Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 30, 2017

33 38 59 86 123 | Google Doodle for Fred Korematsu, January 30, 2017, Interment Camp protester (In time of Donald Trump Muslim ban)

Today, January 30, 2017, the Google Doodle is for a man who objected to Japanese internment camps in the United States during the time of World War II.  Funny stuff, this ties in nicely with Friday's Holocaust Remembrance Day and Donald Trump's Muslim Ban, then the Mosque stories that followed in Victoria and Quebec.

Here's a Mason from history's past.

Fred = 6+18+5+4 = 33
Korematsu = 2+6+9+5+4+1+2+1+3 = 33

Fred would die on a date with a numerology of '33'.  It was also a date with '38' numerology, the 'death' number.

1/30/1919 = 1+30+19+19 = 69
1/30/1919 = 1+30+(1+9+1+9) = 51 (Conspiracy = 51/123)
1/30/1919 = 1+3+0+1+9+1+9 = 24 (Fred)
1/30/19 = 1+30+19 = 50 (America)
1/30 = 1+30 = 31

3/30/2005 = 3+30+20+05 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society)
3/30/2005 = 3+30+(2+0+0+5) = 40 (United States)
3/30/2005 = 3+3+0+2+0+0+5 = 13
3/30/05 = 3+30+05 = 38 (Death) (Killing)
3/30 = 3+30 = 33 (Fred) (Korematsu)

Notice he died in Marin County, or MC.

Marin County, CA is also on the 38th parallel.

Looks like the 'prophecy' clique got him.

ALSO, he died 59-days after his 86th birthday.  Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86

Hiroshima was bombed August 6, 1945, or 8/6, something like '86'.  That was also a date with '33' numerology.

8/6/1945 = 8+6+1+9+4+5 = 33

Let us not forget that the term "86'd" is said to originate from the year '33:

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