Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 8, 2016

33 64 81 104 153 | Linda McMahon, of the WWE, appointed as Donald Trump's "Small Business advisor"

Get this, the mega corporation known as WWE, the wife of the head of that monster, Vince McMahon, is going to be Donald Trump's go to person for 'small business'.  Foxes guarding the hen house is nothing odd in Washington D.C., paradox land, but this move adds an unprecedented level of humor to it.

Can we all just laugh?  The Dump.  I really didn't think they would put him in, but here it is.  Just wait until 2020...

Notice she is currently 68, and was born in '48.
Donald John Trump = 68; Donald Trump = 48

Notice how her name gematria and birth numerology synch, as many of these celebrities do.

Linda = 3+9+5+4+1 = 22
Marie = 4+1+9+9+5 = 28
McMahon = 4+3+4+1+8+6+5 = 31
Linda Marie McMahon = 81

Linda = 12+9+14+4+1 = 40
Marie = 13+1+18+9+5 = 46
McMahon = 13+3+13+1+8+15+14 = 67 (North Carolina = 67) (Female = 67)
Linda Marie McMahon = 153 (153, often paired with '42) (Female = 42) (Lady = 42)

10/4/1948 = 10+4+19+48 = 81 (Linda Marie McMahon)
10/4/1948 = 10+4+(1+9+4+8) = 36 (When you sum 1 through 36, it totals 666)
10/4/1948 = 1+0+4+1+9+4+8 = 27
10/4/48 = 10+4+48 = 62
10/4 = 10+4 = 14

Jerusalem = 104
7/4/1776 = 7+4+17+76 = 104

This announcement came 64-days after her birthday, on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2016.

'WWE', as I have pointed out, has 'federal' connections.  I made that observation when it dawned on me that Donald Trump, the President elect, fought against Vince McMahon, the husband of Linda McMahon, in WrestleMania 23.

Wal-Mart = 88; Trump = 88; The Republican Party = 88

As for '56'.... President = 56; Rockefeller = 56; Washington D.C. = 56

Read about the numbers on Vincent Kennedy McMahon here:


  1. At this rate, Neil Degrassi will be Secretary of Education.

  2. lots of demons..dracos..sacrifices in wwe


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