Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

44 45 46 84 119 197 | Donald Trump's victory speech, April 26, 2016, his wife's 46th birthday, and the November 8, 2016 election +Saturn's Magic Square

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His speech began at 9:58 PM, emphasis on 58.  This was months before the 58th Presidential & 58th Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2017, which was hosted by the 58-year-old Steve Ray.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

Donald Trump's April 26, 2016 'victory' speech was on his wife's 46th birthday, the man born in the year '46 and who received the Trump Tombstone on March 27, 2016.

3/27/16 = 3+27+16 = 46
4/26/16 = 4+26+16 = 46

CHAOS = 46

Notice above, it is 9:58 when Trump is shown on the News.

Trump Tombstone = 58; Freemasonry = 58; Secret Society = 58; United States = 58
For the 58th Inauguration Day, they hired a 58-year-old man to do the ceremonies
Trump won the 58th Presidential Election in 2016

Steve Ray = 115 (Name of 58-year old man hired for ceremonies)
Fifty-Eight = 115
Donald Trump becomes President with the 115th Congress

From the date of the speech, to him winning the election for the 45th President, was a span of 197-days.  197 is the 45th prime number.

From the date of the speech until the day he was announced President, November 9, 2016, was 197-days later.

Again, he was announced as the 45th President on November 9, or 11/9, matching his own name gematria.

4/26/1970 = 4+26+19+70 = 119

Recall, the sum of Magic Square of Saturn, is '45', and Trump was announced as the 45th President on November 9, 2016.  11/9... November 9...

*November 9 was the 27-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Notice Saturn also sums to '119' using Francis Bacon Gematria.

And recall where we began, with 197-days.

Let us close with one last point, that is the parallel between the Magic Square of Saturn and the United States of America.  Keep in mind Donald Trump is a Jesuit.

Don't forget the 84s on the man he has replaced, 'Obama', born 8/4, or August 4.
...and don't forget the divisors of 44 sum to 84... Obama #44, Trump 44th person to be President....
...Birther = 2+9+9+2+8+5+9 = 44


  1. From April 26th 2016, to his first birthday as president,
    June 14th 2017 = 1 year 1 month 19 days. 414 days total.

    April 26th was the 117th day in 2016.

    A bit of random stuff :)

    Pink Floyd, released a single called, 'High Hopes', from their album, The Division Bell, on, October 17th 1994. 10/17 or 117
    'Pink Floyd High Hopes' = 117 / 108
    The song runs 511 seconds. 511 = Saturn, reflection of 115.

    The album itself released on March 28th 1994.
    Last year, March 28th was the 88th day of the year. Trump = 88.

    'High Hopes' for Trump from the people ...
    'High Hopes' = 68 reduction. (Donald John Trump)

    Lyric from the song 'High Hopes':
    "The ringing of the division bell has begun".

    The B-side to the 'High Hopes' single was called, 'Keep Talking'. It features Stephen Hawking's voice box majig.

    'Pink Floyd Keep Talking' = 223. (48th prime). Donald Trump = 48.
    'Keep Talking' = 48 / 111 / 666.
    'Pink Floyd' = 49. ( Donald J. Trump = 49 ).

    Bit rabbly, but just some random stuff was lookin' at.


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