Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, December 11, 2016

13 41 44 84 86 | Deflate Gate 2.0, New York Giants @ Steelers, December 4, 2016, 686-days after "Deflate Gate 1.0"

This is in regards to the Week 13, December 4, 2016 games.

Notice the Giants lost with '14' in Week 13, in Eli Manning's 13th season.  You know, the man who handles the balls, and who throws to #13.

'Steelers' have gematria of '31', the reflection of '13'.

This game came 84-days after the Week 1 Games of the NFL season, September 11, 2016.

The Steelers are in their 84th NFL season.  United States of America = 84; Jesuit = 84

The divisors of '44' sum to '84', and PSI connects to '44'.

From the original Deflate Gate game, January 18, 2015, to this 'Deflate Gate 2.0', is 686-days later, an interesting number in light of the title 'Deflate Gate'.

Notice the '86' gematria of 'Deflate Gate'.

It was the Denver Broncos who deflated the Deflate Gateing Patriots in 2016.

We began with '41' and '13' for 'Deflate Gate'.  Think about the 13 steps on the Pyramid on the Dollar Bill.

Deflate Gate is now connected to 1 NF Team, and 3 AFC Teams.

NFC:  Giants
AFC:  Patriots, Colts, Steelers


The loses of the 'Deflate Gate' games are the Colts and the Giants.  Eli is in his 13th season.  Luck is attached to '13' through his name.


  1. Zach you will commit suicide. Colts are done. I Hit HUGE parlays bc of Gary tonight. The real winner in life and betting.

    1. Based on the fact that Gary also trolls, I would be very sad to find out that you are Gary also. (For anyone who doesn't know the history, Mike "Manning" showed up last Super Bowl, when I was saying it was scripted for Manning, on the 38th day of the year. Mike = 38)

    2. I paid Gary 4k for his picks and already up 50k on the yr. your picks suck u fraud

    3. He keeps mentioning about paying 4k for the membership.

      That's probably all the money he is getting chopped up for from losing his "customers" because your giving out knowledge for free Zach.

    4. Provide a screenshot as proof Mike

    5. I thought Jews were supposed to be smart. Brawhahahahahah. The grunts aren't.

    6. I nearly bought a second round of service from Gary hours b4 the World Series. He wrote to me don't back the cubs. I already did long before, praise be to Zach.

  2. so u have add more pix for ur sb? ur a fool zach stein. stop stealin jason james content n gary sports pix u shill

    1. Zach is so stupid that he doesnt even know hes a fucking fraud. All these idiots listening to him on suicide alert

  3. Zach your work is good bro thanks for showing that sports are rigged

  4. Zack Ron Hubbard

    I'm still laughing at that one..

    Zack are you a Mormon pretending to not be a Jew ?

  5. Replies
    1. Zack trolling his fans

      game of the season, against the other Ohio teams.

      Browns = 91 (When you count 1 -13, it totals 91)

      A Browns upset would make the 1-12, something like '112'. Houston = 112


  6. 5 out of 6 in the NFL today, missed only San Diego by 1/2 a point, BAD LUCK for that one...

  7. Deflated =57 connecting to the Cubs world Sereis (57) trophy visiting the colts

  8. guys remember zac pick colts lions in sb49 n eagles in sb50. for some reason zack really likes luck n bradford lol too bad they both suck

  9. Broncos vs Seahawks wrong
    Hillary president wrong
    Seahawks beating patriots wrong
    Broncos vs Carolina stolen pick
    Cavs upset stolen pick from RFG
    Colts vs Vikings stolen from Warri
    Cubs win good pick
    Colts vs Giants stolen from James White
    Olympics disaster wrong
    Lsu national championship wrong
    Michigan national championship wrong
    Colts 10-6 wrong
    Vikings winning division wrong

    Did I miss anything ?

    1. rfg chosen fag stole it from gary remember gary pick cavs in 2014. all ppl who pick michigan stole it from an instagram pix lol no wonder y tony n bobby r fools

    2. Gary did have the Cavs. I heard about that.

      But he's a Shill. Or he and Zack working together. Like Toni Zack and RFG fag

    3. Rfg fag just copies zach. He picked ohio st aftet zach too lol

    4. The whole thing he wrote is wrong. Go back and watch my video on what Pats would beat Seahawks and everything else. Trolls will be trolls.

