Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Two presidential electors to colleagues, 'Dump Trump', November 14, 2016 headlines

There is a small chance Donald Trump doesn't become the President in what would be an unprecedented move by the Electoral College.


  1. If this happens, I think the Trump "assassination" is probably off of the table, but maybe not. I could see him start rallies with angry conservatives, and they could stage a shooting with a Hillary nut. Who knows where this script is going?

  2. Zach! In one of your recent videos you stated that May 18th maybe mr. Trump's assination my question is if these guys are part of the same gang are they really putting bullets in their heads or do they get shipped off to princess Island ? thxs

    1. They aren't dying. Check out videos dissecting through JFK "assassination". 100% hoax.

    2. I swear they prolly get sent to North Korea, a destination for retirees of assassinations...nobodys ever been there to prove whos living there, we prolly conquered it 100s yrs ago

  3. As we have been saying I think we possibly could be in the rain delay phase presently, before The Cubs/Clinton come back to win it (87) The three buildings post you did Zach, has electoral symbolism all over it.

    1. And after the Cubs took lead, the Indians got one more shot off.

    2. Imagine the shitstorm if they overturn it lol. This might have been the plan all along.

    3. Order out of chaos for sure if they do.

      Just for kicks:
      "Shitstorm" = 807
      "Clinton" = 87

  4. Remember how everyone thought Obama would be assassinated ? Nothing happened but
    Traffic and clicks. Same with Trump. Nothing will happen. I mentioned that Trump is marketable and the sales from the trump mask , tshirts, SNL skits ect would exceed Obamas presidency. Ying and yang folks. Chinese company is producing trump mask like never before.

  5. There was only two people that got the election right. Professor from American University and now he's saying Donald could be impeached.
    Worth exploring just saying. I know an assassination is sexy but let's get real here. The attempted assassination barely got any attention.

    1. I won't mention the second person because he's an agent. So off course he had the inside track on the election and deflected with the Hillary would try and steal it from Donald.


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