Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, December 10, 2016

29 38 46 58 75 166 223 | Turkey attack, December 10, 2016 park and arena bombings

The headline spells 'chaos'.

Secret Society = 166; The White House = 166

Masonic = 223; The Synagogue of Satan = 223

It was the right date for death.

12/10/2016 = 12+10+20+16 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society)
12/10/2016 = 12+10+(2+0+1+6) = 31
12/10/2016 = 1+2+1+0+2+0+1+6 = 13
12/10/16= 12+10+16 = 38 (Death) (Killing)

CNN has a 2:05 video for this.  Israel = 205 (Jewish Gematria)

11 PM, eh?  29 = 2+9 = 11

'Macka Park' also has NWO gematria.

T29?  29 dead?

CHAOTIC scene.  'Order out of chaos'.  Turkey is the biggest ally of U.S. in the region.

Besiktas Vodafone Arena = 81/90/99/108/207 (27 police officers)
Taksim Square = 46/55/64/73/154 (Chaos = 46)

Besiktas = 23/86 (Symbol = 23/86)
Bursaspor = 39/129 (America = 129, Jewish Gematria)

44 dead, how can we forget?

Kill = 44

And 54...

Islam = 54; Sun = 54

FETO and PKK, eh?

FETO = 6+5+20+15 = 46 (Chaos = 46)
PKK = 16+11+11 = 38 (Death = 38) (Killing = 38)


  1. Always twin explosions, first a big one then a smaller one, like an echo of the first.
    How many times have we seen this?
    Just like the WTC on 911. First "plane" hits the tower big BOOM then less than 30 minutes later (with cameras trained on it so everyone will believe it) second tower goes boom.
    Tic Toc


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