  10. More 39 connections Zach. Giants hit a 39 yard fg and a little while ago the giants just got an interception and returned it the giants 39 yard line.

  11. lots of 17,71,107 went on tonight and 3's.
    that equals 8 too which can be the number of wins for the Colts and Titans and Cards and Seahawks

  12. Mike Manning Mike Smith Harry Butts suck some dicks Giants won fuck you dumb motherfuckers

    1. giants aint makin da playoffs skins eliminate them final day

    2. Highly unlikely the Giants lose out, and they need 1 more win for 10. They are a virtual lock for at least the 6 seed. You're wrong clown.

    3. GG33 cashed in giants +4. Thank you Gary for another 5 grand in my pocket

    4. Oh so Gary has the roght pick then? lol. It certainly does not appear to be a done deal that the colts will play the gmen in sb51 when judging by either team's current state. That being said, now is not the time for us to lose hope (especially for the colts). May seem weird but actually now that the colts have lost again and are now a game back from houston for the div lead, for some reason I find placing more belief in them to make it to their destination. It certainty appears that the trolls are out in numbers today on this post in particular. Therefore I think Zach might really be onto something here. Seriously though people, dont let yourself lose hope on this like what happened before cavs and cubs came back down 3-1 this year. You can rest assured colts will be there on February 5th along with ny giants playing for super bolw 51. Why? because its in the god damn numbers thats why, its everywhere I would even say that it is blatant. So don't let yourself be discouraged if you have money out on them; there is still 3 full weeks of action to play out here my friend. And one lesson I've learned so far from my research here is you cannot just count a team out especially when they have this kind of correlation in numbers. No guarantees but it should be an extra entertaining end to the regular season and an even more exciting postseason to come and you can count on that much.

    5. You are right... many of the trolls is trying to fraud out Zach. I've been so convince in the beginning that it would be COLTS and Vikings SB 51 and there is a lot of connection! But it's more fitting and brings more ratings when you see COLTS AND GIANTS in the SB also in the media they will even talk about the greatest game ever played back in 1958. HISTORY! It would bring a better story line.

    6. They will LUCK OUT TO MAKE IT IN THE SB. Everybody is sleeping on them. WAKE UP ppl!

    7. ELI VS BIG BROTHERS ILD TEAM! It would be interesting to have Peyton in attendance rooting for INDY!! Then that's the CLUE COLTS WIN!!!. Ppl would want GIANTS and Eli to get his 3rd ring! Not gonna happen. Colts will be 13-7 and the colts 15-5. You get those key numbers "13" "7" "55" "37"

    8. It feels like the right fit, Im interested to see what happens on mnf tomorrow and will be keeping my eyes open for any superbowl tributes or colts tributes as current owner Jim Irsay's dad and tean co-owner at the time, Robert moved the team to Indianapolis from Baltimore in the early morning hours in march 1984 and their opponent the deflate gate pats who stood in the way of colts reaching the superbowl in 2014

  13. Young SlimDecember 11, 2016 at 7:48 PM

    do giants win tonight
    Sports bet capperDecember 11, 2016 at 8:22 PM

    for fucking once

    1. meant to say if giants win do colts still have a chance or has that shipped sailed already

    2. I think the Giants win tonight helps the case for the Colts-Giants IMO. I don't think the Vikings are going anywhere. I think their injuries were a sacrifice for next year.

    3. NFL been hyping up Adrian Peterson's return in December. He said he'll only come back if Vikings are in contention to make the playoffs.

  14. Cardell Hayes was just found guilty of Manslaughter Zach;

    It's late 12/11/2016 for the conviction;


    it's a span of 8 months 3 days (Football=83)

    Manslaughter=49 R, Will Smith died on 4/9

    Hayes=22/31 S-exception
    Guilty=31 R

    Cardell Hayes=50/59 S-exception (Date num of 59)

    William Smith=58 R
    Defensive End=58 R
    Hayes=58 O
    Manslaughter=49/58 S-exception

    William Raymond Smith=94 R
    Guilty=94 O

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. 'December Eleventh'=74 R
      Smith's birthday is 7/4
      Jury=74 O

      From 7/4 to today is 5 months 8 days (William Smith=58 R, Defensive End=58 R, Hayes=58 O, Manslaughter=49/58 S-exception) (Louisiana Jury=58 R)

  15. They started coding the shit out of '39' in the 2nd half. Giants kicker hit a 39 yarder, Giants defender returned interception to 39, and the goat tonight Dez Bryant coughed up his 1st turnover in 39 games... Fuck these games are so scripted!!

