Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 15, 2016

24 43 | TNF, Rams 3 @ Seahawks 24, December 15, 2016 +NFL by the numbers

12/15/16 = 12+15+16 = 43 (Seattle Seahawks)

Notice the Seahawks won with '24'.  Seahawks = 24/33/42/51/87

The Seahawks came into the game 21-15 in the regular season against the Rams, and 21-16 all-time.

Tonight they earned their 22nd win.

It was the 37th regular season game between the two teams.  Los Angeles = 37/46

We've seen this multiple times this season alone, where the team corresponding with the regular season matchup number (Los Angeles, game #37), was the one to lose.


  1. Thanks for posting after the fact fraud

    1. Dam gary you just don't stop do you ,


    3. If you want to know how out of touch I really am, I forgot it was Thursday, otherwise I would have had a game discussion thread. This week has been crazy, plus I've been having to take my buddy back and forth from the hospital.

    4. Np Zach, i was jk. Hope everything works out

    5. Whoa do not talk to c handz in that manner

    6. Whoa do not talk to c handz in that manner

  2. Safed Musli is the useful herb for the ones those who are stricken by bodily weakness, continual fatigue or sexual disorder.

    1. Mike Manning wants to order your product in bulk for his sexual disorder of faggotosis.

  3. Also 243 like 24-3 factors out to 3*3*3*3*3.

  4. Yup and their record 941. The 160th prime the year 16. Rams loss 16 to the 33 team 16=33

  5. it might be pats giants:

  6. Pats, Giants would be redundant over kill. The Pats have done too much crap to get there again. The world is sick of Brady/Pats. Whether they are first or second seed, I'm pretty sure they lose their first game and the confederate championship is Colts v Pitt ..colts v who ever

    1. zach is a fraud he never admits when he gets a pick wrong, when his pick fails this year the truth about him will finally come out

    2. for all we know zach prolly works for vegas and is here to mislead us

    3. ah yes, 1,200 being misled is precisely the intent of Vegas. I'm sure this is very high on their priority list.

    4. True dat Jayhawk..Misleading a few hundred people in a Multi Billion a year industry...tho some of these people posting that will never through in the white flag make me wonder who they are lol

  7. The Seahawks may meet the Pats in the SB this year (if they pass by Dallas and/or NY Giants).

    Interesting NHL Gematria - 2 "fixed games" in a row for St. Louis Blues - it could make you LAUGH (!!!):

    WE ARE 13-5 in NHL PICKS SINCE NOV 17, i.e. 72.22%! That's a documented, solid record...

    1. Milo likes the S teams. Spurs, Seahawks... Just throws darts on a wall and sees who it lands on.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Wow.

      At the top of a pillar in St. Mary's Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN is an upside down Omega.

      Why this caught my eye was because i googled "upside down omega" and the fifth result was a yahoo question:

      "What does an upside down Omega represent?
      At the top of a pillar in St. Mary's Cathedral in Minneapolis, MN is an upside down Omega. This is opposite an alpha symbol. Now I know about Revelations, and God being the Alpha and Omega. But why is it inscribed upside down?"


  9. Upside down omega (= MHO) points to conductance in electrical engineering. The unit of conductance (meaning how LITTLE resistance a circuit has) is siemens, named after the same guy who founded siemens the company.

    Anyone figure out if SIEMENS is somehow tied to NFL and SB51?


  10. Take a closer look at that pawn star episode "colts and vikings".

    Wikipedia says it is season 10 episode 6.

    Everywhere else it is listed as season 8 episode 80.
    88 = trump, purple, exodus

    Episode description:
    A Colt Army Model 1860 revolver; a Viking coin.

  11. Adrian Peterson will play vs colts and dante moncrief is out vs vikings

    1. What that mean? Colts might lose?

    2. I don't think so. This makes the Colts more of an underdog, but maybe that's to set up the upset angle.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Things look bleak, I know, but didn't Giants have all these injuries during the 1st Eli Super Bowl year, and still won? Maybe it's just Luck's time to become the new clutch time performer...

    5. If you all remember Zack said it was supposed to be Colts & Vikings in the Super Bowl Maybe Colts and Giants. Now he is saying in his YouTube video nothing about the Vikings going to the Superbowl and only Giants versus Colts. I'm not saying that Zack is going back on his word because he had two different choices to go with and now he's only going with the Giants. I think it is funny how Adrian Petersen decided to say he's going to play this week 51 days before Super Bowl 51, what are your guys thoughts?

    6. Bro it's always been Colts vs Vikings OR Giants.

      It's looking more and more like Colts vs Giants. Vikings are going to lose to make the Colts look good for the playoffs. So AP is included in the sacrifice to the Colts to begin their 7 game winning streak.

    7. This is looking like a classic Vegas trap game. Peterson back, injuries galore for the Colts... Colts win... Vikings win last 2 games.

    8. Where do these tools like Jim W come from? Hey Jim W, why don't you go back through my work and see what I actually have said. My message has never changed. I have the voting stubs, blog posts and video posts to prove it. My pick since February has been Colts and Giants.

    9. Zach.. Adrien Peterson coming back play in a big factor?

    10. Zack if you did not have the Vikings as you third option, then why do you think that the rest of these brainless monkeys are holding out hope for the Vikings? Or have you hit your head cleaning the gutters again? You had Vikings vs Giants NFC championship game and Colts vs Patriots in the AFC championship game.
      Then you said Colts upset the Patriots as big underdogs and once the Vikings look amazing they will also lose to the Giants who would be a wild card team. I said I got Patriots vs Giants 3.0 and patriots win this time. The rest is history. Once Bridgewater and Peterson were out, you still had hope the Vikings would win with Bradford. You have the colts and the Giants and I thought you were trolling by picking the Vikngs especially since that was RFG's pick who is also the clown prince. So again, answer the first question. Do not turn into a bitch or deflect just answer the questions. No one cares who wins or if your correct. Just that you get high and forget!

      Harry is being civil again.

    11. So once you started jumping off the Vikings after the thanksgiving day parade in which you wrote " Vikings are done they're not going to the SB " they're going to SB 52 and did not explain the sudden change. I thought you were just like Gary and the rest of these Vegas whores. Selling half truth.

      I copied your quote and the time stamp from the thread thanksgiving. I posted it on your video. I looked at the video and the comment was removed. I have not checked the thanksgiving day thread, nor do I need to revert back to it.

      Go ahead call me a Faggot and Troll.. Truth is truth and you lied brother!

    12. Your work is important! And thanks for exposing the Zionist agenda.
      Just clarify yourself and own up to it or not. The choice is yours 😈

    13. Dam. Harry why you hate Zach so much?

    14. Zach, are you honestly saying you never had Colts vs Vikings in the Super Bowl? You had several videos on it?

    15. Am i the only one that remembers this?

    16. Just as long as everyone is clear that GB vs. NE will happen, as my prediction. Has never, will never change, even with mathematical elimination.

      Boy, Detroit has rough ride, so do the Vikings. Detroit vs Green Bay in Week 17 will surely be flexed into a better time slot than Noon/1pm as it is the planned Divisional Championship and way for GB into 51.

  12. Also Luck has sat out of practice this week resting his injuries...Vikings should destroy them upfront... But the matrix is hard to read sometimes......what ever happened to rfg facebook page??? Someone post a link

  13. headline says "Adrian says he's ready"

    Adrian says he's ready = 79
    97th NFL season. Both teams could conceivably go 9-7.

  14. Zach...will Adrian Peterson be a big factor in this game?

  15. Ok. Well go follow Gary dick then. And leave this page


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