches), to degrade, form a plot, shameless, to decide, order, command, "Libyans", defect, wickedness, administration (Gov't.), perversity or sin". [you will not find better words to fully characterize Mrs. Clinton; above all, Clinton's campaign slogan was selected "by the numbers"). Last night [Nov 6] NBA's superstar Lebron James was present at the Clinton's rally in Ohio. Note, "LeBron James campaigns with Hillary Clinton in Cleveland" = 228 in Latin Reduction Gematria. 228 is a multiple of 114 (2 x 114). They both are deeply tied, as numbers. Note, "Black Magic" = 114 in English Kabbalah.

    1. Check the entire Gematria article:

    2. How about Janet Reno also passing at age 87. Like I have claimed in the past, I became a truthseeker during the era between Oklahoma City/McVeigh dispute(funny how they got a basketball team) and the Next year's Branch Davidian/Koresh ordeal.

      Man I was wrong on the Pack moving forward. Announcers were screaming to me, this is the beginning of the colts run. What I learned in first half of season, Birth gematria and date gematria lining up is a Bad thing 7 times out of 8. It might be a very strong signal for losing.

    3. Had to treat all games as the same, so the numerology would be the only variable, I learned a lot and others can to from this. I need to test a different variable in the second half. I have fun being a worker bee, Zach certainly can't decode everything, he's mostly human, maybe with a little of 'ex-CIA' in his blood.

    4. I have learned alot of the numbers are coded to prophecy and the Bible. The Colts are encoded to Biblical end times stuff right now the seals and stuff, That's why they are gonna win I believe?

    5. InsaneUnknown would you elaborate on"Had to treat all games as the same, so the numerology would be the only variable" Do you a a specific example from the week?

    6. Yes I can briefly. Lots of these blog decodes use lots of reasons (variables) why a win or loss is imminent. Some use coaches records, new commercials and the athletes in them, some use bible verses (I recently learned first hand that most Freemasons use the King James version from the 16-1700's) Some use the network shown on, some use intuition, some use Zach for everything.

      Since the colts beat the Packers and the Falcons beat the packers, I chose packers because the birthdate numerology and date numerology had multiple matches.

      Like yesterday was a 26. One of the four or five date numbers. It was 26 days from Rodgers 33rd birthday. His birth numerology also synced up, and the date 11-06 also matched with the 116. Coach McCarthy synced up well too, he was turning 53 in 3 or 4 days, and 53 was a date number yesterday. I definitely saw that the pack could be 116-66 and whatever after a loss. Giving a 666, which I was worried about but didn't post on. I think two dudes on here alluded to that. But the permanent kicker for me was when the announcers of the gb vs. Indy game announced it had been 133 throws (33 or 133, 233 for that matter are huge) without an interception for Rodgers, DURING THE SNAP! And it was a pass right to the defense. Couldn't be more scripted. 44 has been bad for the pack all season, but I used it for my super bowl decode here on September 4th for Patriots Packers as integral for them. Super Bowl date numerology has a 44. 44th parallel goes through Green Bay (also minneapolis for vikings and Baltimore for the ravens) the pack fell to 4-4. Wisconsin = 44.

      Last week on Halloween eve, the pack lost to atlanta, there weren't that strong of reads on either side outweighing the other. Aaron Rodgers was 33 days from his 33rd birthdate. Mason orgasm. McCarthy synced up nicely too. The final score 33-32.

      I know I can be hard to follow along, but, hopefully that clears it up. Guys using too many variables cannot deduct what actually the key to the map was. Understand? I was trying to see if my method works. I am here to help the community, not bet, not troll, help people think twice.

  3. The secret service bodyguard in that picture (on the right) looks a lot like a young Robert De Niro. More 'Taxi Driver' programming?

  4. Hillary has already won the election and Newsweek has already printed millions of copies of Madam President, and the election results are there too. Go to to see the article, dont waste your time voting

  5. Zach, 312 days, huh? That's the good old 213 death number going backwards down the street.

    1. 213 was Jeffrey Dahmer ' s apartment #. Slayer has a great song about it called 213.

  6. 6'2" Clinton-Era Attorney General JANET RENO -- DEAD AT 78 -- of Parkinson's.

  7. I do not understand why you have an article by President Truman? He is an illuminati puppet and nothing he says holds any validity. And JFK may be a death faker. So it is not really an assassination. Until people understand that there is total deception to all these stories, Gematria means nothing. Everyone always assumes sacrifice. When in fact it may just be that people are being hoodwinked! Be careful of clinging to any beliefs, since it all comes from programming by the powers that be. Even Gematria!

    1. Truman was the 33rd president. That's the significance, that's it. From Missouri, second debate was in Missouri.

      Gematria is deceptive and intended to be deceptive, hard to uncode. I have read a lot that there are indicators to shift all numbers east, back a digit or two and go from there.

      Buzz Adrian was a 33rd degree master mason, makes sense of the moon unlanding.

      On a side note, watching Simpsons with my kids last night, Homer and Milhouse's father were starting a LaCrosse team (Indian/Native sport). At the end Mil house's father was video blogging on 'MyTube' and was ranting of all sorts, then he slides a "Jet fuel can't melt steel" 911 reference. Date was 11-6, flip that beast and you got 911. Fun, nothing to prove, but fun.

    2. I love auto spell. Buzz 'Aldrin' and shift numbers west.

    3. Perhaps fun, but not solution oriented. Sports are rigged. Current events are staged. Our recorded history is based on lies. I do not need numbers to tell me that. Perhaps all this time spent on numbers is just a waste of time and a distraction. That is what the powers that be what from us. Perhaps gematria is just to lead people on a wild goose chase. There is no real purpose for it. No one knows who is behind it. Is it human or supernatural? No one will ever know so perhaps it would be better to create energy that is positive and beneficial to the world. Zach is unwittingly playing into "their" hands and leading people to no where good. If people really wanted to make a change, they would boycott sports and stop watching the news. Tune out! Stop the propaganda machine, as opposed to feeding it. This website gets its energy hooks in you and clearly people have become addicted. Can you not see it or feel it? I am not saying this to be cruel or negative. Awareness starts within--ALWAYS! Ask yourself: does this information create something positive in me or for the world? We are all energetic beings and we attract what we focus on. This type of "magic" unwittingly attracts more negativity.

    4. You are asking for some severely negative attention... Mrs. IP 92.611.8.143

    5. To boycott sports on a mass level, we must first prove that it's rigged beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  8. Not mad at Savannah. She's somewhat correct.
    The idea is to make everyone aware of the hoaxes and the fabricated lies through numbers. Why is everyone so defensive when someone states a different opinion. I ask the same questions when I first got on here. Germatria was created by the Zionist but it's not the only language used. Once you get a hang of the code then what??? How are you exposing truth on JEWTUBE when it's allowed by the elites that run it. How are you going to Washington where the elite run. Who can you trust?

    1...2...3... Get ready for name calling or gay slander.

    The usual on this site. Savannah great point!

  9. "bills" in the English Ordinal system equals 54
    "bills" in the English Reduction system equals 18
    "buffalo" in the English Reduction system equals 27

    I'd say quite a good day for Bills on the surface

  10. I know InsaneRediculous, people don't get you. You need to use better cadence, much less sarcasm and maybe a smiley face or an lol in there. You're generally a cheery dude with positive energy, a flirty auora, and a really hairy neck.


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