Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, January 20, 2017

44 58 84 110 115 | Trump's Inauguration, Prince's death & Purple Rain's release, all connected? +Prince's Donald Trump (Black Version)

With rain falling on Trump as he took the podium, a person was reminded of Prince's death and the album Purple Rain, in light of Mr. Purple, Trump, taking office.

Thinks about this....

United States of America = 84 (Prince's album out in '84, on Orwell's b-day)
Jesuit = 84 (Donald Trump the Jesuit)

The divisors of 44 sum to 84.

Prince died on the 44th parallel (93rd Meridian).  Trump is the 44th Person to be President, and he is also a Jesuit, again the divisors of 44 sum to 84.

Notice the release date of Purple Rain, June 25, 1984.  It connects to '115', and Donald Trump is taking office with the 115th Congress.

6/25/84 = 6+25+84 = 115
Fifty-Eight = 115

Purple Rain = 58
Freemasonry = 58
Secret Society = 58
Annuit Coeptis = 58

Donald Trump has just won the 58th Presidential Election, and had his Inauguration Day January 20, 2017, a date with 58 numerology.

1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58

Remember the headline on January 17, showing Donald Trump on a closing elevator door?  The headline coded '313', the 65th prime.  Prince = 65

Prince said I WOULD DIE 4 U, a song recorded 1983, 33-years before he was found dead on 4 / 21.

U = 21 4U = 4/21

I'm now reminded of this article written April 22, 2016, the day after his death was announced, about his song titled "Donald Trump (Black Version)", which he had written years earlier, for a group called "Time".

Time = 47
President = 47

In light of the transition from the first black President to The Dump, the (black version) thing makes this song all the more curious.

Black Version = 50
America = 50
Donald = 50

The last lyrics, a 90s love affair... it feels like it is being written for a future crowd, like us.


  1. Sadly Prince has been in on it all. His so called child he had but "died" was born on 10.16.1996=33 1+1+6+1+9+9+6=33.

    1. Great eyes.
      I'm reminded of how Prince knew about 9/11 before it happened, just like Trump, and others in "the gang".

    2. Yeah and the birth of his child is basically a hint at 9/11. 116 in reverse. All part of their plan.

    3. You know what else he knew before he died? Clemson and patriots win in 2017. In Super Bowl 41 he wore the colors orange and CYAN (blue& green mixed) green will be sacrificed in SUPERBOWL 51! Zach if you type down "sacrifice thirty three in you New gematria calculator you get the key numbers matching to pats and packers matchup.

    4. Also 33 is the true number to sacrifice. Trump receiving packers jersey is a gift they will lose as sacrifice. "GG" 33

    5. Make America great again is linking to patriots! Americas real team.

    6. That outfit Prince wore for the Super Bowl also looks just like a David Bowie outfit, plus they played where the Dolphins play and those are their colors and Prince even has a song called "Dolphin" about coming back as a Dolphin. Not to even mention his song "Sexuality" having these lyrics "What's to be expected is three minus three, oh, absolutely nothing". Can't deny he had talent but he was in with this gang sadly.

  2. It is popular knowledge that Princes' song, "Let's Go Crazy" the line that says, Are we gonna let the elevator
    Bring us down
    Oh, no Let's Go!" Is referring to Satan/the devil /evil. So, in regards to Trump's elevator pic, it seems like he is blatantly saying yes evil will bring you down.

  3. So prince was never a sacrifice for Vikings?

    1. Like I said when it happened.... the Vikings are hosting Super Bowl 52
      Prophecy = 52 (Prince has the quote about Prophecy)

  4. Prince changed his name to 'The Symbol' in of course, 1993. 93 for Saturn.
    He chose it as it mixed the symbols of male & female into one or a union. Much like the Twin Towers did, and One World Trade, representing the joining of the two, male & female into one.
    The symbol known as 'Love Symbol' = 41/s50.
    Also called,
    'The Artist' = 39/s48 (Donald Trump)
    'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince' = 151 (36th prime / basis for most 666's)
    EG. 1 though 36 summed = 666.
    The 36th triangular number of the tetractys = 666.

    'The Symbol' = 119 ( Trump election 11/9 & the rest)

    1. His album called, 'The Black Album', released on November 22nd 1994. Originally due for release on Dec. 8th 1987. A few of the tracks have numbers in the titles.

  5. Anybody notice how trump quoted "bane" from batman lmao anyone wanna guess what that equals in gematria ?! 58 LOL

  6. His goes back to the connection he had with batman and the two actors that died, if I remember correctly.

  7. Based on ARI FLEISCHER'S tweet DURING the 1/6/17 FL airport "shooting" hoax, I have a theory that something COULD unfold around Feb 13 or 14 (not speculating on WHAT ... just "Something Significant").

    Check out these movies coming out Feb 10:

    "The Lego BATMAN Movie"

    "John Wick: Chapter 2" ... Keanu REEVES as an ex-HITMAN
    (George REEVES played Superman on TV -- that might be a stretch, but wasn't there a "BATMAN vs SUPERMAN" movie?)

    "Stray Bullets" ... A HITMAN is after criminals & teens

    Then on Fri Feb 17 -- "The Great WALL" ... with Matt Damon

    At least it's obvious that the Movie Industry knew that Trump would "win".

    PlayStation 4 Games coming out Feb 14:

    SNIPER Elite 4

    The Walking Dead: A NEW FRONTIER ... wasn't it KENNEDY who referenced the NEW FRONTIER of "Space"?

    Anyway -- it all adds up to a heavy dose of SNIPERS, HITMEN, STRAY BULLETS, BATMAN & (of course) ... THE WALL. ;D

    1. Jackie Kennedy's second husband had an interesting name Aristotle Onassis.

    2. Apparently my comment didn't go through. The movie sing is a tribute to trump as Apollo. Mike pence is his sister Artemis. Look up paean.

    3. "According to some scholars the words are derived from the Doric word apella (ἀπέλλα), which originally meant "wall," "fence for animals" and later "assembly within the limits of the square.""

      The healer and bringer of plague. The trickster.

      Pig pen. Pigs flying mural in florida.

    4. Trump is a big deal to these people. He's going to usher in the age of aquarius. He even made clear Aquarian statements in his inauguration speech. Dawn of the 21st century.

  8. Don't forget, Prince did the soundtrack for Michael Keetons Batman movie.

    1. And "the founder" is out, starring Michael keaton.

    2. And he played beetlejuice, the trickster.

  9. They're saying someone is singing Purple RAIN at the Ball..


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