Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

33 38 58 | 'Attacker on the loose', December 20, 2016 Berlin truck crash hoax headlines (Being blamed on ISIS)

Attacker on the loose, eh?  Where have I seen this familiar narrative before?  And can someone with a bigger monitor tell me what is on the license plate?

And remember the facts.

Berlin = 33; False Flag = 33; Masonry = 33; Secrecy = 33; Police = 33
Christmas = 38; Germany = 38; Killing = 38; Death = 38

I'll decode more of this later.  The headline for now is enough.


  1. Says GDA 08J5

    I put a weird connection on an early post to a made for USA Network movie called Wheels of Terror!!! It had some interesting connects. Came out in 90(GDA=90 in Bacon) 85 minutes long.

    1. Maybe its a code for 08J5=12/5/08.

    2. GDAJ sums up to 22, like the Date Numerolgy 1+9+1+2+2+1+6=22
      GDAJ is an anagram for "JAGD" what is "Hunt" in the German Language.
      Also interesting that the 12 dead + 48 injured = 60, same like "Berlin 0 60 e.O.

    3. follow me @The_NFLprophet 75 percent in NFL

    4. Nice jagd catch! Sagittarius is the sign of the Hunter. Black truck could represent saturn, which rules capricorn. Breitscheidplatz means wide cut place. Also, die Scheide means vagina/sheath. Sexual and astrological allegory. Mercury retrograde in capricorn conjunct Pluto on Monday. Avoid planes, trains, and automobiles and public places. And mars entered Pisces too. Mars rules Aries. Aries the RAM! A ROUGE truck RAMMED the VAGINA. Star wars ROUGE ONE. COMET of 1811 omen for Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812. Maximum overdrive by Stephen king about TRUCKS brought "to life" by COMET passing earth. Santa comes from Germany. Santa. Satan. Saturn. December. Capricorn. The GOAT. Krampus. (Some judges wear red and white.) Heidi klum,in red dress (and white?) scripted fall on America's got talent while singing with CROONER sal something, a PIZZA guy from NEW YORK same day as attack in BEARlin.

      Attack on public holiday traditions. False flag in Times square, NYC, new year's eve? Mystic rectangle in astrology. Watery grave for queen Liz or Obama in Hawaii?

    5. This is a very highly symbolic Place and there is also Birth Symbolism at the World Fountain at Breitscheidplatz, a water foutain coming from a Sculpure with sread legs, Age of Aquarius Symbolism ,the Key to the Abyss Artwork and a Turtoise with the greek "word" for PAN inscripted. Found this to the License Plate: The License Plate on the SCANIA Truck leads to CIA Numbers 13 / 13.
      Polish License Plate: GDA08J5.
      GDAJ = 13
      0+8+5 = 13

    6. Include the model in there, R450, right above the license plate
      (GDA 08J5) + R450 = 33

      Back plate of the truck sums to 33 as well:
      ZGR US66 = 33

      Notice the US66 as well.

      Thanks guys.

  2. Brand of the truck is 'Scania'=47 O
    Their name for police 'Polizei'=47 R

    Gotta love the headline underneath '4 attacks in 2 days' (42, freemason=42)

    The license plate looks like it reads "GDA 08 J5"

    1. Also Zach I don't know if you did this by accident but you typed 'attack on the loose' into the calculator.

      'Attacker on the Loose'=207 o (The New World Order=207) (Illuminati confirmed=207 O)

    2. Two hundred seven = 71
      Two oh seven = 47 (1948)
      Two hundred and seven = 216

    3. No one says super bowl five one, it's a reach.

  3. The thing that stands out to me the most is the knocked down xmas tree with the 12 (?) pointed star touching the ground.
    The tree has exaggerated cone shape, like a traffic cone.

    Hit by a truck.

    This, right after we had the Eucalyptus tree that fell down/hit the Earth in Wittier, CA, as someone pointed out a few posts back.

    1. Didn't know that was a Eucalyptus tree in Whittier -- thanks for the added info.

      Allusion to Australia?

      Do they know why it fell? Have to check more into the one.

  4. There's a lot going on with this. A new level I'm just now finding is the connection to napolean's invasion of Russia in 1812. He wanted to reestablish polish kingdom, take it back from Russia.

    "On December 5, Napoleon left the army under the command of Joachim Murat and sped toward Paris amid rumors of a coup attempt. Nine days later, what little remained of the Grande Armée’s rear guard stumbled back across the Niemen River."

