Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Would you live in a shipping container house?

Someone has proposed this solution for homes in "Truthseekerville".  Personally, I don't know if I could live in a shipping container, but to each their own.  Just sharing as a reminder of the many options that are out there for creating a community and places for people to live.  There are many homeless people who would probably love a shipping container home.  The man who sent this to me is definitely excited about it.


  1. Tribute/references to WW1 strengthens.

    In the video footage from Mexico fireworks, there is a guy wearing red and white checkerboard west, right in front of camera. Masonic concept yes, but also the flag of Croatia. Croatia, formerly part of Yugoslavia, is in balkan where WW1 was SPARKED.

    Remember the term "Powder keg of Europe" or "Balkan powder keg".

  2. Back in my younger literally awake too long days, I had a friend who would say that one day the entire world will be paved over with asphalt and they will draw a little rectangle for everyone and that will be your LOT in life.

    That is what this reminds me of.

    1. I agree

      shipping container homes is someone else's plan for us, not of our own device

      there is a way for everyone to be a king or queen if no one wears a crown, that's the catch

    2. Reminds me of the apartments in The 5th Element

  3. Yes if I was deep into mountainous wilderness and had a good setup for food and water to live off the land. Pretty much a dream of mine to get out and live comfortably in the wild away from all this bullshit. When its time to go, and I think itll be soon I want nothing to do with what they got planned for the future of humans but until then imma live in suburbiaville.

  4. I saw this before, and some of them could be made into sick looking homes! I live in NYC, which is way overpopulated, and it stresses me out sometimes. Moving to the wilderness with me and a future family would be ideal, but it's a long ways away.

  5. No question I would if I worked out in the country or up north in the woods. Trying to find a small plat of land in the suburbs or cities to put a shipping container would easily cost over 100k alone and that's maybe for only a 1/4 acre or less.

  6. Just a reminder that SQUARE footage is made up like time and Gravity.
    Zack donate the money to the homeless!
    It's the right thing to do.

  7. My friend runs an oil pipe factory. He builds his offices out of shipping containers. Its becoming a "thing" here in Kuwait

  8. They aren't good structures to live in - condensation, thermal bridging, and any alteration dramaticly reduces its structural integrity. They are dificult to move too, unlike trailer homes/ tiny homes. It is cheaper to buy some off-the-shelf SIPs (Structural Insulated Panels) and build a similar size home.

    1. Yes. Its ok for temporary stays like offices and restaurants. But not yet as a "home"

    2. A friend did an AMAZING job stacking one on another and putting spiral stairs threw it. For offices

  9. as a human race we can do so much more with our resources than shipping container homes -I agree that it may be a step up for some, but don't limit yourself to thinking this is a good end
    we all need to remember what it is to be human because it is so much more than most of us think

    1. the movie Dr Strange is a perfect example
      YOU can conduct energy with your hands
      do not ever let anyone tell you otherwise

  10. I googled homes made out of recycled shipping containers and some of the designs are quite original. These homes don't even look like they were once shipping containers.


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