Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Glen Greenwald's new research on government sponsored internet trolling (Do you think this blog is targeted?)

Glenn Greenwald has done a lot of great research over the years.  He made it on my map in the early 2000s with what he exposed about Wal-Mart.  I know in the past, there have been times where I have disagreed with his perspective, but this man is largely on point, such as right here, what he is exposing about the government and it paying for online trolling of the truth.


  1. This blog is the epicenter of government trolling no doubt. The comment section is turning into a cesspool.

    1. NFL PLAY OFFS!!! VERY STRONG ON NFL PLAY OFFS!!! I have the winners and the selections ready for $$$ Also NBA PLAYS I PROVIDE. Message me on twitter @The_NFLprophet for more information

  2. NICE
    I am so happy to be part of spreading truth
    You can be right about some things and wrong about some things as long as the intention is pure.
    Learn from being wrong...
    Thanks for all you do

  3. No one is paying for people to troll your blog Zach, i know you like to say it because it makes you feel special but its not happening bro.

    1. Explain Mike Manning, Mike Smith, and Mikey James then

    2. NFL PLAY OFFS!!! VERY STRONG ON NFL PLAY OFFS!!! I have the winners and the selections ready for $$$ Also NBA PLAYS I PROVIDE. Message me on twitter @The_NFLprophet for more information

  4. I agree there are government trolls but Glenn Greenwald is part of the dis-info campaign big time. He was part of the "Snowden" affair.

  5. I tried to visit just now and my IP address has been blacklisted. This is where I learned about it and this is the only blog I comment on and I am pretty mad right now. Has this happened to anyone and how do I get un-blacklisted??? This just happened right now... I was using RidingTheBeast Calculator all weekend long too

  6. No problems getting to the calculator but you might like Derek's Gematrinator - it's amazing.

  7. NFL PLAY OFFS!!! VERY STRONG ON NFL PLAY OFFS!!! I have the winners and the selections ready for $$$ Also NBA PLAYS I PROVIDE. Message me on twitter @The_NFLprophet for more information

  8. Ah, poor you; is synagogue closed for the day? Go find a 'wailing wall', khazar-boy.

  9. Not a big Greenwald fan. " “censorship” is a neutral term, not a negative one." Really? I think it's negative, lol.
    "having to delete comments that are either derogatory, offensive, or anything else opposing the purpose"; sounds fairly subjective, i.e., in this case Greenwald gets to decide what constitutes trolling. Maybe you simply disagree, though you are not allowed to, because if you do, you are a troll - how convenient. Why not let the general public decide? Yeah, I like Greenwald even less after this nonsense. Re: whether or not this blog is targeted? Yes, apt to be targeted due to the nature of it's content.

  10. Thank you for sharing this article. There's also a lot of interesting information linked within it.

    I like how you pointed out that although you don't agree with Greenwald on everything -- that doesn't negate the value of ALL his other work.

    This country pays a lot of lip service to "tolerance" & "acceptance of others" -- including their ideas & beliefs.

    But in practice -- people are far too quick to totally dismiss each other -- simply because they disagree on a few points here or there.

    Meaningful Conversation -- the kind that broadens our knowledge & enhances our lives -- has been replaced with "Pick A Side & Regard All Who Oppose It As Your Enemy".

    The result is that nobody ever learns much beyond certain limits, & a lot of everyone's time is wasted in useless, tit-for-tat arguing.

    The Art Of Listening -- & the Ability To Comprehend What We Hear -- are also skills that have practically grown extinct. When everyone's simply waiting for the next chance to get their own word in ... a lot of great information may be passed around -- but no one's ever going to absorb it.

    You're setting a Good Example by SHOWING that everything doesn't have to be All or Nothing.

    And ... YES! There's abundant proof that you -- & your sites -- ARE being targeted ... very heavily.

    From the inability of myself & others to post on your vids, to the hateful Trolls that fill up the comments instead ... & even the personal attacks you've endured ...

    There's no question that you & your work are targets.

    Not just by one single group or organization -- but by several ... each of them with their own reasons.

    You're fighting a war with many fronts -- which is Very Difficult no matter what the circumstances are.
    When your adversaries are well-organized, numerous & well-heeled -- it becomes a quest that few would have the stomach -- or heart -- for.

  11. Zachary has you wrapped around his little finger, huh? Not everyone who can see through his bullshit is a "jew shill".


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