    Also, Hitler basically reenactment Napoleon's invasion of Russia in operation barbarosa, which ended on DEC. 5,1941! Haha.

    There's a lot here. Battle history is kryptonite to my curiosity. Maybe some of you know this war stuff well?

    1. Barbarosa was in ** 1941 ** ...

      Cheryl Navarotti posted this under the "I Did It My Way" thread:

      MY WAY = 1941 ... in English Gematria. (Thanks Cheryl!)

      Obama quoted this Sinatra song in a recent speech -- & apparently it's popped up other places as well.

      Could be there IS a connection to "Hitler's Barbarosa".
      Have to see when Obama said it ...
      Would be really interesting if he said it on Dec 5!

    2. Whoa. Nice! Obama also mentioned his "afterlife" in his exiting interview, or whatever, on npr. Also, Heidi klum danced and sang and took a scripted fall with CROONER and PIZZA man sal valentinetti on America's got talent last night.

  5. GLUHWEIN = (J) -- 1189 ... (E) -- 594 ... (P) -- 99

    Note the (J) -- 1189 ... "Pillars" of "9" & "11" (Hebraically - Right to Left) ... "Protecting the Center" of "8"

    Another significant (Jewish) 1189 -- DONALD J TRUMP

    1. Just found this Napoleon cohort joachim murat. His name reminds me joachim and boaz.

      And this

      "The Murat Shrine, now officially known as Old National Centre and originally known as the Murat Temple and Murat Centre, is an entertainment venue in Indianapolis, Indiana, owned by the Murat Shriners of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It is the oldest stage house in downtown Indianapolis that is still standing, the only Shrine temple in the world with a French-originating name, and the largest Shrine temple in North America.["

    2. "In 1988, a fire broke out in the 1968 addition, injuring 15 firefighters when a portion of the addition collapsed. However, there was relatively little damage to the structure"

    3. "The Egyptian-themed auditorium, added as part of the 1922 addition, had already been planned before the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb, which coincided with the opening of the auditorium."

      Haha what a coincidence.

    4. Excellent! Hats off for seeing Joachim & Boaz in there!

      That IS a very curious name for their Temple.
      Wasn't there a MURAT who figured heavily in the French Revolution? Maybe it's the same guy ... I'll have to read some more ... Lol!

  6. zacc is a big baby but he a cancer swine after all

  7. Think you will gain credibility by picking the correct super bowl winner after your primary dead horse is eliminated? You won't. And you won't gain anything spiritually either.

  8. 112 is on the firetruck with the fire fighter standing on top. This has SB51 connection.

    1. The European flag is in the background of one pic. The flag has 12 5 pointed stars. 125, a 25 connection for SB51 on 2/5.

    2. The European flag is in the background of one pic. The flag has 12 5 pointed stars. 125, a 25 connection for SB51 on 2/5.

  9. There really is anger management classes.

  10. "one hundred and twelve" in the English Reduction system equals 88

  11. Why is zach putting out so many anti Christian crap videos at Christmas time. Your missing out on the most joyous holiday in the world. Rejoice. Trump will ram a truck up isis ass soon enough. Then you can quit b itching and putting out shit videos on how terrorism is not real.

  12. Think you will gain credibility by picking the correct super bowl winner after your primary dead horse is eliminated? You won't. And you won't gain anything spiritually either.

  13. Zach,

    He was carrying exactly $666 dollars in his wallet. 666? Lol

    1. He played at ND in Indiana native of Minnesota wears #15 like 51 and was
      =picked 1/13 or 113 on the Patriots now.
      Going to the SB vs NY Giants

      New York=666

  14. The anagram for "Claus" as in Santa Claus is "Lucas".
    "Lucas" in English Sumerian system equals 336
    "ISIS" in English Sumerian system equals 336
    "Attack" in the English Sumerian system equals 336
    "Everyone Just Started Running"in English Ordinal equals 363
    "False Flag" in English Reduction equals 33
    "Chancellor Angela Merkel" in English Ordinal equals 195
    The divisors of "195" sum to "336" (1+3+5+13+15+39+65+195=336)
    Happy Holidays" in the English Ordinal system equals 159

    "Manhunt" in Eng.Reduction=28
    "Black Truck" in Eng.Reduction=30
    "Christmas Tree" in English Ordinal equals 158

    1. Nice on the Claus/Lucas thing....

      Lucas Oil Stadium connect? Perhaps?

