Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 12, 2016

MY UFC 205 Video & how YouTube is squashing the stats, November 12, 2016

Historically, my UFC videos have earned the most views out of all the videos I have made.  Today, YouTube is squashing the stats in a big way.  Notice the two videos I released, before and after, the UFC video.  More views, before and after?  Not likely.  My UFC videos typically get 10 views per 1 view I get for any other other topic.

I think what YouTube is saying is this, "This video is too damaging, sorry, we will squash your stats because of this."

Tickets on sale September 30?  9/30... 9+30 = 39


  1. Just another coincidence confirmed by the JewTube

  2. I was going through some of your older posts and apparently they blocked a World Cup video you made in 2014. I know they've left you alone relatively but that's only because they can't make it too obvious.

  3. The Jews are coming the Jews are coming..Spineless cowards

  4. Hey Zach it's something going on with Louisville QB IDK IF THEY WANT HIM TO THROW TD LOSING FOR NOW

  5. Zach, I was watching a video on the Mandela Effect last night.I noticed that the guy had about 1700 subscribers and this particular video of his had just under 200k views. The video was,about 6 months old. I've only started to look at these,things GS since finding your channel because a blind man can see they are screwin with your numbers.Back to this guy from last night though...tell me how any of those numbers jive? I don't put any stock in youtubes stats at all.

  6. the 112 game winning streak of Mount Union (48r 156o) a division 3 football team ended today. the lost 31-28. With the 112th world series just finishing up i thought this was interesting. Scripting all way down to division 3? yup. A 24 yard touchdown ended the Purple Raiders (72r 162o) Streak. it was the first time in 24 years that they didn't win their conference. They were 222-1 in their last 223 games. This game makes them 222-2 in last 224.

    john carroll (54r 126o)

    Also the super bowl is in houston (112) and i thought maybe this could have some ties.

    1. also a lot of purple win the news this year with prince dying and hilary wearing purple in her resignation speech

  7. Well I'm just glad I didn't pay to see the rigged spectacle. Eddie didn't even try

    1. "I ridiculed everyone on the roster and I just want to say from the bottom of me heart, I'd like to take this chance to absolutely nobody" Lmfao


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