  16. games r not scripted fools! wat does 39 have to do wit anything! 39 is 3! only focus on lifepath numbers n days not abc bs foh wit dat gemantria shit.

  17. That's real right there what you speaking Ram29...
    So answer that Mike Smith

  18. Archie manning sitting NEXT to oliver Luck with the houston oilers. Symbols Luck is next to win a superbowl after manning... not that they going heads

    1. That's one way of looking at it, but that could just signify who wins the super bowl though. Manning won last year and Luck can win this year and he could play against the giants.

    2. And by the looks of it Id ventrure to think Colts could in fact win it all as he will be primed to play the opposite role of deflate gate Tom Brady and his controversial character (cheating pretty boy who can never seem to beat the giants in big games.) And Luck will likely prevail for the underdog colts in that game if it is in fact colts vs giants this year

  19. Vikings have more of a script then Colts right now so Vikings have to win 3 in a row (and Dallas has to beat Tampa at Dallas's home) to make the playoffs. Vikings win and Bucks loss will most long prompt AP to return if he doesn't return this week.

    Only way for Colts to make it is if they beat the Raiders on the road and their easy week 17 game combined with Texans losses to the Bengals, the Titans, and the Jaguars. Zack was showing an article for Raiders foreshadowing this game against the Colts as if it might have special meaning. As sokn as Houston wins one game, you can kiss Colts goodbye.

    1. When the Vikings lose next week, and they will, you won't be saying this anymore.

  20. I heard you and Jeremy White talking about James Dean and the movie Giant. James Dean was born on 2/8/1931 and died on 9/30/1955, which is a span of 9,000 days or 24 years, 7 months 22 days. From his birth to the Superbowl is 31,409 days. The dates 2/8 and 9/30 are 8/2 (198th day w/ 166 left) and 3/11 (67th day w/297) on the 13MC. The 3rd month is call Electric = 39 and he was born on the 39th day on the Gregorian.

  21. In the Wall Street Journal, the day after the Colts beat the Jets. The WSJ "House of the Day" was featured in "Colts Neck New Jersey." It was a house with a blue roof and horse fences. They stated it had a 'grand room' for entertaining guests. (Grand Room = 51). The interesting thing is they said "Colts Neck, just one hour from New York." That made me think of the Giants and the Colt's 'Neck'
    "Colts Neck" = 39 (New York)

  22. These trolls are working hard for a reason.

    I see a lot of sell out kids in here too after the Colts lost.

    1. Yeah, it is very obvious. There needs to be a block function on here. Imagine a world free of HarryButts, Mike Manning (aka Mike Smith, Mikey James, Gary33) Milo, etc.

    2. I wish they would fertilize you Nick, worthless P.O.S

      It's not trolling its calling out these dumb predictions.

    3. That is the funniest thing I have heard all year. I am not worthless, in fact, quite the opposite. I am a very, very successful person in many areas of life. That is the reason I don't spend all day here, on someone else's blog, acting like a child who needs attention. Lazy people, who use other peoples platforms for their own benefit are a joke. Start your own blog and see what happens. So enjoy your quality life, health and all that comes with it. I know I do and will continue to do so. Nothing you say can change that. Start being more positive and watch your life change for the better.

    4. Exactly ,harry is a fucking loser

    5. They gotta keep things interesting

  23. That was 1 hell of a scripted win by the Giants last night the number 39 was huge last night! I can see Tampa (Winston 33) beating Dallas next week and The Lions beating Dallas the week after, giving Dallas 4 losses and then they close out beating philly giving them a 12-4 record. I can see the Giants winning out against the Lions, Eagles, and Redskins going 12-4 and winning the division.

    1. Giants is representing #5 Seed colts giants is a 45th president tribute

  24. I still think the colts can win 3 games in a row and win the division.


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