  15. Also, Lucas is another name for Lucifer and Christmas Trees have pagan roots (literally). Pagans/Satanists used the branches of the fir tree to decorate their homes for "Winter Solstice" which begins on 12/21/2016.

  16. Why write it 'Attack on the loose' when that's not what the headlines were saying? I hope that cancer poster 'Coco' isn't getting to you

  17. Place a horse shoe in front of your forehead and it's devil horns!
    Luck is Lucifer !

  18. LMAO, they found ID Documents of the Terrorsuspect in the polish Scania Truck:
    Allegedly one of his 3 IDs is "ANIS A." (ROFL, much like Anus A..), allegedly he is a 23 year old Tunisian.
    Tunesier = 111 / 666 (Tunisian, germ.)
    ANIS A. = 17 / 44, these are highly occult numbers, 17 connects to "El" (=Saturn) and "Mossad" (17), 44 is a "Kill" Code.

    Another supposed Identity of "Anis.A." is "Ahmed A." (A.A. again = 11, Antichrist Number, "Elf" = 23 = german "eleven)
    "Ahmed A." = 23 / 32 (32+23= 55)
    "twentythree" = 55 (Satan = 55)
    "three two" = 42 / 114, these numbers sync up to the Rest of the Story and point to luciferian influences.

    The ID Documents of the Suspect came from Kreis Kleve in Nordrhein Westfalen.

    "Nordrhein Westfalen" = 93 e.R.
    "Saturn" = 93 e.O.
    "Propaganda" = 93 e.O.

    "NRW" = 55 (=NordRheinWestfalen)
    "Satan" = 55

  19. hard to prove but it has been revealed that Merkel is in fact Hitlers daughter

  20. XMAS / CHAOS / 119 / NERO X :
    The Terrorsuspect of Berlin is called "ANIS A." This is very interesting, "ANIS" in the German Language translates to "ANISE", a spice commonly called star anise, star anise seed, Chinese star anise or badiam that closely resembles anise in flavor is obtained from the star-shaped pericarp of the fruit of Illicium verum which are harvested just before ripening. Anis Bakeries and Cookies are classic German Christmas Traditions, so the Name of the Suspect links to XMAS.

    ANISSTERN = 38 / 119 (Star Anise)
    MERCEDES BENZ = 56 / 119 (the Rooftop fire in Front of a huge Mercedes Star Logo, a version of the satanic Nero Cross, at the Europa Center Breitscheidplatz links to the XMAS Terrorevent)
    "CHAOS STAR" = 32 / "Ahmed A" = 32 (another ID of ANIS A.)

    Fire = 38 e.O. (rooftop fire)
    Germany = 38
    Christmas = 38
    Killing = 38
    Death = 38
    Lukasz Urban = 38 e.R. (Polish Truckdriver, allegedly murdered)

    ISIS = 56
    Attack = 56

    Notice that the "ChaosStar" is an 8 pointed Star, very similar to Star Anise. The Symbol of Chaos originates from Michael Moorcock's Eternal Champion stories. In them, the Symbol of Chaos comprises eight arrows in a radial pattern. In contrast, the symbol of Law is a single upright arrow. It is also called the Arms of Chaos, the Arrows of Chaos, the Chaos Star, the Chaos Cross, the Chaosphere, or the Symbol of Eight.

    1. Great perspective from you being "on the ground" there, so to speak. You have been on this story from the beginning. You've had a hunch about the Europa Center for a while.

      TiWaZz and I collaborated on this article,

      It shows how the Europa Center, Berlin and the World Fountain are tributes to Saturn in the form of Pan and Kronos. The rooftop fire on the Deutsche Bank building with the giant Mercedes logo, the inverted and broken Tau cross was an ominous sign that he picked up on in a profound way. There's probably some stuff in there that correlates to this event.


    2. Wondered why there were 12 Dead People (and 48 injured, the Hoax number) at the Terrorattack in Berlin. Its about the 12 Signs / 12 Houses of the Zodiac, the Sun passes through. This fits to the Apollo / Ra / Sun Symbolism in the Nameconstruct of the Terrorsuspect "Anis Amir". "Anis" is associated with Apollo / "Amri" = Anagram for "I RAM" or "I`M RA".
      Twelve = Zwoelf (german)
      Zwoelf = 33

      19.12.2016 = 1+9+1+2+2+1+6 = 22
      "Sonne" = 22 (Sun, german)

      RAM is the Aries (Element Fire) of the zodiac, the sun is in this first sign of the zodiac from March 21 to April 20 each year.

