Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, January 9, 2017

Donald Trump, the latest retarded Republican President, attacks Meryl Streep (Look who the white trash party voted for this time)

Sorry Trumpster, you lost the popular vote by millions.  You lost big.  At least that is what it says in the very rigged history books.

I don't have too much to add.

But have you noticed that every Republican President in recent history has been either retarded, or losing their mind?

Donald Trump (Retarded)
George W. Bush (Really fucking retarded)
George H.W. Bush (Retarded)
Ronald Reagan (Losing his mind)

Like I always say, the GOP, the white trash party.


  1. It's scripted that way, it's a reflection of the "Deplorable" citizens.

    The other party, is full of deplorable free loaders.

    The Green Party is full of sociaopaths.

    The independent-live the overwhelmed by the other nut jobs.

    -NO PARTY /Non brainwashed society, live oblivious to politics.

    1. At least we can agree on the no party. I'm just sick of Republicans more than any other political group in the United States. These people are the absolute assholes of the world. To be a Republican means you have never watched C-Span, and much worse.

    2. I recently excommunicated my mentor for joining the GOP and trying to sell me on Trump.
      25 year relationship , poof!

    3. Lump them all into one, that's the easy way out, that's how a lazy mind works Zach. Real good.

  2. You forgot Richard Nixon, the fucking tool that orchestrated the drug war, and the Southern Strategy to put black people in jails across America.

    1. Yes, have you seen my video on Nixon's resignation and how it was all lined up for Gerald Ford? Check it out if not.

    2. Great video. It reminded me of the time I did support Bernie Sanders before I was awakened. Also, great historical context as well!

    3. Zach your political opinions are garbage, they do you discredit, please move on to another topic you are going to end up looking really bad if you keep slamming Trump like the pathetic main stream media, I thought you were better than that scum.

  3. And in our journey for truth we still get the angry political posts. This is the time we all need to unite and posts like these just keep us further apart.

    Stop feeding the agenda.

  4. zacc is liberal he controlled oppisition trump goat president

    1. Trump is going to be fucking AWESOME PREZ like we've never seen, is a legend already, we're back!

  5. Zach you might want to look into Iran Contra, Mena Arkansas, Bush and Clinton connections.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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