Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 15, 2016

119 | Dow drops ~119 points on day Fed raises interest rates, December 14, 2016

118.68 rounds to (119)

All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Master Plan = 119

*Donald Trump "selection day" was November 8, or 11/8
*Donald John Trump = 68

Remember, it was November 22, 2016, the DOW opened over 19,000 for the first time.  Here we are less than a month later, and almost to 20K.


  1. Zach, when and if you get a moment, please check out my post in the Gematrinator section. I found some really neat Colts connections with The upcoming Pegasus Cup (Horses) and Georg Ohm (The Horse shoe). Thanks man.

  2. The current Powerball jackpot is 119 million


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