      This fits to the Gematria of 322:
      "Terror, neunzehnter Dezember" = 322 e.O. (Terror, 19.12, german)
      "Gedaechtniskirche Weihnachtsmarkt" = 322 e.O. (Memorial Church, XMas Market).

      The Number 322 is used by Secret Societies because on the third day after the Spring Equinox (3.22.), the Sun Breaks past the Equator, and thus fully emerges from its "Tomb" of the Southern hemisphere. This symbolically represents Lucifer, the Light Bringer, "Rising from the Dead," to begin his Journey Toward his Highest Power at the Summer Solstice.

      Lucifer is the Sun. Apollo / Apollyon is the Sun. RA is the Sun.

      The Beginning of the Satanic Sacrifice is also in this time period (see also the Pod3sta Handsign Decode with the 322 Symbolism), the encodings of these Stories pointing to March as a difficult time for Mankind and the potential of a huge Conflict.
      The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars. The ancient Greeks were fascinated by the blood red color of the planet and they attributed it to Ares, their god of war. When the Romans conquered the Greeks, the name was changed to a Roman god of war called Mars.

  21. Replies
    1. nice! update: „Most wanted: Police today revealed they are hunting Anis Amri, 21, pictured, a refugee who came to Germany earlier this year.“(Daily Mail)

      21 years, "Saturn" = 21 e.R.
      Amri = 23 e.R. (twenty three = 55
      Amri Anagram = I RAM ( INTO THE XMAS MARKET..)

    2. (A) (A) 11 and 21 years old


    3. There are different claims about the age, as it seems he is 23, born 1992. Eleven translates to "Elf"= 23 (A1A1=11, Antichrist Number)but 21 was also encoded in the Story, here some
      Update: „Most wanted: Police today revealed they are hunting Anis Amri, 23, pictured, a refugee who came to Germany earlier this year.“

      "Amri" = 23 e.R. (twenty three = 55 / 55 = Satan)

      "Ahmed A." = 23 / 32 (32+23= 55)

      "AMRI" Anagram = "I RAM" fits perfectly to the Story Headline "truck rams into Berlin Christmas market". The RAM is a symbol in Satanism and stands for Planet Saturn.


      "ANIS" Anagram = "A Sin" .
      "ANIS" in the German Language translates to "ANISE", a spice commonly called star anise.
      Anis Bakeries and Cookies are classic German Christmas Traditions, so the Name of the Suspect links to XMAS.

      The ID Documents of the Suspect came from Kreis Kleve in Nordrhein Westfalen.

      "Nordrhein Westfalen" = 93 e.R.
      "Saturn" = 93 e.O.
      "Propaganda" = 93 e.O.
      "Amri Anis" = 39 e.R. (flip to 93)

      "NRW" = 55 (Nord Rhein Westfalen)
      "Satan" = 55

    4. Thanks you! Love your Decodings, too :-)

    5. Now we're cookin'! Great I RAM catch. It's actually Aries that is the RAM, ruled by mars. Capricorn, the sign we entered today, is the GOAT, ruled by saturn. But goats tend to ram and have horns. Mars entered Pisces on Monday, same day mercury went retrograde in capricorn, conjunct Pluto.

    6. "AMRI" Anagram = "I RAM" fits perfectly to the Story Headline "truck rams into Berlin Christmas market". The RAM is a symbol in Satanism and stands for Planet Saturn.

      Another supposed Identity of "Anis.A." is "Ahmed A." (A.A. again = 11, Antichrist Number)
      "Ahmed A." = 32 e.O.
      "RAM" = 32 e.O.

      ANISSTERN = 38 / 119 (Star Anise)
      Appolyon = 38
      Fire = 38 e.O. (rooftop fire)
      Germany = 38
      Christmas = 38
      Killing = 38
      Death = 38
      Lukasz Urban = 38 e.R. (Polish Truckdriver, allegedly murdered)

      Abbadon = 21

      see also the PAN Turtoise at the World Fountain:

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Trump has Apollo coding all over him. Funny the sunya story mentions a horse transformation. It's like the loki horse shapeshifting story. I think trump could be loki disguised as Apollo.

