Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, January 19, 2017

33 | 'El Chapo' back in the headlines, January 19, 2017 +Setting the table for Donald Trump

The Mexican-America war ended on the 33rd day of the year, February 2, 1848.

Today is January 19, 2017.


All Seeing Eye = 119; Star of David = 119; Master Plan = 119; Donald = 119

It seems their prepping the table for Donald Trump, who has his Inauguration Day tomorrow, January 20, 2017.  His campaign targeted Mexico the nation often.  This can be a talking point in his campaign to build the wall.

Today is also the 16-year anniversary of his escape from prison, January 19, 2001.

16-year anniversary....


  1. Zack, Trump is breathing and living well.

    When's the next date? 😷

  2. Interesting about the prison break.

    Fits right in with the themes of Walls, wooden fences, chain link fences, prison chain gangs, prison towers, Trump Towers, The Man in the High Castle on Amazon, Russia back in the news, and Melania being raised in a communist country - behind the IRon Curtain.

    Inauguration tmrw

    An Augur was someone who interpreted the will of the gods by studying birds.

    I'm thinking optimistically because I like to, but it seems to me that all the symbolism is pointing to the invisable fence (think computer FIREWALL) around the US and possibly the world coming down.

    Revelation time!

    1. Off topic, I was rewatching the tvshow prison break. The 45th(male) president dies and the 46th president is a female in the show. so much of the series shows gematria throughout in so many hidden ways

    2. An Aruspex was the one trained to predict the future by inspecting the entrails of a sacrificed animal.

      Reading entrails
      Reading Hillary's emails

      So much wordplay going on

    3. Her name is Chelsea. She'll be getting more political soon.


  4. Towards the end of the article:

    “The removal of key personnel does not have a discernable impact on drug flows” = 331 with S exception {67th prime} Freemasonry=67

    “The day I don't exist, it's not going to decrease in any way at all” = 226

    “Two hundred twenty six” = 93
    Propaganda=93. Saturn=93

  5. Did he dig 33 feet to get here like he did to get out of prison?

  6. All Drug/War Lords are government agents.
    Joaquin Guzman Loera aka "El Chapo" which means "Shorty".

    "El Chapo" in the English Reduction system equals 33
    "Shorty" in the English Reduction system equals 33
    "CIA Agent" in the English Reduction system equals 33
    "Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán Loera "English Ordinal equals 303(or 33)
    "Thirty Three" in the English Reduction system equals 66
    "Government Agent" in the English Reduction system equals 72
    The Octal Numeral of "72" is "110"
    "President" in the English Ordinal system equals 110
    "Joaquin G Loera" in the English Reduction system equals 64
    The Octal Numeral of "64" is "100"
    "The Inaugural Ceremony" in English Reduction system equals 100

    Also,"The Inaugural Ceremony" in English Gematria equals 1954

    In 1954 "Operation Wetback" was formed as a system of tactical control between the US Gov't/Border Patrol and the Mexican government. Appointed by President Eisenhower, General Joseph May Swing supposedly created the program. Operation Wetback apprehended and deported Mexican laborers from 1954-1964.

    "Operation Wetback" in the English Reduction system equals 70
    The divisors of "70" sum to "144"
    "President Dwight D Eisenhower" in English Reduction equals 144
    "General Joseph May Swing" in English Reduction=102(Like 1/20)

    1. "Drug Lord" in the English Ordinal system equals 99(Like "66")
      "Thirty Three" in the English Reduction system equals 66

  7. 226 = 93 yup that's why they put them together at WTC

    match made in heaven = 990 = 146 = new jerUSAlem = united kingdom = annuit coeptis = financial crisis

    match made in heaven = 74 = masonic = lucifer = jesus = london = jewish = gospel = occult = tarot = GEMATRIA


    74 = holiday = 492

    oh...that makes sense...1492...Christopher Columbus


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