    9. Great findings, interesting that Ram an Ra fits the Gematria and the Symbolism, the ram tio the ramming truck, Ra probably to Apollo. Ram is associated to Saturn / Death / Destroyer / Satan and Ra is Lucifer and also Saturn.

      Ahmed A = 23 / 32,
      Im RA = 23 / 41
      RAM = 14 / 32

      Seems that there is a mythological Connection between Apollo and RA:


    10. Wondered why there were 12 Dead People (and 48 injured, the Hoax number) at the Terrorattack in Berlin. Its about the 12 Signs / 12 Houses of the Zodiac, the Sun passes through. This fits to the Apollo / Ra / Sun Symbolism in the Nameconstruct of the Terrorsuspect "Anis Amir". "Anis" is associated with Apollo / "Amri" = Anagram for "I RAM" or "I`M RA".
      Twelve = Zwoelf (german)
      Zwoelf = 33

      19.12.2016 = 1+9+1+2+2+1+6 = 22
      "Sonne" = 22 (Sun, german)

      RAM is the Aries (Element Fire) of the zodiac, the sun is in this first sign of the zodiac from March 21 to April 20 each year.

      This fits to the Gematria of 322:
      "Terror, neunzehnter Dezember" = 322 e.O. (Terror, 19.12, german)
      "Gedaechtniskirche Weihnachtsmarkt" = 322 e.O. (Memorial Church, XMas Market).

      The Number 322 is used by Secret Societies because on the third day after the Spring Equinox (3.22.), the Sun Breaks past the Equator, and thus fully emerges from its "Tomb" of the Southern hemisphere. This symbolically represents Lucifer, the Light Bringer, "Rising from the Dead," to begin his Journey Toward his Highest Power at the Summer Solstice.

      Lucifer is the Sun. Apollo / Apollyon is the Sun. RA is the Sun.

      The Beginning of the Satanic Sacrifice is also in this time period (see also the Pod3sta Handsign Decode with the 322 Symbolism), the encodings of these Stories pointing to March as a difficult time for Mankind and the potential of a huge Conflict.
      The sign of Aries is ruled by Mars. The ancient Greeks were fascinated by the blood red color of the planet and they attributed it to Ares, their god of war. When the Romans conquered the Greeks, the name was changed to a Roman god of war called Mars.

  22. Attacker on the loose

    Or no loose track

    By omitting letters.

  23. Or on track later

    Look for a train derailment next!
    Trucks deliver presents and trains
    Carried the Jews in the holocaust.

    I'm betting next euro rail accident from Paris to?

  24. I remember seeing a headline yesterday that the REAL Santa Claus lives on Long Island.

    LIRR shooting a decade ago or the same Trains go into Grand Central station.

    The NJ transit accident , the Philadelphia train
    The NY train derailment.

    That Denzel movie comes to mind about the train being taken over.

    Happy holidays and be safe, the hoaxes lead to real events by copy cats. (C)(C) 33!

  25. Angela Murkel looks like Angela Lansbury from 'Murder She Wrote' a little bit.

  26. nobody cares about cnn headlines...nobody cares about hoax drills...stop promoting fear porn

    1. Are you braindead also? Yes everyone on here knows cnn is full of shit, but when Zach makes videos on the current propaganda people on youtube who aren't aware find his work. So how is it promoting fear porn? Truly must've ate too many gmo's and ingested too much fluoride.

    2. No one is promoting fear, we are trying to connect the dots!
      So that others can understand that these hoaxes occur!

      The Joker was on that school bus in Batman, we need to revisit the school bush crash again !

    3. We all know the 33rd parallel has the most hoaxes.. Follow the jesus blood lines Like in Dan Browns book.

    4. Yesterday I mentioned the LAS VEGAS effect.
      That sometime in the near future a power outage could occur. Coincidentally today's yahoo front page. Las Vegas is now the second largest US city using renewed energy. The project goal started 10 years ago lol. TEN=39 or NY=39
      The Hoover Dam will also feed the city power by the end of 2017 saving the city 30% in cost, a savings of 5 million annually. No mention of the project cost. The actual project started in 2008.
      The first city to use these solar panels by a company called "Boulder solar 1" which is Sunpower company. Burlington, Vermont was
      The first city using renewable energy in 2014.
      Probably Bernie sanders company. Lol

      Have to research that company.

    5. Boulder solar one=697
      Roman Catholic Church=697

      The war between Jesuits and Roman Catholics is boiling folks.

      Check this out:

      INFERNO : Ron Howard Reveals Cast For Third ‘Da Vinci Code’ Movie

    6. the Twin Towers were an INFERNO, tenn , cali,
      Jaguars coach fired, SD security Fired for master bating, The Warriors Kay Thompson was on fire,
      Mexico fire works, fire Rodger Goodell, TRUMP your fired, parents leaving kids in Hot cars,
      Trump Fired his campaign manager, the South Carolina church shooter fired at 9 innocent,
      Hurricane Mathews set fires in North Carolina,
      Cavs were on Fire the last 3 games.
      Flight 370 caught Fire from the lithium batteries cargo theory, the Paris attackers fired at the crowd, the city of Aleppo is on fire, Dallas cowboys were at Fire station 43.

      You guys get it. Revelation and Fire!

    7. HOP, SKIP & DROP Olympic Torch bearer trips and faceplants as she carries flame in run-up to Rio 2016
      Another mishap as the sacred fire tours Brazil before games

    8. Statue of Liberty a target related to Paris?


    9. That hoax Japanese planes skidded the runway in Frisco last year ball of fire

    10. Nice! And Heidi klum staged fall in red dress same day as berlin. I get knocked down I get up again. Got my eyes on Hoover dam. Could be an attack in New Orleans during Mardi gras.

  27. Just shut the fuck up, you have about as many brain cells as Manning.

  28. Zach attacks Christians verbally just like these radical crazy terrorists attack them physically. Shame.

  29. Tell me how many brain cells you have left after the colts eat them all when they shit the bed against oakland.

  30. Tell me how many brain cells you have left after the colts eat them all when they shit the bed against oakland.



    Magical Attributes of ANISE:

    Anise is associated with the element of air, the God APOLLO, the planets Mercury and Jupiter and the astrological sign Gemini. Anise is also considered masculine.
    Anise aids in divination and may be added to a ritual bath and/or burned while meditating or divining.
    Anise has been used as an offering to entice spirits to aid in magical operations.


    And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.

    The first terror is past, but look, two more terrors are coming!"

    The Terrorsuspect of Berlin is called "ANIS A." This is very interesting, "ANIS" in the German Language translates to "ANISE", a spice commonly called star anise, star anise seed, Chinese star anise or badiam that closely resembles anise in flavor is obtained from the star-shaped pericarp of the fruit of Illicium verum which are harvested just before ripening. Anis Bakeries and Cookies are classic German Christmas Traditions, the Name of the Terrorsuspect links to XMAS and APOLLO / ABBADON the Destroyer. THE WORLDFOUNTAIN AT THE EUROPA CENTER HAS THE KEY TO THE ABYSS IN AN ARTWORK ON THE FRONT!!

    ANISSTERN = 38 / 119 (Star Anise)
    MERCEDES BENZ = 56 / 119 (Rooftop fire, Mercedes Star)


    Fire = 38 e.O. (rooftop fire)
    Germany = 38
    Christmas = 38
    Killing = 38
    Death = 38
    Lukasz Urban = 38 e.R. (Polish Truckdriver, allegedly murdered)

    ISIS = 56
    Attack = 56

    1. "AMRI" Anagram = "I RAM" fits perfectly to the Story Headline "truck rams into Berlin Christmas market". The RAM is a symbol in Satanism and stands for Planet Saturn.

      Another supposed Identity of "Anis.A." is "Ahmed A." (A.A. again = 11, Antichrist Number)
      "Ahmed A." = 32 e.O.
      "RAM" = 32 e.O.

      ANISSTERN = 38 / 119 (Star Anise)
      Appolyon = 38
      Fire = 38 e.O. (rooftop fire)
      Germany = 38
      Christmas = 38
      Killing = 38
      Death = 38
      Lukasz Urban = 38 e.R. (Polish Truckdriver, allegedly murdered)

      Abbadon = 21

    2. Santa comes from Germany. Germany is supposedly famously a capricorn country. Also krampus.

    3. In Germany Santa Claus is called "Nikolaus". At the moment im experiencing with a special cipher, the "Carpenter Key". In this Cipher "Saturn" = 1776
      "Deutschland" = 1776 and "Nikolaus" = 1776. Here you find information to this cipher and a fantastic Gematria App calculating this Cipher, Infos here: (Download Chloos App)

    4. Water, air ,fire , earth.

      These sick fuckers are trying to control the elements in gods environment.
      Recreate life by their rules and control the population and make everyone worship Lucifer.

      Next is " breaking the glass ceiling"

      Aka the Firmament and by using human souls as collateral! Get ready it's going to get bumpy

    5. IM RA here to destroy believers of Christ and those with his mark (Et)

      Extra terrestrial
      Eternal time
      Extinction torment

    6. 1776 is like

      7/7/16 or 7/6/17

      Or 6/7/17


    7. Two days after Independence Day we get the fake Alien invasion under a Trump presidency lol

      This should be fun or Merica goes into civil war?

      Or they keep performing gay rituals for Satan and we keep decoding ?

      The movie " this is the end" has some really interesting P.O.V's

  32. The Berlinterror Attack, a Saturnalia / Sol Invictus Ritual.

    Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of deity Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December (the day the Suspect Anis Amri allegedly was killed). The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves.
    The Saturnalia reflects the contradictory nature of the deity Saturn himself: "There are joyful and utopian aspects of careless well-being side by side with disquieting elements of threat and danger." In sources of the third century AD and later, Saturn is recorded as receiving dead gladiators as offerings (munera) during or near the Saturnalia. These gladiator events, ten days in all throughout December, were presented mainly by the quaestors and sponsored with funds from the treasury of Saturn. The practice of gladiator munera was criticized by Christian apologists as a form of human sacrifice.[

    The date 17 December was the first day of the astrological sign Capricorn, the house of Saturn, the planet named for the god.
    The Saturnalia reflects the contradictory nature of the deity Saturn himself: "There are joyful and utopian aspects of careless well-being side by side with disquieting elements of threat and danger."
    As a deity of agricultural bounty, Saturn embodied prosperity and wealth in general. The name of his consort Ops meant "wealth, resources". Her festival, Opalia, was celebrated on 19 December. (Date of Terrorattack, Berlin)
    Its proximity to the winter solstice (21 to 23 December on the Julian calendar was endowed with various meanings by both ancient and modern scholars: for instance, the widespread use of wax candles could refer to "the returning power of the sun's light after the solstice".

    Sol Invictus:
    The theory dating from the 12th century, that the near-solstice date of 25 December for Christmas was selected because it was the date of the Roman festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti (Birthday of the Unconquered Sun) is challenged by some Christian scholars. Different explanations for the date similarity are considered to be "academically thoroughly viable hypotheses".
    Invictus ("Unconquered, Invincible") was an epithet for several deities of classical Roman religion, including the supreme deity Jupiter, the war god Mars, Hercules, Apollo, and Silvanus.

    The Terrorattack of Berlin was in the Time of Saturnalia, an obvious human sacrifice to Saturn and also tied to Sol Incivtus / Apollo (Apollyon) and the roman God of War, Mars (Ram / Ares / Aries). The 12 dead Victims are a hint to the Zodiac and the path of the Sun, Apollo. This fits perfectly to the Apollo / Ra / Sun Symbolism in the Nameconstruct of the Terrorsuspect "Anis Amri". The Christmasrelated Anise is an herbaceous annual plant "Anis" (=Anise, germ.) and its magical attributes are associated with Apollo, the Sungod. "Amri" = Anagram for "I RAM" or "I`M RA". Ra is the egyptian Sungod and a synonym for Apollo / Helios. Ram is Aries / Ares, also a synonym to Helios and associated with Mars, the Roman God of War.
    Also the Escape Route of the Terrorsuspect Amri connects to Sunsymbolism, Lyon = Lion, a sunsymbol and the symbol of the city of Milan is the biscione, a snake in the act of consuming a child, which was the emblem of the House of Visconti for centuries. This emblem contains the Dragon / Snake and Sun Symbolism, very similar to the Sun Symbolism of Anis (Anise associated with Apollo / Helios) and the Antichristian Symbolism of Apollo as Apollyon / Abbadon, the Destroyer. Also is the RAM an Emblem of Milan and connects to the Anagram of AMRI (I RAM) and the Headline "Truck RAMS X Mas Market".


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